Sentences with phrase «older mythological tales»

«Following from his interest in superheroes and comic book narratives, Meggs delves deeper into the subject of fantasy to explore characters and stories from older mythological tales through the morals, dualities and emotions that these superhuman characters represent.

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Open your mind and open a book, other than some several thousand year - old fairy tale about talking snakes, floods requiring more water than exists in the entire solar system to create, mythological heaven dwellers who stole men's wives, ful of numerology and suppossed «fulfilled prophesy».
«Beasts of the Southern Wild»: In this mythological tale inspired by the coastal erosion crisis facing the communities of southern Louisiana, a 6 - year - old Bayou Don Quixote sets out to find her long - lost mother when her father is beset by a mysterious illness.
Underlying the suspense, adventure, and mystery in this tale is a strong sense of hope for mankind and the world, drawn from a deep well of mythological and centuries - old religious wisdom.
Ofili and his collaborators on Diana and Actaeon — choreographers Liam Scarlett, Will Tuckett, and Jonathan Watkins; composer Jonathan Dove; and librettist Alasdair Middleton — drew inspiration directly from Ted Hughes's retelling of the poem «Actaeon» in his Tales from Ovid (1997) rather than from Titian's visual interpretation of the myth, which is itself an adaptation of centuries - old mythological accounts of the world.
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