Sentences with phrase «on zantac»

My doctor put me on Zantac and I used antacids in between.
He orginally was on Zantac, but we switched medications about two weeks ago and saw huge improvements in him.
Also, she has reflux and is on zantac, but I don't think that has anything to do with it because she's sleeping great at night and for her morning nap.
He does have reflux and is on Zantac; i read the reflux and BW post, but am not sure how to help the little guy go down for his naps on a regular basis.
I just started her on Zantac because she always wakes up congested, hoarse, and reswallows after feeds.
My lo has reflux and is also on Zantac.
With mine being on Zantac, the acid was still able to come up, but the Reglan keeps it down in the stomach.
Bonnie - He was on zantac for one week and he has only been on the prevacid since thursday (so about 4 days).
Doctor after doctor told me it was reflux, which almost all babies have, and they put him on Zantac.
The doctor put him on Zantac which helped a little but it seems like nothiung is working??
has her on zantac since she was 15 days old but I don't see that it's helping any.

Not exact matches

I have tried her on baby zantac due to some reflux issues I noticed we were having.
Young babies choke and gagged or throw up easier than older babies because they are still unable to adjust their breathing while drinking nor are they able to pace themselves well on their drinking rhythm... I personally prefer old school way than simply feeding my young baby with meds (zantac, neixum)... no matter how safe doctor says it is for the baby, they're still meds nonetheless.
He is on baby zantac.
Do be aware and on the lookout that zantac often loses effectiveness after a while, so if she reverts back to past behavior, keep that in mind as a possible reason.
I was a LLL leader, and oversupply is super common, especially since it is misdiagnosed as other things.Reflux is the biggie, b / c babies cry during the feedings, so often they get put on something like zantac, even though it doesn't address the real issue.
Are they on medication for reflux like Zantac or anything?
On this Page You Will Find: How H2 Blockers Work Using Otc Zantac to Make Your «Own» Why compounding from the pharmacy isn't what the drs & pharmacists say... How to TELL pharmacist to make compound Zegerid Mixing Instructions OTC and also RX Gripe Water and PPIs (The Importance Of & Sample Of) Faxing the Doctor...
We started on rice in formula (we were up to a tblsp per oz) and zantac.
After 3 months, I finally went to a traditional doctor who put me on 4 zyrtec / day & 2 zantac / day & they cleared right up.
People may have this idea from the mainstream media ---- I just a commercial the other day that still makes me gag about Zantac and all these other Nexium and all these companies competing on who has the best acid blocker and 99.9 — and correct me if I'm wrong — 99.9 % of the time, the issue is too low stomach acid and not too much and people that have like a faulty lower esophageal sphincter from stress or whatever, that could actually cause some of that acid to sneak back up into the esophagus where you don't want it to, but if we have the HCl levels optimized, that could prevent some of that stuff from happening.
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