Sentences with phrase «old way of thinking»

It hardly feels connected to the larger universe at all and there's definitely evidence of the sort of old ways of thinking about comic book movies in here.
As more multicultural students enter the classroom, educators have to continually challenge old ways of thinking about culture.
Get an education in the real world and leave your 2000 year old way of thinking behind... time to grow up little girl.
People can change if they are helped to appreciate how their faith is limited by old ways of thinking.
Meeting ourselves with forgiveness and self - love is like letting some sun and fresh air into this stale old way of thinking.
Listening to the people who love, hate or ignore the news allows us to break through old ways of thinking and truly address user needs.
As a rule, you want to be continually challenging and adapting old ways of thinking while pushing yourself just beyond your comfort zone.
Often, we don't want to confront old ways of thinking or change our actions.
As much time is spent on their story arc as any other, which does occasionally blur the thematic resonance of the story to be more about the new culture of India vs. the traditional class and matchmaking structure, but one can also read into this the angle that India, like the building and its residents, is an old country that must also find new life through new ideas, not getting stuck in old ways of thinking at the cost of growth.
Disruptive has become a popular and positive term for companies or technologies that change old ways of thinking.
And whenever I find myself slipping back into old ways of thinking, I remember my wife's question: «How many orphaned kids from an unknown farming town graduated from high school and have an undergrad degree or a Ph.D.?»
In fact, Jesus seemed to at times stoke doubt, ultimately allowing old ways of thinking to break away to new understandings of God.
My experience as an applicant for judicial appointment prompted me to wonder: if a state wants a more diverse judiciary, why apply old ways of thinking, where the same factors are considered regardless of background?
«It takes time to break old ways of thinking,» Gins burg adds.
You have changed my 5 year olds way of thinking about «gross» things like onions, garlic and of course limes!
[Response: No, it wasn't a glitch and if you call: «Unfortunately this situation is so critical that we just can't wait for scientists entrenched in old ways of thinking to save the ecosystem from total collapse», perfectly pleasant, then I'd hate to see what you consider hostile.
In the end, the best assassins and the best entrepreneurs know that preparation, adaptability and responsiveness, coupled with self - preservation and someone in your corner, are the keys to survival, whether you're killing people, or killing an old way of thinking with a brand new startup.
Indeed, when confronted with the news that Apple had eclipsed Microsoft in market cap, CEO Steve Ballmer trumpeted the company's dominance in the PC market as evidence of its stability — which, says Bonner, «illustrates the old way of thinking
New Year's resolutions simply don't work until you let go of the old ways of thinking that prevent you from bringing in the new.
In the workplace, employees display vulnerability every time they bring up a new idea at a meeting or challenge an old way of thinking.
Get rid of the old way of thinking about sunk costs, compliance departments and cost centers.
It is the year where you get to take chances on yourself and prove to yourself that you do not have to conform to your old ways of thinking, and instead can choose more organic methods to living.
But there are too many people entrenched in the old ways of thinking, causing personal and societal problems.
That's the old way of thinking
That's an artifact of an old way of thinking about social media: Flood your page with posts and hope one or two stick.
But, as it happens, we have a defense against this barbarity, an old way of thinking about these things that has not quite gone out of fashion.
You must use some ideas to describe the phenomena, some way of thinking, and that way of thinking is generally the old way of thinking.
The old way of thinking is whatever is at hand.
It's a new paradigm guys... the old way of thinking is finished.
Old ways of thinking about the world, the habits of the old way of life can lead her to doubt the promises of the new life in Christ.
«I don't think this means Protestant America is over,» I told the AP, «but I do think it means the old way of thinking about Protestant America is over.»
Science changes and adapts and if the incoming data invalidates the old way of thinking then the theory changes to match the new knowledge..
Similarly, Jürgen Moltmann began his 1967 Ingersoll Lecture by observing that the old ways of thinking about the future life «have dried up like fish in a drained pond.»
Changing old habits and old ways of thinking.
We have to die to old ways of thinking, feeling, and acting before we can be reborn to a new and better self.
It's funny, though; when we present these ideas to the community at large, people can not get past the old ways of thinking about marriage.
I guess that old way of thinking didn't really work out too well.
«You won't find the answers to tomorrow's questions in yesterday's answers, in recrafting, reinventing, old ways of thinking, old theories, that are not relevant to the project ahead.»
Therefore, successful implementation of work / family policies depends on establishing a culture of active management and support, without which the MSPB report suggests «old ways of thinking will inhibit both employees and management from realizing the benefits of work and family programs.»
This study is a boon for the old way of thinking about dietary advice, and it totally ignores that one of the biggest merits of LCHF is the ability to comply without feeling hunger.
In Corpse Pose, we symbolically «die» to our old ways of thinking and doing.
The old way of thinking states that even if you had a cheat meal / cheat day, if you didn't go back to your regularly scheduled meals, you'd do more harm than good.
Get rid of the old ways of thinking with dumbbells and even kettlebells.
Abandon your old way of thinking and adopt a new outlook: that contentment can be found right here, right now.
UNLEARN the old way of thinking, doing, believing and let go of the same old assumptions and limited opinions about how ALL men and ALL women are!
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