Sentences with phrase «old wiring causes»

Not exact matches

Plumbing — Just like wiring, old plumbing is more likely to fail and possible cause serious water damage.
Long story short, there was some major arcing going on between the two live wires in there, and would have caused the old fabric coating around the wires to catch fire if I hadn't shut the power off.
• Accidental poisoning from medicines and cleaning and sanitizing products • Cluttered play areas create tripping hazards • Age - inappropriate toys can become choking hazards • Damaged toys can cause injury with sharp edges or exposed mechanisms • Old carpeting and dirty floors can harbor allergens, bacteria and disease • Exposed electrical cords, wires or cords on window treatments are a potential danger • Art supplies like glue, paint, scissors and staplers can cause injury in the wrong hands • Adult - sized furniture, sinks and cabinets can contribute to falls
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