Sentences with phrase «old wheeze»

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My five - year - old patients in particular, wheezing after family fights, obviously need the more sophisticated grasp of orgasm which Dr. Perls apparently provided to his clients.
They found that among babies under six months, those who had older siblings or were in daycare were more likely to have asthma symptoms such as wheezing.
Breastfed babies have lower risk for developing recurrent wheezing when they are older (age 6 or more).
Faced with political oblivion in the last parliament, Osborne reached for the same old tool box with Funding for Lending, Help to Buy and other wheezes.
5 Emailing fellow MPs about one's plot could have been a good wheeze, avoiding the need for old - fashioned, tell - tale huddling in corners.
A previous report from URECA that assessed the microbiome of house dust collected in the first year of life suggested that exposure to certain bacteria during infancy may protect 3 - year - olds from recurrent wheezing, a risk factor for developing asthma.
Babies that had low or undetectable levels of four bacteria — Lachnospira, Veillonella, Faecalibacterium, and Rothia — at 3 months old all went on to show early signs of asthma — wheezing and skin allergies — at a year old.
Years later, when the children were around 8 years old, they evaluated them for things like doctor - diagnosed asthma, wheezing, hay fever, eczema, atopy (also known as the genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases), serum total IgE (a common way to test for allergic disease), and lung function.
The movie is a turgid, swollen, wheezing old contraption, a crashing bore of special effects in which the most exciting moment gives us two ships sitting in water sending cannon balls at each other for what seems like hours on end.
By the time he said, «All right, my turn,» my muscles were on fire and I was wheezing like an engine full of old gas.
For example, 6 and 7 year old children who lived with a bird during their first year of life were more likely to have respiratory symptoms like wheezing compared to children who did not have a bird in the home as an infant.15 Likewise, researchers say that the timing of when a pet is in the family is also important.
Question: I Have A Pomeranian That Is Approx. 15 Years Old And He Has A Cough And Wheezing Sound.
A three - month old domestic shorthair cat presented for an acute episode of wheezing and what the owner perceived as trying...
Since then his reign of terror seemed to have ended so that the odd - nosed citizens of Old London Town could wheeze a sigh of relief.
The partnership began when McCall wanted to reengage sound after a turn toward digital projection removed the incidental sound that used to accompany his use of old film projectors, with all their wheezing and whirring.
Patient 16: An 8 year old rejected refugee claimant from Africa who suffers from asthma begins coughing and wheezing more severely because he and his mother can no longer afford medical care after their IFH coverage is revoked (September 2012).
His Honda Civic was 14 years old, an age where Lyle probably gave some serious thought to Old Yellering that wheezing bucket to end the sufferiold, an age where Lyle probably gave some serious thought to Old Yellering that wheezing bucket to end the sufferiOld Yellering that wheezing bucket to end the suffering.
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