Sentences with phrase «oldest brains they studied»

The researchers from Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute found that even the oldest brains they studied produced new brain cells.

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A study of older women with MCI found a tie between aerobic exercise and an increase in the size of the hippocampus, a brain area involved in learning and memory.
Even a brief course of brain exercises can help older adults improve reasoning skills and processing speed for 10 years after the training ends, according to a recent federally sponsored study on cognitive training.
Two other recent studies of older people with MCI have suggested that merely amping up one's workout routine with the right moves could help slow the brain's decay.
Another study, this time of exclusively older women with MCI, found that aerobic exercise was tied to an increase in the size of the hippocampus, a brain area involved in learning and memory.
Paul Fletcher, Professor of Health Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, shares the findings from a new study which reveals, in addition to other health benefits, that the Mediterranean diet may protect your brain in old age.
Because the brain of the young athlete is still developing, with even subtle damage leading to learning deficits adversely affecting development, and with studies showing younger athletes recover more slowly than adults, a more conservative approach to concussions in children and teens than for older athletes is recommended.
A study published in Current Biology used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) of the brains of three to seven month old infants to assess brain activity in relationship to sound.
For the baby, instrumental delivery can increase the short - term risks of bruising, facial injury, displacement of the skull bones, and cephalohematoma (blood clot under the scalp).24 The risk of intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding inside the brain) was increased in one study by more than four times for babies born by forceps compared to spontaneous birth, 25 although two studies showed no detectable developmental differences for forceps - born children at five years old.26, 27 Another study showed that when women with an epidural had a forceps delivery, the force used by the clinician to deliver the baby was almost twice the force used when an epidural was not in place.28
DHA is an omega - 3 fatty acid that is necessary for brain development and that improves your baby's learning capabilities as he grows older, according to a study in the journal «Pharmacological Research.»
Studies have found that antioxidants in fruits and vegetables can help prevent declines in brain function due to aging, and leafy green and cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, and spinach) are particularly helpful for older women's memories.
A study of older adults at increased risk for Alzheimer's disease shows that moderate physical activity may protect brain health and stave off shrinkage of the hippocampus - the brain region responsible for memory and spatial orientation that is attacked first in Alzheimer's disease.
In this older study a different research group found changes in gray matter in brain regions of Internet addicts.
Numerous studies have shown that gentle exercise three times a week can improve concentration and abstract reasoning in older people, perhaps by stimulating the growth of new brain cells.
A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology finds that older people struggle to remember important details because their brains can't resist the irrelevant «stuff» they soak up subconsciously.
The researchers studied mice engineered to develop plaques in their brains when the animals are about 10 weeks old.
In the Cardiovascular Health Study in the USA, 3,660 people aged 65 and older underwent brain scans to detect so called silent brain infarcts, or small lesions in the brain that can cause loss of thinking skills, dementia and stroke.
«Hatha yoga boosts brain function in older adults, study suggests.»
The study, led by the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Health Sciences, found that younger and older adults show very different brain wave patterns when performing the same memory task.
Recent studies suggest that the total loss in brain volume due to atrophy — a wasting away of tissue caused by cell degeneration — between our teen years and old age is 15 percent or more, which means that by the time we're in our seventies, our brains have shrunk to the size they were when we were between 2 and 3 years old.
Researchers said this work could support previous studies that suggest aerobic exercise may forestall cognitive decline in older individuals at risk of dementia, and extends the idea that exercise may be beneficial for brain health to younger adults.
Autopsy and scanning studies indicate that a healthy 69 - year - old like me has been shedding brain matter at a rate of 0.5 percent per year for a decade and probably longer.
Researchers derived data from the Harvard Aging Brain Study, an observational study of older adult volunteers aimed at defining neurobiological and clinical changes in early Alzheimer's disStudy, an observational study of older adult volunteers aimed at defining neurobiological and clinical changes in early Alzheimer's disstudy of older adult volunteers aimed at defining neurobiological and clinical changes in early Alzheimer's disease.
Few studies have looked at the relationship between physical activity and eating fruit and vegetables and the effect it has on the brain for both younger and older adults.
A new study shows that older people who followed a Mediterranean diet retained more brain volume over a three - year period than those who did not follow the diet as closely.
Older veterans who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are 60 percent more likely to later develop dementia than veterans without TBI, according to a study published in the June 25, 2014, online issue of Neurology ®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
The Duke - NUS study examined the data of 66 older Chinese adults, from the Singapore - Longitudinal Aging Brain Studystudy examined the data of 66 older Chinese adults, from the Singapore - Longitudinal Aging Brain StudyStudy (1).
Even with their tiny bird brains, rooks comprehend basic principles of physics at the same level as a 6 - month - old baby — and beyond that of chimpanzees — a new study reports.
«The less older adults sleep, the faster their brains age, new study suggests.»
«Life in the city: Living near a forest keeps your amygdala healthier: MRI study analyzes stress - processing brain regions in older city dwellers.»
«High - resolution brain imaging provides clues about memory loss in older adults: UCI - led study reveals potential tool for early dementia diagnosis.»
The longitudinal study looked at the electrical brain responses of six - month - old infants to speech and the correlation between the brain responses and their pre-literacy skills in pre-school-age, as well as their literacy in the eighth grade at 14 years of age.
Perhaps they could turn the space into a classroom, study whether lighting can reduce falls among older people or probe whether certain office conditions make it easier for people with traumatic brain injuries to return to work.
In keeping with earlier studies, the older adults performed less well than the younger ones on the memory test, and showed significant reductions in the slow brain waves associated with deep sleep.
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study — or ABCD Study — is a $ 300 million effort funded by the National Institutes of Health that will scan the brains of some 10,000 U.S. youths, beginning when they are 9 and 10 years old and imaging them every 2 years for 10 years.
A preclinical study in mice published by Cell Press January 16th in the journal Cell reveals that drugs known as histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis) can enhance the brain's ability to permanently replace old traumatic memories with new memories, opening promising avenues for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders.
Headline: Old Brains Can Learn New Tricks: Study Shows Older People Use Different Areas Of The Brain To Perform Same «Thinking Task» As Young Link: Source: Science Daily / University of Toronto
MANY MARBLES A small number of very old people retain good memories, despite having signs of Alzheimer's in their brains, a new study suggests.
A study of older adults at risk of late - onset Alzheimer's disease found that those who consumed more omega - 3 fatty acids did better than their peers on tests of cognitive flexibility — the ability to efficiently switch between tasks — and had a bigger anterior cingulate cortex, a brain region known to contribute to cognitive flexibility.
Researchers studied the brains of people 90 years old or older who had excellent memories, performing as well as people in their 50s and 60s on some tests.
A large 2011 study found that omega - 3 supplements did not improve the brain health of older patients with preexisting heart disease.
A new study from the University of Cambridge has identified one of the oldest fossil brains ever discovered — more than 500 million years old — and used it to help determine how heads first evolved in early animals.
Starting at 2 days old, infant brains experience an explosive growth spurt, reaching half their adult size within 3 months of birth, according to a study in JAMA Neurology.
The new technique, which yields cells resembling those found in older people's brains, will be a boon to scientists studying age - related diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
The effort, as yet confined to animal studies, is only about a decade old but has become one of the hottest areas of neuroscience research because it promises a more precise understanding of the hugely complex network of cells in the brain.
In 2008, Walker led a team that found both plaques and tangles in a study of a single, 41 - year - old chimp that died from stroke, although that chimp's distribution of plaques and tangles didn't resemble those in human brains with Alzheimer's.
Moulton modeled his study on previous fMRI experiments that showed the brain reacts differently to new and old perceptions.
A new study shows how changing the activity in this brain area can make the new seem old, and the old seem new again.
Although the brain becomes smaller with age, the shrinkage seems to be fast - tracked in older adults with hearing loss, according to the results of a study by researchers from Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging.
A new study of brain cells in this area finds that firing these neurons at one frequency makes the brain treat novel images as old hat.
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