Sentences with phrase «old.his walking speed»

Previous studies have offered some suggestions, however, including mirroring the body language of a conversational partner, matching others» walking speed, and simply smiling.
«Personality not only influenced walking speed, it also affected how gait changed over time.
Those who scored lower on neuroticism and higher on extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness had a slower decline in walking speed compared to their counterparts,» reports Medical Daily.
It's a well - worked move that transitioned to walking speed to sprint in less than a second after Coutinho played his pass.
Then, they measured the distance between the footprints and used an equation based on observations of living, walking bipeds to estimate the dinosaur's walking speed, yielding a result between 4.5 and 8 kilometers per hour (2.8 to 5 miles per hour), they report online this month and in a forthcoming print issue of Cretaceous Research.
A rare set of tyrannosaur footprints is giving researchers insight into the walking speed of the prehistoric beasts, and it's possible that humans might have been able to outrun them.
With the new reconstruction, paleontologists can now analyze the trackways and better determine things such as the sizes, motions, and walking speeds of the dinosaurs that left the footprints — which, in turn, may reveal whether an ancient predator really «chased» its prey along an ancient shoreline or merely ambled by at about the same time.
In a series of images taken over three days in January 2016, Hubble showed 25 fragments consisting of a mixture of ice and dust that are drifting away from the comet at a pace equivalent to the walking speed of an adult, said UCLA astrophysicist David Jewitt, who led the research team.
The fragments are drifting away from the comet, dubbed comet 332P, at a leisurely pace, roughly the walking speed of an adult.
From what I can tell, the ancient Martian stream had water about waist - deep flowing at walking speed.
Two main risk factors for the progression and worsening of pain and decreased in function capacity are increased body mass, in particular fat mass and slower walking speeds.
Their walking speed and other clinical and quality - of - life measures will be assessed.
While receiving deep brain stimulation, rats showed a noticeable improvement in treadmill walking speed and endurance.
+ Loss of fat was associated with faster walking speed, while loss of muscle was associated with reduced knee strength.
The 5 quarts of blood an adult male continually pumps (4 quarts for women) flow at an average speed of 3 to 4 mph — walking speed.
Another often - used measuring stick is walking speed.
It reacts to changing terrain and different walking speeds much like a natural human foot, facilitating a normal gait and allowing its users to push off the ground with seven times as much power as is possible with the best of its predecessors, all while expending less energy.
Sometimes the team released gas traveling a leisurely average walking speed of a few kilometers per hour; other times, they let the gas flow 100 times faster.
But mission managers decided to go ahead anyway, and just past 4 a.m. EST on Wednesday, Philae slipped out of Rosetta's grasp at walking speeds.
However, similar decreases in walking speed and reaction time in typical adults as they age increase their risk of falls.
The average person's walking speed equates to about 3,600 steps an hour, which means MINT performs that many reference position updates as a user walks around.
• Maintain a faster walking speed than is natural for you.
From the benefits of social living to average walking speed, cities great and small have more in common than you might think, a physicist says
Initial results show that information can be read from distances of up to a metre and at walking speeds of 0.8 metres per second.
Once in motion, Philae will drift down, unpowered, over the course of 7 hours, striking the surface at walking speeds.
Three different systems have been suggested by different organisations, as well as a wider term — «dysmobility syndrome» — which encompasses several adverse factors, including sarcopenia, along with low walking speed and osteoporosis.
After several hours of training, the robot could cruise at walking speed down a busy hallway without tripping up anyone nearby.
Their walking speed and accuracy of movement along with their movement awareness were then recorded and analysed.
In both tests, walking speed and slope were gradually increased until the patients felt they couldn't go any further.
The researchers then used a frailty screening tool to identify frail older adults by measuring grip strength and walking speed, and asking questions about weight loss, fatigue and levels of physical activity.
The researchers observed similar associations between autoantibody levels and decline in grip strength and walking speed in the Chicago population.
The study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, looked at 3,166 adults aged 60 or over from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and compared their performance in tests of memory and walking speed.
The memory and walking speeds of adults who have lost all of their teeth decline more rapidly than in those who still have some of their own teeth, finds new UCL research.
The results showed that the people with none of their own teeth performed approximately 10 % worse in both memory and walking speed tests than the people with teeth.
So far, the robot's average walking speed, including all computation, is 21 metres per hour: about the same as the average Post Office queue.
«Our model will use data including walking speed, step length and rhythm of walking plus other parameters to see if we can pick up changes as the disease progresses or at risk individuals develop Parkinsonism.
Prior to the six - week period, the control group performed better than the experimental group, but by the end of the period both the gait velocity (walking speed) and stride length showed significantly greater improvement in the experimental group than in the control group.
A dozen new footprints from the S1 (N = 11) and S2 (N = 1) trails are sufficiently complete to estimate the body sizes of their makers (again, presumably A. afarensis) as well as approximate walking speeds.
As part of a large survey of possible planet - hosting stars, Lovis and his colleagues used the powerful HARPS (for High Accuracy Radial - Velocity Planet Searcher) spectrograph at La Silla Observatory in Chile, 2,400 meters above sea level, which can detect stellar motions with precisions of less than one meter per second, roughly the walking speed of a human being.
Previous studies, monitoring walking speed and jumping height, have suggested that HRT reduces the impacts of age - related decline in muscle mass and strength.
Walking speed and aerobic endurance started to decline a bit later, on average in participants» 60s and 70s.
The average walking speed is around 3 miles an hour, and according to the Mayo Clinic, the number of calories you will burn largely depends on the speed of your walk.
Walking speed and aerobic endurance started to decline a bit later, on average in participants»
Fat loss was linked to quicker walking speeds, while muscle loss was linked to reduced strength of the knee.
There is a non-linear relationship between walking speed and rate of calorie burn.
They also had a greater improvement in their walking speed compared to the control group.
I think the current walking speed you're doing is great so stick with that!
7 min warmup Starting at 3.0 mph — 3.6 3.7 mph is where the power walking speed begins, increase by 0.1 mph every minute till you get to 4.0 mph
As for the walking, I try to stay at 3.5 or more for fat burn, but I'm wondering now how to figure out your ideal power walking speed?
A good walking speed would be between 3 - 4 mph and a good jogging speed would be 5 - 6 mph.
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