Sentences with phrase «older than the universe»

I find burnt toast to be great for a hangover, which is obviously proof that the judeo - christian god does indeed exist and created everything in the universe thousands of years ago in perfect order, even though there are trees older than the universe...
I recall a mystery in cosmology in the early 1990s whereby it appeared that there were stars older than the universe itself — the daughter was older than the mother!
If stars evolved, some stars are 16 b.y. old, such as the stars in the globular cluster in Figure 230.2 Obviously, stars can not be older than the universe.

Not exact matches

There's a lot more mathematical evidence for the scientific origin of the universe than one dusty old book, let's just put it that way.
«Light from distant stars is no proof that the universe is older than 6,000 yeras.
Yes science has proven that the universe is a whole lot older than the literal interpretation Bible says.
Yes, please explain how we can see stars more than 6000 lightyears away if the universe is only 6000 years old.
The reason I ask your opinion initially is because I think there is a better way, today, for the creator of the universe to make him / her / it's self known to humankind, rather than to rely on a 2,000 year old story of sacrifice.
igaftr, yes you are right cats and all the animals in the world including you is part of the universe, eveything is God, it took Him 13.7 billion years for us to arrive what we are now, meaning the true reality of our existence, you are probably less than 50 years old, so how can you expect to equate yourself or pretend to understand Him, God Who is 13.7 billion years old.
Certainly there is enormous evidence that our universe is vastly older than Christians used to think.
It is indeed to be considered «free thinking» to always curiously trying to understand the origins of life and the universe through science rather than just accepting a 2,000 year old (or more) fairy tale.
to them life is as old as the universe, heck man is only 8 days younger than the universe.
That is a distinct possibility, it is epistemologically possible to assert the universe is less than a week old and you'd use the same types of defense you're using to say the universe appears old because god made it mature.
Like I said, the mental gymnastics are the kind undergone to say the universe has only existed since last tuesday, the whole «everything was exactly as it would be in an old universe, even our memories, but is actually less than a week old».
read up on quantum mechanics and tell me that sounds more realistic then the notion of a being of superior knowledge manipulating the elements of earth to create sentient man... its a logical fallacy... if we can do what we can do in a universe four billion years old, simple statistics demands than someone else would have done it beforehand, especially if we had «evlved» so drastically in a cosmic blink of an eye, as the prophet richard dawkins likes to put it.
All our memories are entirely fake, the world is less than a week old, it just seems like it's 4 billion years old in a 13.7 billion year old universe».
The fact that it was written by a human with less knowledge of the universe than the average 4 year old is irrelevant.
Yeah you're going to hell because you believe the Earth is older than 6000 years old... but the guy who commited sin all his life, cruicified on the cross next to Jesus went to heaven after a few minutes conversation with Jesus that didn't include how the universe was created.
The universe, expanding since its birth, Is larger, older than its light; sublime, The force that keeps this constant day from earth» The same that measures out our years» is time: The limitation that provides us night And saves us all from unremitting light.
This thinker, whose name I shall not disclose, said that he was becoming more and more convinced that there was «something in the older metaphysical — he called them «ontological» — claims; at the moment he was much concerned, he said, to find a way of giving more than linguistic status to such propositions as «personal God», for it appeared to him that these statements somehow pointed to a truth about the universe, about the nature of things, that must be reckoned with in any honest description of the «way things are».
i wouldn't allow anyone who thinks like this to drive my car across town anymore than I would my 8 year old niece... thier level of reality is about the same... although i think I'd give it to the 8 year old because she doesn't believe in magic beings like I Dream of Genie popping around the universe controlling everything that goes on...
The universe is less than 6,000 years old.
The author, and perhaps Jewish thought in general at that time, recognized the intimate relationship of the age - old speculation of the Orient to that of Greece; both had come to express in differing terms but in essential unity the conviction that human life is infused with a pervasive entity which is more than human, finding its ultimate origin and nature in the being of the universe.
Sightings since 2006 have shown that gargantuan monsters with masses of at least a billion suns were already in place when the universe was less than a billion years old — far too early for them to have formed by conventional means.
Because all elements in the universe heavier than hydrogen, helium, and lithium have been forged by nuclear fusion in the cores of stars and then scattered into space by supernova explosions, the find indicates that the galaxy, at the age we're now observing it, was old enough for at least one generation of stars to have formed, lived, and died.
Until a few years ago, cosmological models suggested the universe was younger than its oldest stars.
The Planck telescope's observations formed a CMB map, revealing with its ultra-precise data that the universe is 40 million years older than previously thought.
This quasar is only slightly smaller than the previous distance record - holder, which weighs as much as 2 billion suns and whose light is 12.9 billion years old, emitted when the universe was just 770 million years old (SN: 7/30/11, p. 12).
Even by the 1990s, some Hubble constant estimates suggested an age for the universe of under 10 billion years, whereas many stars appeared to be several billion years older than that.
The oldest rocky planets yet are 11.2 billion years old, just a little younger than the universe — meaning the galaxy made an early start on planet building
Such rapid growth may help explain how supermassive black holes were able to reach masses about a billion times higher than the sun when the universe was only about a billion years old.
The universe is pinky beige because most stars are older and redder than our sun.
It is a disturbing prospect, more chilling even than the end of our universe, because in most of the ordinary scenarios of cosmic doom there remains the comforting possibility that a new universe might rise from the ashes of the old.
Because the big bang happened 13.7 billion years ago, and taking various uncertainties in account, this implies that the first stars in the Milky Way formed when the universe was less than 200 million years old, the team says in a paper accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
The team, led by Luca Pasquini of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), provides proof that the very first stars were formed when the universe was less than 200 million years old.
It is also the brightest light we have from the most distant (and oldest) stars because their otherwise - visible light arrives stretched out to longer, redder wavelengths by more than 13 billion years of the universe's expansion.
The CIB glow is more irregular than can be explained by distant unresolved galaxies, and this excess structure is thought to be light emitted when the universe was less than a billion years old.
Observations of the galaxies» spectra suggest they are very distant, appearing as they were when the universe was just 2 to 4 billion years old, less than a third its present age.
Instead, Guth suggests the paradox could just be an artefact of the measurement technique, since the exponential nature of eternal inflation means that newer universes will always be more common than older ones.
With this data, the WMAP research team calculated that the universe is 13.7 billion years old (plus or minus 1 percent) and determined that the first stars appeared 200 million years after the Big Bang, far earlier than most previous estimates.
In a multiverse that grows exponentially, where each new generation of universes is far larger than the last, younger universes always outnumber older ones.
Many of these galaxies are very faint, more than 1 billion times fainter than what the naked human eye can see, marking them as some of the oldest galaxies within the visible universe.
Now Stephen Feeney of University College London and colleagues say they may have spotted such imprints in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the all - sky glow that comes from photons emitted when the universe was less than 400,000 years old.
Physicist Chiara Mazzucchelli of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany and colleagues reported 11 fussy supermassive black holes that existed when the universe was less than 800 million years old, in the Astrophysical Journal last November.
Massive black holes should not have existed in a universe less than one billion years old, yet they did
We think that massive black holes existed when the universe was less than a billion years old.
We may be able to probe literally physics of the universe at the time when the universe was less than a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second old and, in fact, the current best ideas about what happened then are due to this guy...
But to date, astronomers have spotted more than 100 supermassive black holes that existed before the universe was 950 million years old.
A little more than a year ago, you might have read that the universe is somewhere between 10 billion and 15 billion years old.
The universe is thought to be around 14 billion years old (14 x 10 ^ 9 years old), and so it would take around 350,000 times longer than the universe to transport the information of a single human — it would probably be quicker to walk!
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