Sentences with phrase «old ways»

mitigate your environment, food / water and exercise to go with the seasons and the old ways and you'll prevent it from occurring.
Cook's Illustrated and America's Test Kitchen: Holiday Cookies, December, 2010 «Sight, touch, and instinct are age - old ways to gauge when food is done, but for consistent results, none is as reliable as taking the food's internal temperature... The test kitchen's go - to thermometer for any task is the ThermoWorks Super-Fast Thermapen...» (page 15)
This implies a built - in acceptance that one will revert to their old ways after the diet is «over».
With each new year, fresh trends and ideas emerge, while old ways begin to fade.
Thanks to this site I see no need to go back to my old ways of eating dairy or eggs.
It means we are reconnecting to the old ways, the ways peoples have lived and thrived for thousands of years.
In fact, I wouldn't go back to my old ways if you paid me for how much my mental health has improved since I've adopted certain health habits over the last 10 years.
Even when the economy improves, Adams doesn't expect customers to go back to their old ways.
I made the creme brulee french toast for Valentine's Day this year and will never go back to old ways!
«We've tried a lot of these innovations, but it seems the old ways are the best,» he says.
Changing old habits and old ways of thinking.
We have to die to old ways of thinking, feeling, and acting before we can be reborn to a new and better self.
The old ways of making decisions when the company was smaller won't be as effective now that the company is larger, McFall says, and the company is retooling its structure and investing in leadership development in order to be prepared for the future.
Of course, we know from Jewish history that this repentance did not last long, for very soon after Jesus began his ministry, many of the Jews reverted back to their old ways of living, and ended up rejecting Christ as the Messiah, and this led them deeper and deeper into sin, until in A.D. 70 they did experience the negative consequences of sin, and the nation of Israel was destroyed.
But they are slow to turn from their old ways, the reprobates.
But we don't what they did... did their lived change or did they go back to their old ways.
February 10 - 11: Big Tent Christianity — Phoenix, Arizona Thursday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. at The Church of the Beatitudes I'll be joining Brian McLaren, Marcus Borg, Carol Howard Merritt, Nadia Bolz - Weber, and many more to talk about new and old ways of being and becoming the Church.
Similarly, Jürgen Moltmann began his 1967 Ingersoll Lecture by observing that the old ways of thinking about the future life «have dried up like fish in a drained pond.»
conservatives want to preserve the old ways - liberals embrace the new.
The god I know from the Bible is an abusive jerk who rules through fear and intimidation, and I am glad that I have nothing more to do with him — and I'm even happier that I've decided to return to the old ways of my ancestors, because at least we Heathens aren't afraid of science (and unlike the Talibangelicals, we freely admit that our story of creation is a myth).
The dark skinned Lamanites at one point worshipped a religion of warfare (confirmed by archeology of Mesoamerica) according to the Book of Mormon converted from their blood - thirsty religion and as a sign of their conversion to not return to their old ways buried their blood stained weapons and vowed to never shed blood again.
There are many illustrations of their nostalgic attachment to the old ways, such as their tendency to escape into the desert for sports and physical and spiritual refreshment, the practice of sending their children to be reared in Bedouin encampments to protect them from the effects of city life, and the legends of the desert which beguile their evening hours.
The opponents held to the old ways.
The old ways of the rich and privileged old men who run the RC church are numbered and don't think they're going to go down without a fight.They are much akin to a komodo dragon.
Our old ways of explaining ourselves to ourselves are not large enough to accommodate a world made paradoxically small by our technologies, yet larger than we can grasp.
The preacher said this morning that adults are too satisfied with the «old self» and the «old ways» and we just said, «Well, there isn't anything you can do about it.»
• One theme running through World War Z, a book that describes the world after a zombie apocalypse and is (don't laugh) surprisingly good, is that the old ways of doing things continue even in an unprecedented and extreme crisis.
For Paul, Messiah has come, the old ways of being the people of God are over.
The immigrant minister faced the task of maintaining sufficient contact with the old ways so as to preserve the roots of faith while also adapting his ministry to the new environment.
She is openly struggling with the old ways so she can see things in a new way, all while keeping her faith.
Furthermore, I agree with my colleague Altizer that, far from experiencing God in the old ways of biblical, medieval, or modern times, the epiphany of God in our day in the West takes the form of total presence of divinity (TP).
Conservative adaptation shows up in the studied silence (one writer called it trivialization) maintained on controversial issues, and in the pervasive rhetoric of retrieval — the old ways, doctrines or distinctive denominational traditions.
At each juncture, God calls his people to shed old ways and old names, to die to old routines and ways of life, including ways of life God himself has established.
But typically, within a few months, old habits creep back in, old ways of living continue.
This newness, however, is strangely blended with old ways of thinking and nowhere is consistency to be found, either in the imaginative pictures or the intellectual categories used.
Sometimes we outgrow our old ways and we need some new ideas.
(Usually, he's the one reminding me that those old ways don't fit a Jesus - shaped life, not anymore.)
Once you make a decision to believe and accept Jesus as your one and only Savior, and are baptized not just in water, but in the holy spirit, you are proclaiming you are leaving your old ways behind and living your life in and through our lord Jesus Christ, you have just made a decision to walk through the narrow gate (which is very difficult).
Conflicted and failing to adapt to a world moving toward greater justice and uncertainty, they double down on old ways that aren't just outmoded but are mortally flawed.
No need to set our faces sternly against the massive cultural power of the academic and media establishment if we qualify any peculiar practices we retain by the qualification: We're open to change, that is, you progressives may be right» in fact it seems you are, so please excuse our very temporary clinging to old ways here, we're just waiting for the right (that is left) revelation to come along, let's hope sooner rather than later...
We knew the old ways in the world of darkness.
The show focuses on Pius XIII (Jude Law), a young American Pope who sets out to shake up the old ways of doing business.
Old ways of thinking about the world, the habits of the old way of life can lead her to doubt the promises of the new life in Christ.
People can change if they are helped to appreciate how their faith is limited by old ways of thinking.
The task for Connie and Steve is to sort out whether they simply do not have enough in common anymore to make possible a mutually satisfying marriage, or whether it is simply that her rebelliousness toward the old ways and his resistance to the new ones are still getting in the way.
We can not underestimate the power of forgiveness and restitution, and the power of making things right, of turning from our old ways and moving forward into justice with renewed purpose and focus.
The roman satyrs co-opted the symbol of «Yegdrassil» to form the perverse torture devise called the «cross» and used it as a cynical way to kill muses of the old ways.
Facing conflict burns down those old ways, giving space for something young, new, and stronger to emerge.
When the Methodist movement began to grow, John Wesley faced the problem of dealing with converts who returned to their old ways.
Men can be converted, and can experience a new spirit which shatters old ways and releases them to live with decency and kindness.
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