Sentences with phrase «on a pedestal all»

If Jeff Bezos chooses to, he can spend his time on the pedestal helping rebuild one of America's most complicated (and storied) cities.
But «winning» usually has the opposite effect: When an individual is publicly recognized for an achievement, he or she is put on a pedestal — and this tends to foster feelings of pride and self - importance.
You risk making them feel put on a pedestal, communicating to them your value and status as lower.
We put eight really cheap bikes in the audience and a nicer bike on a pedestal, propped up on some bricks,» recalls cofounder and CEO John Foley.
Superficially, it's obvious why: There are the global - scale economic and political effects a manipulated outcome could have, and the psychological appeal of attacking a democratic process that the US holds on a pedestal.
Men are trained in ultra orthodox communities to focus on the woman's pleasure in the bedroom over their own pleasure and to put their wife on a pedestal.
Google images of Balpreet Kaur... he definitely has more wrong than an overabundance of facial hair... and people need to quit putting her on a pedestal for being the escaped beared lady from the circus vargus!
Married and single Christians alike put sex on a pedestal.
Problem was I put lecturers on a pedestal and expected the same from «ordinary» congregants.
One of the things I fear about our modern Christian «leaders» so many put on a pedestal, is their political pandering on these sorts of topics.
I'm even more sorry if you've been led to believe that a relationship will magically cure all, if you've bought into placing marriage on a pedestal.
Being expected to be up on a pedestal like some kind of «Holy Role Model» instead of being an honest sinner like everyone else.
Put him on a pedestal that he'll inevitably fall from?
They're either held to a higher standard or put on a pedestal.
The way it is often taught and believed seems to limit the breath of God within Scripture, and puts Scripture up on a pedestal where God never intended it to be placed.
But we were the ones that placed them on the pedestal of impossible expectations, then we often work hard to keep them propped up there, and so of course it hurts when they tumbled right off.
By placing their sexuality on a pedestal and not allowing them to explore or express their sexuality you effectively stifle it.
Sometimes they wanted to be on that pedestal, believing in their own ridiculous hype, but most of the time, our heroes and our patron saints, our spiritual mothers and fathers, didn't want to be elevated up there, anyway, and are secretly relieved when it comes crashing down.
We need to reconsider both why they are on a pedestal, and how we treat them while they are up there.
their belief and propaganda to have Peter put on a pedestal.
When we forget this, we miss out on understanding the gospel and we set pastors up on pedestals; and when this happens it is dangerous for both the pastor and the church.
People assume that Jesus was a passive, lovey dovey hippie type that didn't think of harming anyone, especially the highly worshiped children that we put on a pedestal today.
If nothing else, keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing better to add, because close - minded and arrogant people up on their pedestals (whether they be the arrogant scientists criticizing religion or the arrogant Christians judging people's sins) are people I do NOT want to talk to.
Billy Graham is a fraud... why he has been put on a pedestal for years is beyond me... he collected huge amounts of money from those big crowds... HIs son Franklin is worse... he pays himself more than ONE MILLION A YEAR... as head of the Samaritan Purse and other things!!
There is no room in God's church for the unapproachable, ivory tower personality who stands on a pedestal to deliver a message from God and then retreats back to his chambers in order to avoid mingling with the masses.
The prophet respected other religions and even placed Mary and Jesus on a pedestal.
The Jewish American poet, Emma Lazarus, gave classic expression to this idea in 1883 in words inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:
Fifth, Piper highlights the controversy over Confederate memorials which «too many of us feel like they belong in a museum for education instead of on a pedestal for celebration.»
Isaiah's irony is well known: «You can take it and put it on a pedestal, but you can also throw it on the ground....
The Catholics have put the Pope on a pedestal that no man should be on.
We sometimes elevate them and put them on pedestals, but they were human just like us.
I am tired of religious leaders who put themselves on a pedestal and deem what is proper or good or holy and what isn't as if they are God.
You don't want people to put you on a pedestal and attach themselves to you.
The former sees only the spiritual and inspires a retreat from culture, and the latter sees only the physical and puts politics on a pedestal.
Anyone who is a «follower» of Eddie Long needs to step back and take a seriously hard look at who you're putting up on that pedestal.
Stop putting the wrong people on pedestals.
A real conundrum I find with Christians of various theological persuasions is that they harp on how we must be engaged in studying the Bible, how the Bible is our guide in life, and hold the Bible on a pedestal, much like rabbinic Jews hold the Torah or Catholic hold up their Eucharist, but when it comes to the nitty - gritty of how they have come to know God, no matter how they explain it, it ends up being on the basis of experience.
I certainly think (as you have shown) in the past that the doctrine of inspired scripture has caused some to place the Bible on a pedestal that only the clergy should have access to, but just because some have unfortunately held that view, that does invalidate whether scripture is inspired or not.
The missionaries also get put up on a pedestal so that when they return home on furlough, they have to conform to a certain standard of holy behavior which matches the pedestal that has been built for them.
And though there are obvious dangerous to the public shame machine, there are also important implications: We can no longer choose to be ignorant or oblivious to crimes and sins of the artists and cultural figures that we've also put on a pedestal.
We place celebs on a pedestal here and we should not.
And, through the occasional reminder of the pain and the prodding of the Holy Spirit, I quit participating in the «Let's put them on the pedestal and see how hard they fall!»
Please don't put Paul on a pedestal.
He is compared to Hitler who put himself on a pedestal and condemned because others did not meet his criteria for a «perfect world.»
We have the Bible to guide us, but it seems we, including me, put it on a pedestal, and forget to listen to Christ deep within our soul.
The very problem with marriage is how religion has put it on a pedestal.
I also get frustrated when people put pastors on pedestals.
And on the pedestal these words appear: «My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!»
A witty modern writer suggests that along with the engraving on the pedestal may also be found the scratched names of Mr. and Mrs. Dukes and various other tourists.
hmm I am surprised at Becky's experience of Spong but hey Spong is a man and we can put him on a pedestal if we are not careful.
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