Sentences with phrase «on a downward spiral then»

If this doesn't convince anyone that we've been on a downward spiral then we need prayers.

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If it gets high marks on those three scores, then contributions will not be for naught, so those considering making a donation to any charity should consult this information to tell if their donations will go to their intended purpose or get lost in the downward spiral of a failing foundation.
It's only in the last century that people have tried to make the Bible fit their beliefs rather then align their life with what the bible says, and look at the results, the world is in turmoil and on a downward spiral out of control and this article is a good example of trying to make God's word an excuse to do every wrong thing there is real good reporting.
So why did Sanchez and Ozil join in the first place then, as we have been on a downward spiral for fourteen years?
The second time you meet your thesis adviser, the relationship begins its downward spiral toward the inevitable «All I want is this ass - monster's signature on my thesis defense form and then I can get the hell out.»
It was kind of my thing... until I realized my style was pretty much evolving.And then J.Crew kind of went on a downward spiral.
Unforeseen complications involving the aforementioned Led Zeppelins send him into a drug - fueled downward spiral, which turns into a kind of upward spiral, which then sort of falls over on its side in a pile of cocaine.
From then on, it can be a downward spiral if they do not receive supplemental feeding or your assistance in getting a nipple to feed on.
Then she hit a downward spiral when she started associating with several of the cheaters on the Reddeadus website.
For those rueful about start - up culture's legacy of inflated fake job - titles, this etymological history of the term «rock star» reveals how the downward spiral began with boomer rock stars becoming corporate shills on the 1980s comeback concert circuit and then ended with the
If you want to stop the downward spiral and improve your marriage then read on!
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