Sentences with phrase «on a low fat diet»

What happens when children are put on lower fat diets?
For years I was trying to lose weight on a low fat diet according to studies.
After IV treatment in the hospital, he is doing well on a low fat diet.
Some individuals on a low fat diet lost more weight than those on a high fat diet.
The higher carb oxidation on the low fat diet and higher fat oxidation on the low carb diet likely reflect the respective dietary compositions.
I had driven myself to exhaustion on a low fat diet full of tofu and fake foods.
When I used to hike on a low fat diet I was so anxious because I needed to eat every few hours.
Free testosterone levels declined on the low fat diet, but they recovered after 6 weeks of going back to their high [saturated] fat dieting (p < 0.01).
It can be prevented by maintaining your adult mini on a lower fat diet.
In one study of 101 men and women, half were put on a low fat diet, and the other half were put on a moderate fat diet that included healthy fats.
After my sophomore year, I decided to go on a low fat diet and work out 4 times a week.
After college I lost 90 lbs on a low fat diet and cardio exercise.
One group was put on a low fat diet on their «eat anything» days, like the four days off on the Military Diet.
«We're trying to find out if some of the types of dietary manipulation that people use, such as weight loss based on a low fat diet, will help address it.
Deirdre Tobias and his colleagues from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard University conducted a big research that combined the results of 53 different studies on low fat diets on long term weight loss.
This fat phobia even went so far as to put small children on low fat diets.
I was always hungry on a low fat diet & experienced hypoglycaemia.
But it is also an amazing feeling when the crazy cravings and hunger pangs, we experience when we live on low fat diets, go away.
There is also a rather infamous study of people on very low carb diets having more depression after a year than people on low fat diets - but the low carb diet group started off with twice as many people who were on antidepressant medication.
I need food for a 10 year old Yorkie, who is on a low fat diet due to Pancreatis, and now is a Diabetic, he is on Low fat Hills PRESCRIPTION low fat ID AS OF NOW, WOULD LIKE TO chang that, I have already lost one dog that ate the Low fat Prescreption Low Fat ID, That acquired diabetis also on this food, I want to take my yorkie off this food if possible, do you have a better low fat food, that he can eat with diabetis, ty
We have a working Mini Schnauzer who is fed on a low fat diet.
Miniature Schnauzers are predisposed and VERY prone to pancreatitis and diabetes so should be kept on LOW fat diets!
One of my cats had to be put on a lower fat diet so we switched but if she didn't have a personal issue we would still be purchasing
After losing a lot of weight on a low fat diet but still feeling like a slave to calories Ellen was looking for a better way.
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that a low carb Mediterranean - style diet — one rich in vegetables, olive oil, nuts and the occasional glass of wine or bite of dark chocolate — is better for weight loss, blood sugar control and improving cholesterol than going on a low fat diet.
I never cease to be shocked by the large number of clients who come into my office with cardiovascular history or issues, having been told by their doctors to «stay on a low fat diet
(Some cats that have had pancreatitis do better on a low fat diet.)
Eating fats to lose fat might seem counterintuitive, but choosing «good» fat sources like salmon, sardines, trout, olive oil, peanut butter, walnuts, etc can actually help you burn fat compared to if you went on a low fat diet.
Several studies have shown that those on a low fat diet with low cholesterol are linked to a depressed mood
But if you are on a low fat diet, you are not going to be absorbing as much vitamin D as you might expect.
People who are overweight, on a low fat diet, have frequent infections, dry eyes, dry skin, dandruff, or brittle nails, may need to increase their essential fatty acids intake.
In a recent study out of Harvard University, less than 80 % of the people on a low carb (higher fat) diet were still on their plan after 2 years, while 90 % of those on low fat diet (higher carb) were still on their plan after the same 2 years.
The man collected 150 patients, put them on a low fat diet and described how many of these patients did well.
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