Sentences with phrase «on a tangent trying»

Describing one's value is imperative for good resume storytelling, so much so that careerists often veer off on a tangent trying to include theirs.

Not exact matches

But rather than go off on that tangent, I will just say that he was surely trying to get at what Newman said, in my opinion, much better.
In what ways (apart from «someone tried to convert me to their religion at a personal level» or «some random person online went off on a rampaging tangent») do you feel you are being discriminated against?
In our interview with the New York Congressman for this week's cover story, Espaillat went deep on no fewer than five separate baseball tangents, even promising he would try to bring David Ortiz, aka «Big Papi,» to Capitol Hill this year.
And that's correct people — I've just gone off on a tangent about toothpaste and underwear when I'm actually trying to sell you on my Paleo blueberry coffee cake recipe.
The screenplay (and assured editing) move backward and forward in time as FH tries to sift through his thoughts about Michelle, often going on long tangents as he stumbles to keep on track.
It doesn't try to be anything that it is not, doesn't overplay its hand or go off on unnecessary tangents.
But I've gone off on a tangent, much like the 2600 page book Douglas» character tries to write.
Going off on tangents or trying to cover too much subject matter will only lead to confusion.
Michael is on cyberterrorist Kaine's trail, trying to stop him from recycling humans and Tangents (sentient computer programs) through an endless supply of stolen bodies (result: everyone will live forever).
The gang starts off MobileTechRoundup show # 80 on a football tangent, but then gets back on track by discussing two freeware of the show titles you may want to try.
I know I may have went out on a tangent somewhat, but I was just trying to reach to both ends of the spectrum on this global warming arguement.
Sam: You were but you also prompted me to go off on a tangent here which is maybe a little bit closer to your Mac Power User's world which is how do you balance doing productivity that is fiddling with your tools and trying to refine them and get them better, because you were talking about part of your desire was to have greater control over how things are done and the tools you use, so how do you balance your desire to optimize versus actually being productive in getting things done?
Sam Glover: No, but... Well, you were, but you also prompted me to go off on a tangent here, which is maybe a little bit closer to your Mac Power Users world, which is how do you balance doing productivity, that is fiddling with your tools and trying to refine them and get them better?
Try to keep your answers to 60 - 90 seconds max; it's easy to ramble - on or go off on tangents.
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