Sentences with word «omnivory»

He and other critics of the green world hypothesis, such as ecologists Donald Strong and Gary Polis, suggested that HSS» failure to address the full complexity of systems, which includes omnivory, weakened their hypothesis.
My wife despairs of my dustbin - like omnivory.
In contrast, no olive baboon, living a savanna life that favors omnivory, has ever opted for vegetarianism as a moral statement.
It's been increasingly clear since then that there are both environmental and — obviously — ethical advantages to using technology to sustain omnivory on a crowding planet.
We evaluated patterns in the composition of foods in scat to characterize the foraging behaviors that underpin the diet mixing and omnivory observed in polar bears on land in western Hudson Bay.
But they paid a price for their omnivory, at least at Yellowstone.
Another change strongly suggests that as it aged Limusaurus gave up omnivory and switched to a plant - based diet: Larger individuals have swallowed stones that ostensibly helped the dinosaurs grind up vegetation and aided digestion, just as gizzard stones do in birds today.
Herbivores may take to omnivory and eat conspecifics when the plants they feed on produce unsavory protective chemicals.
Abstract Background Flexible foraging strategies, such as prey switching, omnivory and food mixing, are key to surviving in a labile and changing environment.
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