Sentences with phrase «on a bell curve»

We want someone to come in and really look, really listen, and then respond to us as individuals, not numbers on a bell curve.
They will lose more than a week of their education so that their teacher can be ranked and sorted on a bell curve and assigned a number.
One study found that teachers under high - stakes testing spent more time teaching «bubble kids» who were close to passing, at the expense of students elsewhere on the bell curve.
I am surprised with the number of stock holdings to be around 50 based on the bell curve.
The Monte Carlo simulation presents results in the form of standard deviations on a bell curve.
And may you be at the high tail on the bell curve (in other words, good luck) for those other nasties.
While the comps resonate most with Binnings, data related to where properties sit on the bell curve within a specific market area — in addition to the platform's ability to forecast into the future — are most beneficial for his clients.
And more importantly, he's way down on the bell curve when it comes to his voting record; he's rated as the 15th - worst member across our state's 213 senators and assemblymembers by EPL / Environmental Advocates 2015 and 2016 scorecards.
May still be a bell curve effect where the average mood is better amongst vegans / vegos than omnivores for example but still they lie on a bell curve and maybe you're not affected much since you're still at 1 end of the bell curve?
As conventional lab ranges are based on a bell curve analysis of all of the population that visited the lab over a certain period of time, many of whom are sick, this has lead to an ever - broadening reference range.
Traditional grading is easily converted to credits or Carnegie Units, and whether results are recorded as points or letter grade, traditional grading is easy to see on a bell curve.
Profit Solver results are displayed on a bell curve showing the exact profit level in each service fee you charge.
[Peak OilPeak Oil being that high point on a bell curve where global petroleum extraction reaches maximum output and then starts to decline.
The Monte Carlo simulation presents results in the form of standard deviations on a bell curve.
If big blackouts were just a random, unlucky confluence of many small failures, as grid planners and operators believed, a major grid collapse would occur only once in a thousand years or so, showing up as the slim tail on a bell curve.
It was, Coleman suggested, a rational response to a system whose rewards sat on a bell curve.
We were there to give testimony that by setting teachers up on a bell curve, you are creating the contrived headline — «Half of all New York teachers not effective when judged by test scores,» thus cynically undermining the faith of parents in their public school teachers and principals.
«In today's knowledge economy, if you have an employee or a researcher or a politician who is a superstar, there's no limit to their performance, but that won't show up on a bell curve
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