Sentences with phrase «old wrong message»

They cut the plate into fourths to make it appear like a diet of moderation, but looking past the different colors, it's clearly the same old wrong message.

Not exact matches

It's like playing that old childhood game of «telephone» but the first person in the line was a mentally challenged kid with Tourrette's Syndrome; the message wasn't all that great in the first place, and you're still getting it wrong anyway.
No, it's the wrong message By Kathy Gillen «It won't hurt much,» I told my two - year - old, Paige, as she waited for her immunizations.
Some said that it sends the wrong message (like my six months old should instead learn self - control and discipline not to slurp on my hair, clothes, and necklaces) but -LSB-...]
I don't know that weaning your child at 3 years old causes attachment issues, but combining that concept with the wonder of breastfeeding sends the wrong message.
The definition of being «wrong» has changed as well: in the old days it probably meant that you were going off message, but now it's more likely to involve actual factual errors (if all you're putting out is a spun message, you're probably not even in the game).
This knee - jerk whining was Albany old - think at its worst - and sent a wrong message to school boards and superintendents across the state.
There are legions of maxims in the living lore of our common culture, and many, like the Golden Rule, bear a moral message: «Two wrongs don't make a right» (ancient Scots); «You are only as good as your word» (early American); «Honesty is the best policy» (Cervantes, Ben Franklin); «It's better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness» (old Chinese proverb).
In playBook OS2 the new email box shows the emails but no content with the message «no body found» the old email box shows the message as does my 9900 what have I done wrong
The Alliance Mission «A Kindly Old Monster» now gives a more appropriate error message if players attempt to deploy a probe in the wrong location.
I'm sure there excellent ideas for specific things that one can do contained in this book, and so there has value, but the important part of the message is old news, and wrong in some respects.
Old, outdated resumes and profiles can send the wrong message.
After all, a cluttered or messy garage may send the wrong message to a prospective buyer as it's next to impossible to visualize what a garage can offer if all buyers are seeing are old boxes, oily floors and junk piled everywhere.
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