Sentences with phrase «on a particular problem»

The owner had taken her dog to a trainer that said they would confront the aggression immediately, and completely focus on that particular problem.
This information enables educators to focus resources and attention on particular problems and, equally importantly, to monitor and address all issues that affect their own performance.
The claimant goes back to his or her life, and the defendant can close the book on that particular problem.
That is, a goal based on a particular problem the parent has identified as interfering with the child's best interests.
We also collaborate with other community groups working on particular problems and projects.
Think I would love the velvet touch but think your brain might be a good one to pick on my particular problem with kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
First, the therapist will try to establish a focus on a particular problem.
Approaching theology and emotion from a psychological viewpoint, these writers focus on particular problems of the emotional life (e.g., inappropriate guilt, uncontrollable anger) and perceive Christianity to be the solution to such distress.
The evaluator may look for symptoms that indicate a problem, or concentrate on a particular problem like comfort or health issues.
While any kind of Qigong provides numerous benefits to the whole body and mind, medical Qi Gong zeros in on a particular problem.
Such meetings as the synod at Cambridge were only gatherings of congregational representatives to combine their wisdom on particular problems and to offer advice.
This insight (if it occurs, and it is not ours to command, but God's to give) will show itself in some decision, some forthright judgment on the particular problem or issue under examination, and any such judgment will exhibit pro tem, a moral or social Christian principle — here will be God's message, if we wish to continue the model....
Unlike those who offer psychological studies of religion and feelings, these thinkers do not focus primarily on particular problems of the emotional life, but instead provide a broader theoretical understanding of emotion and a positive vision for the role of doctrine in the emotional life.
A former middle and high school math teacher, Star's research has explored the development of flexibility in mathematical problem solving, with flexibility defined as knowledge of multiple strategies for solving mathematics problems and the ability to adaptively choose among known strategies on a particular problem.
As Beverly («Le loi, c’est moi») McLachlin stated in her recent interview:» My job is simply to listen to what the parties have to say, and to do my best to understand the position, the ramifications of deciding one way or the other, to think about what's best for Canadian society on this particular problem that's before us, and give it my best judgment after listening to, also, my eight other colleagues.»
My product was aligned towards these three groups of people (job seekers, college hopefuls, and grandmas) but my messaging started to say «we don't focus enough on a particular problem to the point of being expert at that problem.»
I point that out to show that nutrition and weight management are not inherently «anti fat,» it's just that with the obesity rate doubling in the past 30 years in this country, it is not surprising that most public health nutrition efforts are concentrated on that particular problem.
It's no wonder that teachers are routinely subjected to fly - by consulting or enthusiastic workshops, without any sustained focus on particular problems or figuring how to use time, talent, and tools to solve them.
Funded by the government and run by private entities such as universities or companies, they focus on particular problems and emphasize collaboration among scientists and engineers to find solutions.
Unlike previous federal programs, which tended to focus on particular problems, they noted, the Bush proposal offers a comprehensive strategy for achieving the national education goals set last year.
In the middle of a forum conversation about «leavers» — people who quit matches intentionally and ruin the game for those who are left behind — he says Blizzard is laser - focused on this particular problem.
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