Sentences with phrase «on liberal left»

«I think we're probably a lot better at looking at what we want to defend and actually not very good, on the liberal left, looking at the threat itself and really allowing ourselves to understand the context we're living in,» he explains from his house in Cambridgeshire.
As I wrote in my article Beating the Welfare Bigots published on Liberal Left, the whole idea of «unemployed» people «working for their benefits» is dangerous double - think, creating a sub-category of community servants that are excluded from the minimum wage.

Not exact matches

If anything like that happened in Canada, this sort of euphoric feeling some of us on the left have now, we may actually be able to force the NDP and Liberals to get together.
Walk into a store — old - school hip - hop playing softly, like Muzak for millennials — and you'll find customers leafing through Oak Street, the company's in - house magazine (a recent issue features an editorial by Ethan Song that quotes Steve Jobs's thoughts on the intersection of technology and the liberal arts).
And while it's clear the Liberals hope to use their tax changes as a sort of parable for the standing - up - for - ordinary - workers part of their broader discourse — a centre - left populism that Trudeau believes other like - minded leaders, such as Hillary Clinton, forgot to defend, to their peril — the specific tax changes in question didn't appear on the Liberals» radar because the current arrangements are unfair.
New Brunswick MP Wayne Long speaks to reporters as he leaves a Liberal caucus meeting on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa on Monday, October 16, 2017.
A middling stance on pipelines can at best help prevent some soft Liberals, either left - leaning or right - leaning, from leaving his fold; but it won't attract people.
VICTORIA — Today, the B.C. Liberal government shut the door on independent expert review of the Site C project proposal, leaving B.C. Hydro customers on the hook for a loss of $ 800 million should the project go forward on the...
«After that, the Liberals had 15 years — but instead of investing in mental health and addictions services, they're leaving office with 12,000 children languishing on mental health care wait lists.»
Liberal Tonight Show viewers were left incensed after host Jimmy Fallon did not try to take down Donald Trump or attempt to trip him up with «gotcha» questions during the pair's interview on the NBC program Thursday night.
Additionally, the B.C. Liberals are leaving schools short on funding after hitting them with hikes to MSP premiums, hydro rates and more operational expenses.
Our liberal societies have allowed these islamists to leave their countries to get away from some of their crap and come to civilized countries, and now they want to impose their crap on us.
Now any attempt to abstract a person is going to be of limited utility, but I let's try this point of view: maybe Obama is, on domestic policy, a mostly unreconstructed 1970s upper middle - class left - liberal who.
I incline toward the first of two alternative explanations Robert Benne offers for the leading role ex-Missourians have played in the liberal protestantizing of ELCA Lutheranism, namely, that their experience of torment from the right blinded them to «any danger on the left
Right wing conservative types have a Jesus who is against gay marraige, is anti-abortion, thinks there should be prayer in school, and teaches the prosperity stuff and so on... Left wing liberal Christians quote the verses about giving up possessions, feeding and clothing the poor... inner city Christians often have a Jesus who is about social justice... we were made in His image?
On women's issues in general, liberal Protestants fall well to the left, conservatives well to the right, of the national average.
Although I'm not convinced that reporting on the incident reflects a liberal bias as much as the more practical «if it bleeds it leads» bias, it is clear that much of the rhetoric among left - wing personalities like Keith Olberman has been infused with unfair generalities.
So, (1) whatever position one takes on this matter, left or right, conservative or liberal, one should acknowledge that the law really does forbid homosexual sex between males but not between females.
In the late 19th century, under the deforming impact of dispensational pessimism and liberal optimism, the broad river of classical evangelicalism divided into a delta, with shallower streams emphasizing — ecumenism and social renewal on the left and confessional orthodoxy and evangelism on the right.
It's too early for the Left / Liberal / Progressives to pontificate on this.
In other words, the story doesn't conveniently fall into the conventional left / right, liberal / conservative boxes on which reporters usually depend.
when I first started reading up on how extreme Christian fundamentalism has become in the last 30 yrs (since I left Evangelicalism), I was stunned to find that there is a whole movement afoot to keep children, especially girls, from attending college — yes, even BJU — for fear of them being «indoctrinated» with «liberal ideas».
Funny to me how all the liberals who want the church to leave the government alone are the very same ones who say that churches should not discriminate in the hiring of their clergy on basis of religion and are saying that churches who do not support contraceptives are required to pay for it.
He finds current expressions of both to be internally divisive as well as at odds with each other, usually based on a conservative / liberal split that weakens the effectiveness of both «civil religions,» and leaves the way open for secular ideologies including material success, radical individual freedom, and an amoral pragmatism.
UPDATE: Pete has similar thoughts, ones a bit more focused on liberal pundit - dom, over at No Left Turns.
You sound like a liberal guy on the far left of the issues.
It was harder for liberals to disregard the neoconservatives, who had gained intellectual recognition while still on the left and who therefore could not so easily be treated as if they were not there.
A lot of it was private except for a public response he left for someone on which said, «Read the Bible in CONTEXT you liberal A ** HOLE!»
For Beasley, who left TEC in the early 1990s, it was liberal views on homosexuality — though he downplays that now and emphasizes issues of scripture and doctrine.
If the left insists on the liberal interpretation of our constitutional and political institutions in an uncompromising effort to defend the ever - expanding role of the state to secure the practical liberty of individuals, the right defends the free - market system and uncompromisingly rejects any restraint on the unfettered economic choices of individuals.
British scholar N. T. Wright, who has engaged in debates with liberal Jesus Seminar leaders, wrote in the August 2001 issue that the huge U.S. success of the «Left Behind» series «appears puzzling, even bizarre» on the other side of the Atlantic.
When he left, the Republican right was «unleashed,» poised to drive the party in its own direction (and that of the Reagan presidency) by capitalizing on widespread hostility toward the cultural changes of the 1970s that many believed had been foisted upon America by ideological liberals.
Caring for the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill, the addicts, the hookers is best left to those of us on the fringes, we liberal nutcases who love the unlovable.
«They're about national sovereignty, but they're also quite liberal, leaning on a form of left - libertarianism,» said Menghi.
Solid liberals are left - of - center on both economic and social issues, and they are pessimistic about American society.
Churches ASK for 10 % but don't DEMAND 10 % nor do they kick you out of church for paying 0 %... however, the federal government TAKES 30 % + and threatens jail... geez... love love love the new liberal ANTI CHARITY... just so incredibly insightful to the hate on the left...
And compared to some people on the far left, liberals are conservative.
That argument has resonated with the liberal side with evident satisfaction, but it may deliver more than the liberal justices or their allies on the Left seem to recognize.
The liberals sat on the left side of the room and the conservatives sat on the right side.
On the left, religious liberals fear that the various spiritual orthodoxies Will lead to extremism.
The reactions to the attack on Charlie Hebdo highlight the odd affinity between the left and radical Islam and also draw attention to the unsung — and Augustinian — champions of liberal democracy: Satirists.
The attacks on broadly Christian and liberal culture from Nazism and fascism on the right and Marxism on the left presented the civilization with a major moral crisis.
Racist hate - mongers like Farrakhan and Cokely and their genocidal messages, far from being stigmatized and isolated on the political fringe, have — through the intervention of the political left, the tolerance of the civil rights establishment, and the acquiescence of the liberal center — become part of the culture itself.
But when the Berrigan brothers made opposition to the Vietnam war a cause célèbre for the Catholic left, Wills began a journey that started with Bare Ruined Choirs (a book praising the Berrigans) and concluded with his appointment as the de facto lone Catholic voice on the secular - liberal New York Review of Books, where his articles jostle those by atheist Darwinians and defenders of Roe v. Wade.
I'd have to say that was how I was pulled out of liberalism and after reading none Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen, I kept reading more and more, None Dare Call It Treason, etc, and eventually had to face that my liberal beliefs had no foundation (the Rockefellers are near the top of the pile and they buy everyone on both sides, right and left).
The class interest, within the political spectrum of Western democracies, is on the left; in America this means «liberal,» in current terminology.
Liberals inclined to minimize the significance of a leftward inclination among the media elite might test themselves on the point by asking how they would react if the situation were reversed — if, in fact, the world taken for granted by the nation's leading reporters and news executives tilted to the right rather than the left.
how does fair, unbiased CNN, AKA ACNN (Anderson Cooper News Network) pick and choose stories as noteworthy... a comment is made by a very elderly priest, probably not quoted properly, and is «front page news» on CNN's website... this same man (priest) has written many great books, done a lot of great charity work in the poorer parts of New York and nothing is ever posted on the website... but something is said incorrectly and its published... is this fair, is it right, is it unbiased or is the motivation to make an entire Church lokk bad and let the anti-Catholic screwballs have their heyday in hateful posts... I didn't see this wonderful netwrok post anything about the disgusting, bigoted and hateful attacks, written by the liberal left wing media elites, like Maureen Dowd, against Rep. Paul Ryan and his Catholic faith... it's all acceptable to you liberal HYPOCRITES!
Geez the next Presidential election is four years away and the liberal left is already harping on a potential Republican candidate?
His critique of the nanny state made him useless to the liberal left; his jeremiads on consumer capitalism alienated the economic right; and his tirades against «elites» made him persona non grata to much of the knowledge class.
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