Sentences with phrase «on a conspiracy theory website»

Crampton was suspended by the eurosceptic party ahead of next week's local elections after comments attributed to her were posted on a conspiracy theory website questioning who was responsible for the Holocaust during the Second World War.

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The president himself has been a longtime supporter of conspiracy theories often espoused by Alex Jones on InfoWars, a far - right website that deliberately spreads propaganda and disinformation masked as real news, or as the president would actually call it, fake news.
Fake news / conspiracy theory often centers on anti-governance and dovetails with ideological views of Trump and right - wing voters meaning they are more susceptible to considering fake news websites as legitimate.
On her website, Lieder channels aliens called Zetas and peddles a complex web of interrelated conspiracy theories.
While several influential websites cover the story and provide their conspiracy theories on what will happen in the future for the publishing industry, the news coverage does predict the business trend of collaboration.
You seem to frequent disinformation websites, where the focus is on conspiracy theories and not on the primary literature itself.
Initially I assumed that they were just another high - level environmental think - tank and dismissed the conspiracy theories found on many website claiming that the CoR is a group of global elitists attempting to impose some kind of one world government.
If you look at any of the posts about the missing Malaysian airliner on my website, you will find that generally I am a person who favours cock - up theories over conspiracy theories.
As I said in a previous post on this topic (here), despite the comment pages on various newspaper websites, I'm hesitant to start seeing dark conspiracy theories behind any of the recent judicial appointments.
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