Sentences with phrase «older medications»

Doctors are also discovering new uses for older medications, creating additional opportunity for mistakes.
Similarly, dispose of old medications and be sure current medicines, even over-the-counter varieties, are locked safely away.
Do not use old medication for your dog without first consulting your veterinarian because medications do have expiration dates, and the vet may recommend something different this time.
Older medications usually have more of a «track record» and more information is available about their use by breastfeeding mothers.
There is still controversy as to whether the inexpensive, decades - old medication works just as well as the new drug.
But he also stressed his disapproval of big price increases for old medications like the heart drugs Nitropress and Isuprel and promised that such pricing practices would change, especially with the arrival of new incoming CEO Joseph Papa of Perrigo (prgo).
What To Do With Old Medications and Sharps Waste Don't flush it or throw it in the trash!
Unlike various predecessors, most of which fell by the wayside because of side effects, Contrave combines two older medications into one that experts hope will help push off the pounds — safely.
Rotates stock, moving older medication to the front of the shelf so it is used before expiration date.
Neuropsychology is closely linked to psychopharmacology, and neuropsychologists frequently research new medications as well as the effects of older medications.
The slight miss was largely attributed to a difficult sales landscape for some older medications.
As it turns out, older medications (tricyclic antidepressants) are indeed linked with an increased risk of asthma.
Another, related, but older medication, metoclopramide (Maxeran ™), is also known to increase milk production, but it has frequent side effects which have made its use for many nursing mothers unacceptable (fatigue, irritability, depression).
Working with Dr. Jonathan Cole until his death, Dr. Bodkin has long pursued the study of new and old medications for depression and anxiety.
Some detox reactions are caused by the things that you're doing to aid in detoxification, like juicing, and other times your detox symptoms will begin when your body gains enough healing energy to start dealing with your backlog of pesticides, old medications, and food additives.
Another, related, but older medication, metoclopramide (Maxeran ™), is also known to increase milk production, but it has frequent side effects which have made its use for many nursing mothers unacceptable (fatigue, irritability, depression).
Many of the newer products are safer and more effective than older medications.
Ketoconazole and itraconazole are older medications that are sometimes used in pets who do not tolerate or are not responding to fluconazole.
Anthelmintics don't have many side effects apart from vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy; some older medications may have more possible side effects including dizziness but modern medications are generally safe.
From 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in multiple locations right where you live, you will be able to drop off your old medications.
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