Sentences with phrase «on jesus»

The «sins» that most of us Christians are concerned with today were never really on Jesus» radar.
HeavenSent writes: «The Truth, our country was founded on Jesus» truth, as was Europe, Canada to mention just a few.
Some Jews have already reacted negatively to the declaration's teaching on Jesus Christ as the Unique Mediator for the whole of humanity.
Any religion based on Jesus Christ is gonna lick balls, because Jesus does in fact lick balls.
«I woke up this morning Feeling kind of down I called on my best friend She could not be found But I called on Jesus My life He can hold...»
The apostolic church, in reflecting on Jesus the Messiah, the Suffering Servant, the Victor, came to understand him preeminently as the Peacemaker between God and humanity and between the divisions within humanity.
focus on jesus christ and his shed blood.
The people get hung up on Jesus» origins.
Don't put such things off on Jesus, especially when He has told US to do it.
I think often we read ourselves as Jesus and others as the Pharisees too — I don't think I've heard many sermons taking what Jesus says to the Pharisees as a direct challenge to us, as opposed to assuming that we're on Jesus» side and confronting those who disagree with us.
Not based on your performance, but based on Jesus performance and obedience.
All of us will waste our lives either in sin and compromise, passivity and the cares of this life, or we will waste them on Jesus.
The Truth, our country was founded on Jesus» truth, as was Europe, Canada to mention just a few.
The key for Crossan in reading the Bible and staying a Christian is to focus on Jesus.
This frequent use of the term in the Old Testament and especially in Ezekiel, who does not hesitate to regard himself as a prophet, throws light on Jesus» frequent use of the term when he refers to himself in connection with his mission.
I think of Cornelius in the NT and how he gathered all his family and friends to meet Peter, believed on Jesus, and were baptized together.
He was always on Jesus» mind and in his teaching — his sayings, stories and experience.
To avoid drifting with the waves of comfort, we must continue to examine our hearts and keep our eyes on Jesus.
I agree with you Steve: focus on Jesus.
When we stop making it about everything that it isn't (a successful human enterprise, saving the world, denominational differences, a clean culture, etc.), and focus on Jesus as the all in all, then it will make sense.
Prime Minister David Cameron has called the Bible «not a bad handbook» in response to a question on Jesus» teachings on money.
Not on Jesus» terms.
Hopefully we can stop focusing on demons around every corner, and focus instead on Jesus.
The wheat fell back to the ground and continued to follow him and listen to his teachings, but the chaff would get offended or confused and would turn their backs on Jesus and go off somewhere else.
I find it great and amusing how those who trash on Jesus and his Word only confirm what is written even more.
What does it mean to focus on Jesus?
I stand on Jesus stating that nobody will know the day and time.
Me an my boyfriend get drunk and swear and hate people and race around at night doing drugs but then we call on Jesus our lord and savior to save our pitiful souls!
Yes, I thought that as the lead annecdote in the article, the notion of a women, disenchanted with the Catholic Church because of a lack of focus on Jesus, was bizarre.
They persecuted Paul, They spit on Jesus and the list goes on and on and on.
When I ignore him and focus on Jesus, Satan gives up.
They attribute social ills such as «widespread family breakdown, immorality and social integration» to the fact that «the nation has largely turned her back on Jesus and embraced alternative ideas such as secular humanism, moral relativism and sexual licence».
But if you have built you life on Jesus Christ, and obedience to His Word, when the storm comes, no matter how severe it is, no matter how the winds rage, no matter how the torrents of rain fall, no matter how high and violent the river gets, you will stand strong.
This process is not automatic and is not guaranteed, but growing in the knowledge of these gospel truths will help a person build their lives on Jesus Christ.
Billy Bob would spend hours lying on his back, staring at the sun, waiting on Jesus.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in.
Rather than trading shot for shot, rage for rage, despair for despair, I will step out of that cycle of death and walk straight out onto the water, with my eyes on Jesus, he is making a path in the wilderness.
Leaning on Jesus isn't just a nice spiritual practice, but a desperate human need.
For me I try not to let it bother me my focus is on Jesus not on me personally or them.
In the synoptics, however, and especially in Mark, focusing on Jesus reveals something quite curious: it is a quality of the Messiah to do something very like what John the Baptist does here.
He contrasts Wright with James Cone, the 1960s proponent of black liberation theology who disparaged a focus on Jesus as Saviour as «Christofascism», along with others who contend that black folk should fnd their primary identity in race rather than religion.
«D» stands for Divine Truth (loving God / Jesus) «N» stands for Nurturing Relationships (loving one another deeply) «A» stands for Apostolic Mission (being on Jesus» mission to the world)
In doing so, God bestowed on Jesus a new relationship, one we acknowledge by the title Lord.
In other words some people think they are saved when they've never been saved because they're basing it on some kind of religious work or experience and not on Jesus Christ.
In doing that we place our trust in the Cross for forgiveness, and then we believe on Jesus that He rose from the grave and lives again... In that He imparts His Life into us and seals us with the Holy Spirit.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.»
They will know that they are like brothers and sisters to one another, because there will be few of them any more who have not by their own deliberate decision staked their own heart and life on Jesus the Christ, for there will be no earthly advantage in being a Christian.
Can anyone doubt that a report on Jesus by Peter would have been different — would have had to be different from one by John or Andrew or by any of the other disciples?
In saying, «If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain,» perhaps Paul meant not that our salvation depends on the resurrection itself, but rather that our salvation depends on Jesus being the Son of God, and this is what depends on the resurrection.
When truth becomes the person of Jesus and when revelation becomes based on Jesus» nakedness, salvation is dependent, not on what you know, but on Who knows you.
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