Sentences with phrase «on a given subject»

It allows users to communicate in discussion topics on a given subject in a clever and organized manner.
An essay is a type of paper that uses a particular methodology to analyze and evaluate a certain issue or provide an academic opinion on a given subject matter.
For a composition of a perfect report it requires being full of information on the given subject matter.
Because self - publishing has become so popular, there are literally thousands of books on any given subject on the market.
We work towards collecting essential information on the given subject on behalf of students followed by drafting the projects.
Follow these simple pieces of advice and your academic essay will be the explosion of your knowledge on the given subject, complete with the pointed and well - supported arguments.
Students must be able to analyze, explain and develop clear, accurate and effective writing on any given subject area topic.
Writing impressive and unique term papers requires an extensive knowledge and understanding on the given subject.
Still others prepare fresh essays on given subjects, but they do not offer revisions or a satisfaction guarantee.
It also suggests the formal declaration of a stance or position on any given subject.
Becoming the known authority on any given subject will generate opportunity for your law firm.
For that very reason, they encourage the belief that there can not, really, be «that» much out there on a given subject.
Wouldn't you like to have someone that you could call with expertise on any given subject?
With that said, the reader will still find every chapter valuable in regards to the literature on the given subject of the chapter through 2009.
Finally, the government has deterred charities and other NGOs from acting as «interveners» — basically the equivalent of the expert on a given subject called in to a criminal trial.
And that is one of the great things about this industry; it is full of passionate people who are not afraid to offer their two cents on any given subject, regardless of how expected or unexpected their opinion might be.
Cynicism is really a sign of a lack of education on a given subject... I was pretty cynical.
A meta - analysis statistically combines all relevant existing studies on a given subject, in order to determine those studies» aggregated results.
The blogging community has a wide and diverse range of views and sometimes one can feel like the lone voice on any given subject but the blog exists to allow debate and the airing of those views.
In the impromptu speaking session, the «Table Topics Master» asks members to talk on a given subject for 1 to 2 minutes.
I am about as subtle as a hammer and as tenacious as a pit bull on any given subject.
A lot of the dialogue seems to be improvised riffs on a given subject, and it relies a good deal on popular culture references to buttress its material.
Before asking students to read a text on a given subject, teachers can orally introduce ideas and vocabulary that are beyond kids» reading levels.
If he spends a lot more time on a given subject, is it because it is really that important, because a student question took the course on a tangent, or because the instructor just happens to be passionate about that particular topic?
Every student is familiar with the assignment writing, and for writing a perfect academic assignment, students need to dwell on a given subject in written form with all their analytical and creative skills.
There are different types of methods which are used for the analysis of data and records collected from research to make out the inferences on a given subjects.
Basically, the material stated in the educational literature has the general character and in numerous monographs on the given subjects narrower questions of a problem «Environment Continue reading
Subject focus: Obviously, a practice group will be able to zero in much more closely on a given subject matter than can a general law firm blog.
Also, Homann says he «had a devil of a time rounding out my panel of five,» which is the number of people he typically interviews on a given subject.
Earlier this month, Twitter announced the launch of «Moments,» a new service that will identify and collect within a single stream the most useful, insightful, or engaging tweets issued on any given subject.
People who work with or for lawyers — secretaries, paralegals, marketers, recruiters, PD experts, consultants, and so on — can all relate eye - rolling stories of lawyers who really believe that their fleeting sentiments on a given subject merit equal consideration to what the trained professional in question has advised.
Little Bird was founded in 2011 to help researchers quickly find the top experts and influencers on any given subject via Twitter.
It's flash uses four LEDs, which Apple says leads to twice as much conformity of light on any given subject. is a powerful tool for content curating; it's also great for checking the latest news and web content on a given subject.
One online dictionary defines «Ignorance is bliss» as «a term used to falsely justify apathy on the given subject in the form of a catchy cliche.»
And while researching on a given subject, scholars come across a lot of great material, and it can be tempting to put it in your writing to substantiate your own ideas.
I asked her about the research she did for The Magician's Assistant, and she told me to choose the single best book on the given subject and study it obsessively.
In fact, dissertations are normally given to students taking their Masters or PHD to test their knowledge on a given subject matter.
One of the great things about the pet industry is that it is full of passionate people who are not afraid to offer their two cents on any given subject, regardless of how expected or unexpected their opinion might be.
OK Phil, since you seem to believe that educational study is the only thing that qualifies one to have an opinion on any given subject;
Someone pushed you and forced you to interact with them on a given subject?
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