Sentences with phrase «on culture wars»

Andrés Serrano (b. 1950, New York): After exploding upon the U.S. art scene with his controversial photo of a crucifix immersed in urine, Serrano has never stayed far from America's off - and - on culture wars.
Rather, the artists are carrying on the culture wars.
(Hat tip: Notes on the Culture Wars and LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH) When it comes to secret societies of the wealthy and powerful elites bent on one - world government, I prefer The Pentavirate: So I Married An Axe Murderer (Colonel Sanders scene)....
My story is about leaving the boxing gloves behind, about calling a truce on the culture wars that have left so many people beaten and bruised and left for dead by those who claim to follow a crucified Savior.
«My generation of evangelicals is ready to call a truce on the culture wars,» I said.
Though the ad calls for an end to the Mommy Wars, the ad's power ultimately depends on that culture war, and brings that war no closer to an end.

Not exact matches

Daniel Weinand, Chief Design and Culture Officer of Shopify, on making spaces for introverts and waging Post-It wars
By allowing a «bathroom bill» in the special session of the most powerful Republican - controlled state, Abbott has placed a focus on Texas on an issue that has been a flashpoint in U.S. culture wars, analysts said.
Last month, I spoke at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland because I believe our country is on the wrong track, and we need to solve real problems instead of fighting fake culture wars.
In many ways, Pence was on the same doomed trajectory as the conservative - Christian movement he'd long championed — once a political force to be reckoned with, now a battered relic of the culture wars.
The Jewish Daily Forward: Internet Cafe on Front Line of Culture War Joseph Oppenheim's iShop, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, looks more or less like any other computer store.
The culture of death we see clearly in the gang violence on our streets and in the perpetual war that has ravaged homes in Iraq is just as real, though often harder to see, in the self - centeredness of our shopping malls and the loneliness of our workspaces.
How the Mexican American ambivalence is resolved will have a strong bearing in the years ahead on questions ranging from immigration policy to welfare reform and realignments in the culture wars.
Adhering to Muslim Law by burying bin Laden at sea had nothing to do with showing a dead terrorist mercy for his body or fulfilling bin Laden's wishes; it had to do with showing the world we are respectful of religion and cultures that may be different than our own; our war on terror has nothing to do with culture or religion.
There is one simple reason the editors of the New York Times and the likes of MSNBC's Chris Matthews find Saletan's answer to the culture war on abortion so compelling: It allows pro-choice politicians to change the subject.
That this has had the most profound impact on our politics is obvious: The American culture war, which is one of the preeminent issues - beneath - the - issues, shapes the public discourse on both domestic and foreign - policy questions every day.
New York Times editorial on the term «culture war,» December 3, 1998.
Much more typical of Marxism between the two wars is the position of Lukács, which can be seen very clearly from an early essay on «Old Culture and New Culture» (Kommunismus, Zeitschrift der Kommunistischen Internationale für die Länder Südosteuropas, 1920 pp. 1538 — 49).
Leonard begins her remarks by saying, «It's not polite to call someone else's journal a crypto — white nationalist project, but...» Shenk insists that whatever agreements Dissent and American Affairs might have on political economy, «the culture wars aren't over.»
On the one hand, it is drawing all nations and cultures into one global conglomeration which has the capacity to formulate some common moral standards that might enable us to eliminate the wars of the past and establish a stable global society.
So the firing of a conservative columnist from a left - of - center magazine won't register as high on the culture - war scale as did the firings of Brendan Eich (from Mozilla) or James Damore (from Google).
And that we thought you might want to know, especially if this is the day of the week on which you are tempted to think that the jig is up in the culture wars.
We have an entire culture that is infected with violence — we're talking 10,000 homicides a year in America, $ 20,000 a second spent on war.
If I were harrassed by these hypocritical, war - promoting anti-abortionista's, I'd merely sue them on «relgious - hate - crimes» grounds, as my pagan belief leaves ALL failed culture war issues up to me!
Now our calling is to love and accept people one - on - one, caring for them where they are... We're joining our community in a different culture war — one that attacks poverty, crime, addiction, and pain.
So rather than wearing out my voice in calling for an end to evangelicalism's culture wars, I think it's time to focus on finding and creating church among its many refugees — women called to ministry, our LGBTQ brother and sisters, science - lovers, doubters, dreamers, misfits, abuse survivors, those who refuse to choose between their intellectual integrity and their faith or their compassion and their religion, those who have, for whatever reason, been «farewelled.»
In one of those moments that remind us that there's a culture war going on, National Public Radio decided in 1994 to hire Mumia Abu - Jamal» serving time for the 1982 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner» as a political commentator on its program All Things Considered.
Yogi's Space Race is a kind of take - off on Star Wars and other popular - culture phenomena.
DeGioia took no position on the question that started this latest skirmish in our ongoing culture wars: contraceptive coverage in health care.
The evidence for this phenomenon is incontestable: the influx of non «SBC evangelical scholars into Baptist seminaries; the changing of the name of the Baptist Sunday School Board to the more generic LifeWay Christian Resources; the presence and high profile of non «Baptist leaders on SBC platforms, e.g., the closing message at the 1998 SBC delivered by Dr. James Dobson, a Nazarene; the aggressive participation of the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission as an advocate for the conservative side of the culture wars conflict; new patterns of cooperation between SBC mission boards and evangelical ministries such as Promise Keepers, Campus Crusade for Christ, the National Association of Evangelicals, Prison Fellowship, and World Vision.
Concentrating on the Middle East since World War II, Pryce «Jones shows how one Arab regime after another has been but a repeat of tribal allegiances played out in a pattern of lust for power and revenge, reflecting a shame «honor culture that leaves no room for the concept, never mind the pursuit, of the common good.
It should be noted that the book was essentially written before September 11, and some last minute stitchings about what the war on terrorism might mean for the world and American culture do not sit well with the burden of his argument.
In the current culture wars, religious liberals tend to ally themselves with the educational establishment against those on the Religious Right who are attacking the public schools.
There is no war on religion, there is no culture war.
The curious, and very dangerous, thing today is that the Democratic Party has come down almost unequivocally on one side in our culture wars.
Then we can focus on the religious «nonsense» this article labels as culture wars.
If Kloster wishes to enter the lists of the culture wars flying the guidon of metaphysics on his rhetorical lance, well, good luck to him.
In a post — Cold War, post-9 / 11 world strewn with conflicts involving competing religious postures and contradictory global views, where supposed divisions on lines of race, culture, and faith are loudly promoted and violently exploited, the example of past wars fought in pursuit of religious idealism has proved seductive for some seeking false assurance from continuity with history.
Anyway, the only culture war that exists is on TV which considering overall TV viewership as a % is at an all - time low I find quite funny.
Both sides of the culture war operate on the premise that if immorality is to be corrected, it must be made illegal; the war is about whose definition of immorality will prevail.
This notion of a culture war is being perpetuated by the talking heads on Fox who are making bank off it by scaring ignorant old people.
The culture war that America has exported to Ireland played itself out quietly in two talks delivered on the margins of the music and dancing: one by the writer Frank McCourt, the other by the priest Father Charlie Coen.
Some how it's felt that values, morals, virtues are not there in a secular world only faceless solid lifeless laws of men rather than what has been relayed by Holy books that calls for good deeds and reject bad deeds and to build a faithful societies, communities, nations since communications among nations or even among the nations of mixed cultures and beliefs... Laws or God and universe are to be prepared by some thing that is equivalent to UN but built on nations beliefs to achieve the code of understanding among nations but as can see now it is build on groundless bases if not of words of God to faiths... in addition to those non spiritual secular beliefs to make decisions of faith but at the moment the secular world make and take the decisions while the beliefs and faiths has to pay for it when it becomes a war between all faiths or religions outside your world, it would become back into your inside among the mixed culture and beliefs of the nation or nations under one country flag...!
A conservative student, well versed in Burke and Tocqueville, knowing his Kirk and his Berry if not yet his MacIntyre, exhausted by the culture wars, seeks common ground with students on the other end of the political spectrum.
First, Protheo says «the culture wars are alive and well and (among other things) propelling Rick Santorum to a clean sweep on Tuesday in Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado.»
culture wars are definetly on... but even the Government is too stupid to see what's really happening.
For example, on the occasion of the war between Israel and Hamas, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, commented: «I think of the «massacre of the innocents.»
I think it relies too heavily on already established stereotypes that do not fit the reality of culture or an actual «culture war
I've been saying this for a while now, but on the most contentious issues of the culture war, namely homosexuality and same - sex marriage, it is conservative Christians that deserve credit for being the most reasonable and peaceable combatants.
So the data on mass opinion do not reveal a culture war of polarized attitude clusters.
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