Sentences with phrase «old word»

This recent listing appeared to have French old word charm in mind.
Aesir is just a very old word for the traditional gods of Scandinavia.
Open your manuscript file, whether it be the plain old Word document you and your editor have been working from or the interior of your POD paperback, all laid out nice and stuff, and eliminate anything that just doesn't work in an e-book.
Document files are a problem for older word processors and for word processors where macro protection has been disabled.
But let us assume for a moment that the pope cited Emperor Old Word because he meant to initiate — however inartfully — a candid conversation with believers and nonbelievers about faith and reason and about religion and violence in the modern world.
Did the pope cite Emperor Old Word because he was grieving the loss of Constantinople as a major Christian center?
look how silly you all are... You let 3 thousand year old words on a piece of paper tell you how to be a human... and you are failing miserably at it.
The authors who have received these not so polite threats of having their books pulled from Amazon (costing them their rankings and their reviews, even if Amazon later realizes the error and reinstates the book) have repeatedly stated that they are entitled to use a very old word in their titles.
I see our resident expert and judge on child abuse, chief has entered the conversation parroting like a worn out record his same old words that take little thinking and don't really engage in the topic at hand but just spout the same old rhetoric.
Our term «Earth», consequently, is derived from a much older word which meant simply «the ground», or «the opposite of the sea» — much the way the word «earth» can be used today.
Most of these documents only exist today in printed form, others are formatted in an array of PDFs and old Word docs.
This way may be described in old words by the sentence: «God is in heaven and man is on earth and man can not live on earth unless he recognizes the heaven above it.»
In Maryland, association leaders have used good old word of mouth to recruit minorities for the Maryland Association of REALTORS ® Leadership Academy.
He just lives in 2000 year old words where he talked through burning bushes, parts seas, carves stone tablets with commandments on them, creates mules with wings that people can fly to heaven, feeds thousands with one fish and one loaf of bread.
When old words die out on the tongue New melodies break forth from the heart And where the old tracks are lost New country is revealed with its wonders7
Join Masters of Wine Matt Deller MW, Bree Boskov MW and Mary Ewing Mulligan MW to explore the similarities and differences between classic Old Word and New World red wines today.
What is needed now, if there is to be meaningful success in the conservation (what a fuddy - duddy old word) battle, is a cooler eye.
Add Endings To Words Practice adding endings to new or old word wall words.
Third, old Word Perfect (which rocked) does not convert well into e-books.
Here's a very old Word docx you can download with a summary of investment management terms here.
During that time Borisov photographed the alternative lives of artists in Moscow against the backdrop of old word Russian monuments and architecture.
If the state provides a pitiful argument for guilt, the defense is not supposed to have to do anything; the case should fall on its lack of merit, but in fact older wordings of the instruction can leave jurors expecting the defense to now create a doubt.
And, as Jeremy Bentham mocked in 1843, is their claim that special old words make contracts precise nothing more than a «sham plea»?
Turns out it's a pretty old word that, when used with «the,» means the bulk or the greater part of something, and by extension, a large number or quantity.
The exact release date of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is not yet know, its still the same old word: «Early 2015.»
Random story that doesn't really have a point other than the fact that I have to laugh at myself teaching my three - year - old words like monochromatic.
We should also be clear on the context of dialogues such as the one cited by the pope between Emperor Old Word and an unnamed Persian scholar.
I love listings that have a Shakespearean quality to them, like this one I ran into this week: «This home is a mix of old word charm and modern amenities.»
They started out with a patchwork solution composed of Evernote, Gmail, Skype and good old Word, but soon «realized that Gmail didn't allow us much structure.
«While that may be interpreted by some as permission to do whatever we please towards other creatures and to the land, Professor Nahum Rakover cites the nearly century - old words of Rav Kook giving a different, more tempered view of human's proper relationship towards nature:
It «is a matter of using new words as well as arguing from premises phrased in old words...» Pragmatists like Dewey can help by showing us ways to redescribe and thereby reconstruct our sense of self and community.
i appreciate what you said bob because i think «spirituality» is an old word many don't understand anymore, understandably.
But the old words, barring eunuchs from the assembly and limiting the access of foreigners, claimed authority too.
The kids unwrap their small Valentine's and maybe this is a season for the soul, a time for love because maybe, as Lent literally is an old word about lengthening, about spring — this is a season of more, a season of growth.
In Modern Culture, probably his best book, Roger Scruton remarks that «enlightened people often mock the controversies surrounding the liturgy, and profess not to understand the desire for the old words, save for «aesthetic reasons».
Ironic and contradictory, because each property here attributed by the psalmist to the Lord is that of a person, one whose love is active and (in the old word) prevenient.
«Shame» is commonly held to derive from an older word meaning «to cover».
This story reminds us that sin — if we can dust off that old word — was in Noah and is in us, even in the good guys.
They keep the old wording because they don't want to print up a new batch.
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