Sentences with phrase «on a jury»

Years ago, an engineer friend of mine served on a jury in a personal injury case.
Unfortunately, we will see many of these people sitting on our jury panel.
If I couldn't be trusted to judge innocence or guilt in that litigation, what was the likelihood that I would be seated on a jury in a murder case?
The Game Awards could have asked 10,000 women to serve on its jury for all we know, but it was content to move forward with only one on the panel.
It assumes that ordinary people on a jury, having heard two sets of scientific evidence from experts, will be able to arrive at the truth by choosing between the two versions.
This type of evidence can have long - term and devastating impacts on jury members.
Experienced jury trial lawyers believe that 75 percent of the outcome of a jury trial case depends on jury selection and opening statement.
It looks (also based on the jury's approach to damages) like the jury decided the trade dress part like it was just an enhancement of design patents.
Being on the jury panel is an interesting story, too.
Some research has suggested that depending on the case, different types of technology - based graphics can have different persuasive effects on the jury.
It is like being asked to sit on a jury when you have a deep interest in the outcome.
The court also held that the trial court's decision on the jury instructions was within its discretion, and that the instructions as submitted to the jury were correct statements of law.
Trial consultants focused on jury decision - making theory have developed a number of models to understand the process.
There are seven men and five women on the jury.
That legislation got much of its attention for placing caps on jury awards for businesses and individuals in lawsuits.
Remember, your best shot at ensuring a fair trial and a just verdict is to get on the jury!
No one puts a trial lawyer on a jury and I wish they would have done it this morning.
This is particularly important for a defendant, who needs to make a good impression on a jury.
None of us, I believe, had ever served on a jury before.
But when I was last on jury duty, the other members were comparing coupons from different casinos to see which ones gave the best rewards.
To mitigate the level of risk in civil cases, there are databases to consult that accumulate data on jury awards in cases based on certain criteria.
Shame on the jury, but hey, what do you expect?
After all, I had been assured by some of my colleagues that neither side wants professors on a jury.
After spending the morning on jury duty, I came home and changed to go running.
As a law student, my trial practice professor spent all of one class on jury selection.
Why would it always be the case that at least one side would not want someone with legal training on a jury?
In cases that go to trial, years may pass between an accident and a final order on a jury's verdict.
Not for a moment did we think the plaintiff would allow us to remain on the jury.
It was my choice to leave on the jury or kick them off and I was wrong.
You can check on your jury duty, pay your ticket, check court records and more.
This is rare because after a week of serving on a jury, most jurors chose to leave without talking to anyone when the verdict comes out.
So I have to wonder if being an Engineer is what has prevented me from sitting on a jury.
Based on the jury's decision, your claim can somewhat diminish or reduce entirely.
To have a lawyer on the jury would defeat the finely crafted instruction and its potential to confuse.
She has also served on the jury of the 56th Venice Biennale in 2015.
The drastic underrepresentation of on - reserve Aboriginal people on the jury roll in Kokopenace meant that Mr. Kokopenace's right to a fair trial was not met; the petit jury would not be selected from a representative roll.
Early on in my time with FIJA, I met Mike when I gave a talk on jury nullification at the University of Montana.
News reporters / bloggers just can't sit on a jury at the same time.»
Based on a jury verdict for respondent, that court entered judgment against petitioner for $ 100,000, and, after review in both the Florida District Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Florida, the judgment was ultimately affirmed.
Received a defense verdict on jury trial in favor of an employer accused of employment discrimination by the EEOC.
NVAL puts on juried competitions each year, which are open to members and non-members.
For instance, a juror who indicated on his jury questionnaire that he had heard Mr. Silver had engaged in some «dirty dealings» was sent home.
The case deals with what duty the Ontario government has to ensure that First People who live on reserve are included on jury rolls (list of potential -LSB-...]
In 2013, Former Supreme Court judge Frank Iacobucci, who authored a report on the lack of Indigenous representation on jury rolls on First Nations reserves, recommended that the Ministry of the Attorney General «undertake a prompt and urgent review» of «using the OHIP database.»
A judge in Montgomery County, Maryland, denied a request to allow research of potential jurors because it could have a chilling effect on jury service if they knew they were going to be Googled as soon as they walked into the courthouse.
She was joined on the jury by Kacie V. Armstrong, Sam Bloom, Erica T. Marks, April Roy, Martha V. Parravano and Ida W. Thompson.
Patricia Spencer - Cisek of Queensbury, executive director of oncology services at Glens Falls Hospital's C.R. Wood Cancer Center, said her service on the jury made her feel that there is an urgency for reform.
Although the participants knew the mock jury was a court - sponsored experiment, they did not know that the true purpose of the research was to study the impact of racial diversity on jury decision making.
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