Sentences with phrase «on a smaller amount in»

They will take out the majority of their coverage in term life insurance and then add on a smaller amount in permanent coverage so they will always have something to fall back on once the term life insurance expires.
They tend to buy majority of their coverage in term life insurance and add on a smaller amount in permanent coverage so they have something to depend on once the term life insurance expires.

Not exact matches

And the massive amount of consolidation that's swept over the Canadian media sector in recent years — Bell, Rogers and Shaw have a lock on much of the market — has created openings for a nimble, smaller player that can fill niches in a TV universe overwhelmed by me - too reality shows.
And never follow your apology with a disclaimer like «But I was really mad, because...» or «But I did think you were...» or any statement that in any way places even the smallest amount of blame back on the other person.
The smaller amount in 2002 was partly due to the North Koreans» cheering squad staying and eating on the ferry they had arrived in, a ministry official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Although on balance these total amounts may be financially immaterial to shareholders, they may represent only a small part of what a company spends to influence political outcomes in the United States or here in Canada.
So an inspector came out to the phony, empty office, but instead of turning the group down for having no security in place, or arousing suspicion about the obvious potential that the business was a shell company, he issued a license on the spot for a small amount of radioactive material.
The only clue in this puzzle is that the dots float around and get bigger or smaller, depending on the amount of noise around you (don't worry, Blackbox asks to use your microphone first).
In order to download content, the user pays a very, very small amount of bitcoin to the peers on the network.
«Mehl and his team found that the happiest person in the study had twice as many substantive conversations, and only one - third the amount of small talk, as the unhappiest person,» reports author Jenn Granneman on Psychology Today.
«You know, personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook — it's a very small amount of the content — influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea,» he told Techonomy founder David Kirkpatrick, author of «The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company that is Connecting the World.»
Speaking at the Post.Seed Conference on Tuesday, the PayPal co-founder and Founders Fund principal offered what amounted to a critique of the generally accepted model for funding startups, wherein seed and venture investors make lots of small investments in early - stage companies in the hopes that a few will yield big payoffs.
Earning even a small amount of income in your retirement years means you don't have to rely 100 percent on your savings to fund your lifestyle, and that in turn means you may be able to retire with a little less in the bank.
Never follow an apology with a disclaimer like «But I was really mad, because...» or «But I did think you were...» or any statement that in any way places even the smallest amount of blame back on the other person.
OneMain makes loans above the illustrative amount (s) mentioned in this advertisement, but the maximum loan size depends on your credit history, with larger loans only available to a small number of highly qualified applicants offering collateral.
You might be surprised at how small the amount is compared to the images you see on television or in the movies.
«The ability to use small amounts of cash on a monthly basis to buy physical gold and silver at good prices — and have them stored both in Singapore and New York — is a great capability for someone trying to build up a holding on an incremental basis.»
On that front, changes in capital availability to small business would have a far greater effect than any amount of quantitative easing.
September 2015 Quick Hits: Starting in September I began to use Loyal3 as my primary investing account investing smaller amounts as I focused on saving up money for my post-military transition in 2017.
For example, since touch - enabled functionality can be challenging on small screens, it may be helpful to reduce the amount of information you require in order to contact you through an online form.
Micro-Loans The world of small business finance has changed a lot over the last several years as traditional lenders like banks have focused more on larger more established small businesses in need of larger loan amounts.
Among the likely changes to Dodd - Frank: raising the threshold for tougher oversight from the current $ 50 billion in assets to $ 250 billion; exempting small banks from the so - called Volcker rule, which currently bars them from speculative trading; reducing the amount of financial reporting, particularly racial and income data on mortgage holders; lowering the frequency of regulatory exams; and easing the conditions of stress tests.
However, it can have a negative impact on the traders with a smaller amount of money to invest in binary options using this platform.
The concern that the network hashrate will become too low is based on several assumptions and variables, including the number of daily transactions, the willingness of the users to wait for confirmations, the willingness of the users to pay small amounts, the behavior of the miners, the fee policies set by various wallets, the emergent consensus on acceptable fees by the mining community, and other factors, including what actually is «too low» of a network hashrate in the first place.
At a conference days after the U.S. presidential election, Zuckerberg dismisses concerns about Facebook's role in its outcome: «Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, of which it's a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea.»
Chinese tariffs announced on Friday against the U.S. are even smaller — and amount to roughly $ 5 billion in trade.
Nowadays there are a huge number of shaving soaps that come in their own bowl or tin, which allows you to add a small amount of water directly to the soap and thus eliminates the need for a shaving bowl if you plan on building up the lather directly on the face.
We want to provide easy access to finance — and we are focused on helping small business in Australia grow through access to capital — so there is a huge amount of synergy.
Because these have short term trades, you can turn over more cash — and more profits — but because they allow you to start with small amounts of money per trade, you are not taking on as much risk as you would with a huge day trade in the stock market.
Additional uncertainty in these calculations arises from the assumption that a 10 per cent GST has the same effect on the retail price as a 10 per cent WST, even though the WST is levied at an earlier stage of production and therefore represents a smaller amount of tax for a given tax rate.
If you only want to buy small amounts of coins and if you are not in a hurry, you can try to buy them on small exchanges.
In sharing these findings with congressional investigators, the three tech giants plan to emphasize that Russian - fostered disinformation — while troubling — amounted to only a small portion of the ads and other content published regularly on their platforms.
In general, it is a good practice to keep only small amounts of bitcoins on your computer or mobile for everyday uses and to keep the remaining part of your funds in a safer environmenIn general, it is a good practice to keep only small amounts of bitcoins on your computer or mobile for everyday uses and to keep the remaining part of your funds in a safer environmenin a safer environment.
The YC documents are probably fine in situations where the investor (i) wishes to purchase equity rather than convertible debt, (ii) is otherwise somewhat indifferent on terms other than percentage ownership of the company, liquidation preference and right of first offer in future financings, (iii) is investing at a fairly low valuation (i.e. a couple of million dollars), and (iv) is only investing a small amount (i.e. a couple hundred thousand dollars or less).
Generally speaking, small amounts of bitcoins come in at a regular basis, so keep a close eye on our website!
In your 1987 letter to shareholders, you commented on the kind of companies Berkshire liked to buy: those that required only small amounts of capital.
Since you can control large amounts of a commodity with a relatively small amount of money on margin, you can leverage your portfolio to take advantage of price swings in the commodity without having to actually take delivery of thousands of gallons of gasoline — something that is impractical for everyone other than institutions (such as refiners, airlines, transportation fleets, gasoline retailers, etc.).
Find the best business loan for your small business based on loan amount, years in business, and annual revenue.
If we compare operating spending by municipalities to GDP, which is a broad measure of ability to pay, it remains within historical averages of close to 3 % of GDP.  In 2012, operating spending by all municipalities in Canada amounted to just 3.1 % of GDP, the same that it was twenty years ago, and down from the 3.3 % reached in 2009 during the depths of the recession.  This ratio was higher during the recession because GDP had dropped and governments sensibly embarked on stimulus spending to prevent a depression. This was before their misguided adventures in austerity (which presumably the CFIB supports, but have caused devastation to small businesses in countries elsewhereIn 2012, operating spending by all municipalities in Canada amounted to just 3.1 % of GDP, the same that it was twenty years ago, and down from the 3.3 % reached in 2009 during the depths of the recession.  This ratio was higher during the recession because GDP had dropped and governments sensibly embarked on stimulus spending to prevent a depression. This was before their misguided adventures in austerity (which presumably the CFIB supports, but have caused devastation to small businesses in countries elsewherein Canada amounted to just 3.1 % of GDP, the same that it was twenty years ago, and down from the 3.3 % reached in 2009 during the depths of the recession.  This ratio was higher during the recession because GDP had dropped and governments sensibly embarked on stimulus spending to prevent a depression. This was before their misguided adventures in austerity (which presumably the CFIB supports, but have caused devastation to small businesses in countries elsewherein 2009 during the depths of the recession.  This ratio was higher during the recession because GDP had dropped and governments sensibly embarked on stimulus spending to prevent a depression. This was before their misguided adventures in austerity (which presumably the CFIB supports, but have caused devastation to small businesses in countries elsewherein austerity (which presumably the CFIB supports, but have caused devastation to small businesses in countries elsewherein countries elsewhere).
These short - term loans are great for small business owners who need funds in a pinch and who have the ability to pay back on an automated, daily basis as a percentage of their card sales, or, a fixed amount drawn from their business bank account.
No, someone didn't randomly deposit some obscure token into your wallet address on accident; instead, the coin's team decided to send a small amount to a population of Ethereum wallets in order to spread the word.
Even with a small amount of your funds risked on each trade, you can Profit OR Lose a lot in a single day.
Because there is only a small amount of academic literature on religious freedom (including virtually no mention of it in the four major academic human rights journals) the State Department should make a short - term commitment to provide seed funds to better understand the linkages between religious freedom, national economics, political development, and other fundamental liberties.
You can also try to contact leading media players and recommend your book or actually send them a copy, you can spend some small amounts of money in advertising your book on a limited number of websites, you can do direct mail advertising by contacting thousands of US bookstores and so on.
For decades, the Supreme Court has rejected government funding for religious elementary and secondary schools on the ground that «no tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions» (Everson, 1947).
Kindness and justice, on the other hand, retain their value whether administered in small amounts or with abandon.
Given the amount of time and energy expended on finding even a single god, I estimate the probably of there being any gods as very small, virtually zero, but I can not rule out the possibility that such a being might exist somewhere in the universe, or even outside it.
Of course, even in ancient society there was a small amount of change and development going on all the time, but it was so slow that to man himself it was almost imperceptible.
Not most importantly that since the bible is the most heavily researched book in the history of the world by wide orders of magnitude, scholars have thoroughly examined textual criticism issues such as this, and the Christian can rest assured that: — the bible we have is over 99 % original text — none of the verses under issue affect the Christian message of salvation through faith in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross at all, not even the smallest amount.
'' — the bible we have is over 99 % original text — none of the verses under issue affect the Christian message of salvation through faith in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross at all, not even the smallest amount
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