Sentences with phrase «on a new puppy»

• This method works particularly well on new puppies.
Read on for advice on how to get rid of fleas on your new puppy.
Now would be a good time to contact us and leave a down payment on your new puppy!
If you have just purchased a new puppy, the following some of the information you need to get you started on new puppy training.
Before deciding on your new puppy, make sure you bring him home and let the allergic person meet him — a responsible breeder will take him back if there is a problem.
Depending on your new puppy's age and expected lifestyle, there are a lot of different things you can expect from your veterinarian.
Our hospital performs a fecal analysis on all new puppies and kittens.
Can anyone tell me if using a shock collar on a new puppy being crate trained is an acceptable practice?
Keeping a close eye on your new puppy while he is out investigating and acclimating to his new home is the key.
Be sure and ask about these considerations before even looking at the puppies, because there will be no need to spend time with this breeder if he does not provide you with this essential information on the new puppy.
You're preparing for a new puppy, and though it may not be one of the more exciting things on your new puppy checklist, you're likely wondering what type and size of collar to get for your new fur bundle.
My wife commented after one trip with NIKE that we got more comments on our new puppy than we ever got on our newborn baby.
As much as you may desire to dote on your new puppy or adopted dog, do NOT provide constant companionship during your dog's first few days in your house.
Leerburg's Ryan Maciej shows the settings on our new puppy incubators.
You don't have to take on a new puppy, with all the effort that entails if you'd like to bring a Whippet into your life.
So the Boss Baby has been sent to Tim's household (via taxi cab) to try to get info on this new puppy.
Just a message for Dan really to say congratulations on the new puppy.
-- This method works particularly well on new puppies.
At night the Puppy Apartment goes in our youngest daughter's room so she can keep an eye on her new puppy.
For example: «I read your post on (insert book title) and loved it...» or in one case, I wrote a blogger and congratulated her on her new puppy she named «Library» and the blogger loved the personalization and reviewed the book.
-- Scott Foley, an ambassador for Swiffer's «Welcome Home» pet campaign, on his new puppy,...
Congratulations on your new puppy!
Congrats on the new puppy!
With that being said, they're still an extremely popular breed and you can spend as much as $ 3,000 on a new puppy.
On a new puppy we recommend leaving food and water out 24 hrs.
Congratulations on your new puppies.
Caring for Your New Puppy The First Steps Congratulations on your new puppy!
CONGRATULATIONS on your new puppy!
Hi Judene, Congratulation on your new puppy!
From providing annual examinations and vaccinations for healthy pets, to checking up on new puppies and kittens, we provide care for patients of all sizes and ages.
Once again, congratulations on your new puppy!
Congratulations on your new puppy, we know you are over-joyed and probably asking a lot of questions including «how do I «potty - train» my pet?»
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