Sentences with phrase «on a single issue»

It is hard to make me focus on a single issue for a long period of time.
It is sad to see anyone make choices in politics or religion based on a single issue.
By removing distractions and mental clutter, leaders possess the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time and, thus can concentrate on a single issue and think with clarity.
The really fatal mistake they made was to hold a referendum on a single issue.
We must acknowledge that people can still speak truth into our lives even if we don't see eye - to - eye on every single issue.
Are you just unable to comprehend that atheism is a single stance on a single issue, and your question does not make ANY sense?
If you're only looking for help on a single issue, you may consider choosing a more cost - effective option, like robo - advice.
We hear this in common speech: «The fact is...» and we see on single issue websites «The Facts are...».
I know my blog is eclectic; I cover a number of issues, and less well than some blogs that are more focused on single issues.
Senator Warren was also referring to the President's Supreme Court appointment, but is now one of the ringleaders in stifling the President's SEC appointments based on the single issue of political spending.
About the last third of the book consists of an appendix of short essays, each of which focuses on a single issue in LOTR, and it these that constitute the main difference between this book and the previous edition.
«While few people in public life agree on every single issue, Andrew and I certainly agree on the overwhelming majority of priorities for our state, and I believe it is incumbent upon all of us to put aside our differences and come together, just as New Yorkers did during a similarly challenging time in our state's history in the 1970s.»
Unintimidated by the opprobrium associated with «single issue» politics, it explains why one may well support or oppose a candidate on the single issue of abortion.
And the question is not whether we have his ideas rendered exactly right on every single issue addressed in the Gospels.
If the people are asked by the government to express their opinion on a single issue in a referendum, they are entitled to expect a reasonable amount of truthful information not only about the issue, but also about the consequences of their decision.
«What Jeremy has done in the interviews he has given, is he has been willing to answer questions on every single issue» he explains of Corbyn's musings on the Falkands, shoot - to - kill orders or to whether he would press the nuclear button.
One of the first members of the art activist network at Autograph Gallery, she also works as an independent curator; bringing together different points of view on a single issue.
The referendum also centered on a single issue, while the presidential election can be as much a decision about personality and temperament as candidates» policies.
APEC commentaries are occasional electronic publications that give analysis on a single issue.
Motivated constituencies focused on a single issue usually trump the more loosely held views of the median voter.
I realize that such methods have some unfortunate by - products: Concentration on a single issue, the tendency to use oversimplifying slogans, the tendency to turn other parties into provisional devils.
With the success of the AFL in the early half of the 20th century being based solely on a single issue it could be argued that there can be little contemporary relevance to these productions.
Theresa May has called an early election largely on the single issue of Brexit.
This race is expected to turn on the question of charter schools, and it remains unclear if there's enough passion in the district on that single issue to overcome the power of incumbency.
I love how people always point out «Ron Paul is awesome on every single issue» and then in the same breath say «He can't win.»
Independents are not always stuck on a single issue, but can demonstrate a capacity to deal with wider crosscutting issues such as fiscal policy, crime and disorder and social care.
On 12 June 2008, Davis resigned from the Shadow Cabinet and announced his resignation as an MP, in order to force a by - election, and cause a wider debate on the single issue of what he believed to be the erosion of civil liberties.
«The fact is he's behind the curve on every single issue
If not, he should forgo the post-budget deal victory lap and barnstorm the state on that single issue.
Giving everyone a vote on a single issue, no matter how educated, rich, clever or powerful they are, is the purest form of democracy.
Less than a third of voters believe the next general election will be decided on the single issue of Britain's shoulder - to - shoulder support for the US - led war in Iraq in 2003.
The venom - filled campaign of 2015 has ruptured the core of the country so much that we are yet to find common ground on any single issue, particularly when religion or ethnicity is involved.
Responding to a question about property taxes, he said, «I'm not an expert on every single issue we're talking tonight.»
Ultimately, poorly designed ketogenic plans become hyper - fixated on a single issue, like counting carbs or getting enough fat.
It is difficult to concentrate on a single issue when we feel pressured to respond to an immensity of stimuli at the same time.
The young fellow campaigning against the encrusted council member is running on a single issue: the extension of the Monorail, holding that his opponent is in the pocket of the contractors who want to build more roads and extend the subway line, thereby increasing pollution and shafting the poor neighborhoods.
Image Comics and Hoopla have just come to terms on single issue and graphic novels.
There is no word on single issue comics yet, but DC is currently coming to terms with major online retailers to bring them in.
I'm not sure pissing off the people who do still go to the comic book store every week and drop a lot of money on single issues even though trades are usually more cost - effective is the way to go about it, though.
Even though our sales in arc 3 only dropped 21.2 %, the profitability on those single issues dropped 67.7 % because we fell below that ideal balance.
That said, I think the emphasis placed on single issue sales to determine success / failure is short - sighted and damaging.
Splurge: Assuming I wouldn't spend my unlimited gift card on single issues, I'd be looking at the first Bucko collection from Dark Horse ($ 19.99) and Fantagraphics» Is That All There Is?
The relevance of information related to the perspectives of conservation biologists on any single issue is more likely to make a difference in the context of environmental education that engages the members of the local community that are involved in decision making.
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