Sentences with phrase «on a long line»

With this, you can finally: - Stop waiting on those long lines at restaurant to pay for dishes you can quickly make in your own kitchen!
They put the dog on a long line, thread the line into the crate and out the back.
Press for a bit on the long line till you feel a vibration and the page turns ahead.
If there is a large area when you can let him wander on a long line, that can help him feel better.
Unless you're willing to wait on long lines, it's unlikely you'll actually get the item at the price.
If you walk your dog on a long line, you may log in three miles while your dog puts in six.
are less likely to be spent speed dating and socializing, and more likely to be spent doting on the long line of wounded dads in A&E whose weekend DIY attempts have gone spectacularly wrong.
Today we caught the smallest shark on long line in the #greenlandsharkproject measuring only 1.6 m and after samples for genetics were taken it was released with an identification tag ✌ #greenlandshark #northernorway #science #sharkscience #norway #arctic #marinebiology #shark #extrmemfishing #deepsea #andørja #marinescience #biology #ocean
are less likely to be spent speed dating and socialising, and more likely to be spent doting on the long line of walking wounded whose weekend DIY attempts have gone spectacularly wrong.
Unfortunately, I had to catch the bus and couldn't wait on that long line for you to sign it (so many adoring fans!).
We know how valuable your time is and it shouldnt involve standing on long lines at the NJMVC attempting to «validate»
The Court relied on the long line of jurisprudence that establishes solicitor - client privilege can only be abrogated by clear and unequivocal language, including the Supreme Court of Canada's recent Blood Tribe decision.
So, for instance, standing on a long line instead of jumping to a shorter one because you've already waited quite some time, even though making the move will get you out of the store faster in the end.
We do some foundation work on a long line to help with loose leash walking in Puppy Level 1, and will start to focus more on refining your leash work in Puppy Level 3.
then what if, while believing that there is no God and no afterlife, we die, and just then we realize that we are on long line up to somewhere, that God exist and there is penalty on rejecting him.
And another report in The Mirror carried the latest on a long line of rants from the Dutch fitness coach Raymond Verheijen, who seems to spend his life waiting for another Arsenal player to get injured so he can attack Wenger, despite never having worked with the Frenchman.
The Virginia state Democratic Party, however, is putting a positive spin on the long lines, saying they are a sign of strong turnout, particularly in important Democratic regions.
The way they grow mussels, is the mussels have to remain attached to the ropes on their long lines.
Conceptually, the work builds on a long line of research from several groups in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), which sought to amplify minute motions in digital video.
Based on a long line of court decisions and guidance handed down by the federal Office for Civil Rights, which administers both nondiscrimination statutes — the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 — a court would most likely defer to educational experts, uphold standards supported by evidence of the SAT's validity, reliability, and technical underpinnings, and find flagging not to be unlawful discrimination.
Half - trained hawks fly on a long line called a creance.
Put your puppy on a long line that you know is long enough that you can easily step on it if they decide to head out of the circle
They may have a strong instinct to chase small animals and birds, and so need to have a good recall taught from a young age, or to be exercised on a long line when in areas that wildlife may be lurking.
Bear the Chow mix practices a sit - stay on a long line in the apartment complex where he lives with his owner.
This unique journey allows you to see the true wilderness of Northern Norway, an experience only accessible by rail, and after travelling 729 kilometres on the longest line in the Norwegian rail network, you will arrive in Bodø.
Drawing on a long line of art historical portraiture, Casteel's nudes confront the viewer with an unprotected gaze.
One hundred metric tons of bluefin tuna is caught on long lines annually in the Gulf of Mexico, Wheatley said.
While we might understandably fixate on the ups and downs of law firms of all shapes and sizes, we should also keep an eye on the long lines of dominoes radiating out from the private bar, because some of them look none too steady either.
Unfortunately, the event was a disappointment to many attendees, who could not get data service and ended up waiting on long lines without the AR - based game to keep them entertained.
Participants indicated their current happiness on a long line anchored with «not at all happy» and «very happy» (Researchers use a line instead of exact numbers to minimize participants» ability to simply provide the exact same answer twice and to help detect small differences).
Put your dog on a long line or keep him in a safely fenced area.
Other times, if the walk had been too long or he'd been on a long line for too much of the walk then he'd keep going when we got home — chewing, romping, etc etc..
CCD's argument relied on a long line of human rights cases that say that the right to nondiscrimination means that service providers and others must take positive steps to accommodate and remove barriers to provide access for persons with disabilities.
Still, when a parent is waiting on a long line at the supermarket or Target, a toddler is getting antsy, and none of the usual stroller toys are helping, handing over a phone for a bit seems like a perfectly reasonable, sane thing to do.
are less likely to be spent speed dating and socialising, and more likely to be spent doting on the long line of wounded dads in A&E whose weekend DIY attempts have gone spectacularly wrong.
They wait on long lines to order and pay.
Quite simply, it makes no sense to wait on a longer line to receive a worse execution.
And though Jobs might have relished inspiring people to wait on long lines to avail themselves of his vision, he never dared speak of inspiring them to die.
They love their barbecue; they drive miles for it to wait on long lines; and they keep coming back for more.
Flat Eagle, who has been a member of NAN for many years, listened to the speeches after time spent on a long line.
The only shopping day that A) doesn't require pants or a bra + B) doesn't require me to wait on long lines, find parking or fight for the last «Tickle Me Elmo» in the store... (remember those crazy Toys «R» Us Black Friday sales you would hear about in the paper... yea Cyber Monday totally nixed that!
Also, every mill dog should initially be on a long line, even when outdoors, until the dog can be trusted to wait or freeze.
Take your dog in a neutral area while your dog is on a long line.
Absent any access to a dog - friendly fenced yard, play with your dog on a long line.
Avoid this training pitfall by having your dog on a long line and implementing these Important Considerations for a Solid Recall.
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