Sentences with phrase «older we understand what»

It's liken to children believing in Santa Claus and as we get older we understand what Santa Claus is and the principles behind Santa Claus but we don't still believe in Santa, his sleigh, and eight tiny flying reindeer, and of course can't forget Rudolph and his shiny red nose...

Not exact matches

«Looking back now, that seems like small change,» says Gillis, the 18 - year - old CEO of what's now, a location analytics company that aims to help retailers boost sales by understanding shoppers» purchasing behaviour.
It can be hard for a 5 - or 6 - year - old to understand what is happening when their parents swipe their credit cards at the grocery store.
It has demolished the old, universally understood rules around what it means to be at work.
What it does mean, is that once kids are old enough to understand the finer points of language (and according to Bergen, that's probably younger than you imagine), there's no cause for guilt if you use (and they pick up) some less - than - demure language.
To truly understand how my 5 - year - old is feeling and what she's thinking about requires some specific interview techniques.
Which is why Tia Freeman, a 22 - year - old woman from Nashville, Tennessee, doesn't understand what is so «shocking» about her delivery story.
What I can't understand now is that the results are showing the old title tags I had from a few days ago before I changed some settings in Yoast's plugin.
Yet many marketers either still don't fully understand what the algorithm update entails or have been naive to the fact that ignoring the update can have major ramifications to how your website is ranked in search results — if you still partake in old, web - spam SEO tactics (aka «black hat SEO tactics»).
As a very old man, one who has worked at developing some kind of understanding of who we are, what we are, why we are here, and where we are going, I can tell you that no one has definitive answers, but without some underlying system of belief about these questions you will not grow old gracefully.
No, and you who I as - sume you, who has common sense, and do not believe, would understand that is an Old Testament practice, not about what the New Testament church is today.
Some of those old guys really understood what we stood for.
I know where the Earth came from, I know how it was made, I know how old it is, I know how old the Universe is, I understand what gravity is and what causes it.
«what is hard to understand — the word order, or the word in that... lets see it from the top please... hebrew, greek, latin — in that order too... and yes it was completed... the bible that is held in the vatician is containing the old and the new and its in latin... whoa!»
Liberal and old school Theologians as well as non believers find their way based upon the light they are given even though they may be miles apart on understanding what is the meaning of the Angel of Lord.
matt - what is hard to understand — the word order, or the word in that... lets see it from the top please... hebrew, greek, latin — in that order too... and yes it was completed... the bible that is held in the vatician is containing the old and the new and its in latin... whoa!
The older definition is probably a truer understanding of what it means to «know,» etymologically.
i appreciate what you said bob because i think «spirituality» is an old word many don't understand anymore, understandably.
What's the old addage ``... you have to walk a mile in a man's shoes to understand him...»?
The truths of Genesis 6 - 8 (and especially 6:7, 13, 17; 7:23) can be understood differently when we grasp the Scriptural and cultural contexts in which these texts were written, what other Old Testament authors had to say about the flood, and also what the Apostle Peter writes about it in his second letter.
igaftr, yes you are right cats and all the animals in the world including you is part of the universe, eveything is God, it took Him 13.7 billion years for us to arrive what we are now, meaning the true reality of our existence, you are probably less than 50 years old, so how can you expect to equate yourself or pretend to understand Him, God Who is 13.7 billion years old.
It's a picture of a cute 18 - year - old girl who could have been taking selfies of herself smiling in Paris or with cute boys on a beach in Hawaii, but chose instead to visit Poland to gain a better understanding of what millions of people suffered there at the hands of the Nazis.
I basically asked, «If Jesus truly reveals God to us, then what sort of God should we expect to find in the Old Testament and how can we understand what is going on in our own world when such terrible things happen all the time?»
i do nt understand what religous people really believe is waiting for them in an afterlife when we know for a fact that the body doesn't go there and the fact that animals apparently cant go to heaven because they have no soul is well thats just good old conceited man made rubbish that is everywhere in the bible and before i get attacked i was raised religious and got very religious for a few years till i actually thought about it and applyed logic to it after that the whole concept of religion made me feel sick
I think Jesus recommended the Samaritan's loving - kindness, what certain older writers called «holy living,» simply as a matter of propriety, for the Samaritan was living in what Jesus understood to be a holy world.
12:30) Wiser was the queen of Sheba, who of old came to Solomon to hear his wisdom; wiser were the Ninevites, who repented at the preaching of the prophet Jonah — wiser than the fools of this generation, who do not understand what is happening before their eyes.
Rather than make assumptions about what my personal understanding of this old testament story might be, why don't you ask what it is.
As he summarized some of what he taught in that sermon back in July, I thought to myself, «Hmmm... this sounds surprisingly similar to what I have been writing about in my recent series on how to understand the violence of God in the Old Testament and especially in relation to what Jesus did on the cross.»
For the preternaturally sensitive seven - year - old, struggling to understand what is happening, the whole dreadful situation comes to a head one afternoon in what we might call Mantel's primal scene.
This older understanding is what I, and I suspect many of us, grew up with.
Just became to understand what you meant by old blood Feud between Sunni and Shiite... Well dear strange that this was not there before invasion and if was there and was known about it and possibility of it breaking up like that then shouldn't have invaded the country knowing that there would be some many inoocents losing their lives up to date?
As I grew older I discovered that other churches had a wide range of understandings of what the Bible said at almost every point.
Then light was liberated, and then gravity created the first stars and galaxies, then billions of years later, a local star went supernova and seeded the local nebula with heavier elements, elements necessary for life, elements that were not created during the Big Bang, then the sun was born, then the planets coalesced, and billions of years later some primate wrote a story about how the Earth was created at the same time as the rest of the universe, getting it wrong because that primate did not have the science nor technology to really understand what happened, so he gave it his best guess, most likely an iteration of an older story told prior to the advent of the Judeo Christian religion.
The horror and the love of what Jesus did on the cross helps us understand what God was doing in the Old Testament.
I can totally handle that Jesus came to offer us a different way; but, If we really believe that the Old Testament is the inspired Word of God, or even if we want to understand more about the culture that gave us these holy scriptures, what we should do is take courses in Judaism, to get a better understanding of what God was supposed to have been telling the Jews.
Old Testament history consistently understands and interprets the present from the past; and if, thus, the past is in the present, its meaning for the present is precisely because it is past — by what God has done Israel understands what God is doing and what he will do.
my opinion on this is the woman is capable and old enough to understand what is the consequence of their action, and they can choose with mature understanding to do what they want to do, unlike the fetus or children, they are still pure and innocent..
What Jesus accomplished on the cross in destroying the work of the destroyer allows for a vastly new understanding of how to understand the violent passages of God in the Old Testament.
Never could understand half of the lyrics in the old hymns written over 100 + years ago (after all what in the heck is, «Here I raise my Ebenezer.»
We kids never really understood what happened or why it was that they dumped him out on the street with no job, and no place to go with four kids 16 years old and under.
It was a very just thought to which the older dogmatic frequently recurred, whereas a later dogmatic so often censored it for lack of understanding and a proper sense of its meaning — it was a very just thought, although sometimes a wrong application was made of it: the thought that what makes sin so frightful is that it is before God.
It is to ask oneself, «What difference does the death and resurrection of Christ make for how I understand this part of the Old Testament?»
«A Christian understanding of the Old Testament should begin with what God revealed to the apostles and what they model for us: the centrality of the death and resurrection of Christ for Old Testament interpretation.
V / hen a person tries to understand someone of another culture, or a genius, or even a younger or older person, he has difficulty; his understanding is limited both by his own conception of what actions are intelligible and by his inability to share the other's views.
What does it mean, practically, to preserve and celebrate (as much as we can) the original intent of the authors of the Old Testament while still asking ourselves, «what difference does the death and resurrection of Christ make for how I understand this part of the Old Testament&raqWhat does it mean, practically, to preserve and celebrate (as much as we can) the original intent of the authors of the Old Testament while still asking ourselves, «what difference does the death and resurrection of Christ make for how I understand this part of the Old Testament&raqwhat difference does the death and resurrection of Christ make for how I understand this part of the Old Testament»?
This Gnostic influence in Christianity is what has pervaded our understanding of the Old and the New Testaments.
Does sound a bit like the same old broken record about what some Catholics fail to understand about the faith...
Rachel, this piece is written by a stupi * d person who claims to be raised in Bible belt... You did not even understand what is old and new testaments....
It is the Reason of Plato at work, freeing us from old, stale habits of thought in the expectation that out of the resulting conversation, from the very turmoil and confusion of interpretations at war with one another, can emerge in good time a better understanding and a better practice of what it is to become and be within human communities.
Some of the theologians of the older orthodoxy would agree but others would say that what the Bible tells us about creation for example, can be adequately understood on its own apart from a reference to the incarnation.
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