Sentences with phrase «on a tough day»

Maybe they had a sense of humor that made you smile even on the toughest days, or maybe they showed you compassion when no one else did.
When people experience the empathy of others on tough days, they are more likely to work well in teams.
Having a positive, loving community to go to on tough days really helped me, and I thought sharing my favorites would be a good way to return the favor.
They make you feel warm and fuzzy and can lift you up or make you laugh on a tough day.
Love is being open and receptive to your spouse, helping him or her out around the house, providing support on tough days.
We know how to spot those anxious behaviors in each other and how to become safe and encouraging for each other on our tough days.
But if you make consistent baby steps toward friendships, you'll eventually be surrounded by people you can share the burden with on the tough days, and have fun with on the good days.
I chose him to be my partner in life because even on our toughest days at work, he helps me re-energize so I have the strength to show up tomorrow to do it all over again.
Embark on the toughest day of hiking — the slopes of Bjelašnica are well worth the full day's effort.
Performing well despite how you feel comes down to establishing systems that keep you going on those tough days.
One thing that helps this New York City - based nutritionist get un-stuck on tough days?
Soak in where you are RIGHT NOW, and make some memories that will keep you company on tough days at work in the future.
Her father, Tom (Eric Keenleyside), sensed the situation and tried to compensate by offering her extra love, compassion and a fun escape on those tough days.
Teachers pull out these notes for encouragement on tough days, and they save them long after the child has left the classroom.
If you can do that in the classroom on the tough days — when everybody decides to play up at once and the interactive whiteboard stops working — leading a team in an office will feel like child's play.
Read my post on the Inca Trail Day 2 here to see what it's like on the toughest day of the Inca Trail.
Try the Gratitude 365 app, where you can create lists and attach photos to create a digital record, which can be really helpful to browse on a tough day.
We also know how unhelpful they can be on those tough days when we feel like our relationships are on the rocks.
Remain sincere, as over-the-top positivity can sometimes have the opposite effect, but stay consistent even on the tough days and you'll reap the benefits.
Getting to know the people you work with helps you understand their style of work and how to have constructive discussions with them on tough days.
And how does that help motivate you on tough days?
Even on the toughest days I wouldn't trade it for the world.»
I keep that with me on tough days.
I miss her terribly, but on tough days or during emotionally charged parenting moments, she has become the voice in my head, gently encouraging me to follow my instincts.
On those tough days and nights, don't blame yourself, start brainstorming ways to fix the problem.
Slowly and deliberately, I began to retire this idea and realize the best people to invest in were those who understood the value of showing up on your toughest days, both physically and emotionally.
So even on your toughest day, try to make the daily chores look like fun and maybe even you'll start to believe it after awhile
Companion Animal Hospital takes on rare case with successful outcomeAs a Veterinarian you will always have those cases that stick with you and remind you even on the toughest day that I love what I do and grateful to have the opportunity to work with caring people and great owners.
Lawyers can take solace — and I do — in the intellectual challenges of our work; but on the toughest days, there is no better way to gain perspective and clarity than to discuss issues, professional and personal, with a friend or colleague.»
On the tough days — too tired, bad hair — it's the coat I reach for, and it invariably gives me a lift.
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