Sentences with phrase «olfactory glands»

Most frozen foods are rich in ingredients that stimulate olfactory glands in fish.
Dogs with longer snouts, for example, can smell better simply because their noses have more olfactory glands.
Some of this can be attributed to these breeds having more olfactory glands, skin folds that help trap odors or long ears that collect more smells from the ground.
All dogs have olfactory glands which give most of them a sense of smell that is six times better than a human's.
The German Shepherd has a sensitive nose, with olfactory glands that are more powerful that those of other dogs.
Dogs lick their noses so that the olfactory glands on the roof of their mouths can sample the scent chemicals that are trapped in the mucus it secretes.
I can smell it — unless the perfume samples messed up my olfactory glands.

Not exact matches

«Our findings for the first time uncover key roles of olfactory communication in a primate species not possessing distinct scent glands and thus may help to shed light into the evolution of primate olfactory communication,» says Henkel.
«We have found that this species of TB is transmitted environmentally through urine and anal gland secretions used in olfactory communication, infecting mongoose through injuries in the skin and nose.
It leaves behind a visual mark to mark territory, and the scent glands in the paws leaves olfactory markers behind.
Dogs, however, employ several different «languages» Body language — comprising a broad repertoire of facial expressions and body postures such as, play bows, butt - swings, submissive grins, pilo - erection, ear dips and tail wags Vocal communication — via a wide variety of barks plus all sorts of whimpers, whines, howls and growls Olfactory communication — by investigating muzzles, ear glands, tail glands, vaginal and anal sac secretions and particularly, from sniffing urine and fecal deposits of other dogs.
In addition to leaving a visual mark from his claws, he leaves an olfactory mark through the scent glands.
These scratches result in olfactory marks as the scent glands in the paws of the cats release a certain scent.
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