Sentences with phrase «on a visual level»

Yet this film is more impressive on a visual level than a narrative or thematic one.
With sizable, busy paintings, it can be helpful to pair them with works that are less stimulating on a visual level.
And therefore tags on a schlock horror bit to what was otherwise interesting - at least on a visual level?
Even on a visual level, Thor: Ragnarok is a bright, colorful cartoon.
Filled with impressive special effects and larger - than - life set design, The Haunted Mansion certainly doesn't disappoint on a visual level.
The movie only really connects on a visual level, though, capturing in gorgeous detail the chintzy, flat - brushed style of painting of so many of these tubby decorative accoutrements.
Aside from blowing us away on a visual level — accurately representing the alt comics from which it is inspired — «Tank Girl» has one hell of a cast that includes Lori Petty as the titular character, alongside Naomi Watts as Jet Girl, Malcolm McDowell as the delightfully clawed villain Kesslee, and Ice - T and Iggy Pop as kangaroo mutants referred to as «The Rippers.»
Although Disney direct - to - video sequels have certainly improved on the visual level over the years, crap is still crap no matter what pretty gloss you throw on it, and Mulan II is the latest evidence of that.
Hercules also leaves a little something to be desired on the visual level.
Clark's direction is fine on a visual level, though he's no great stylist.
They're all rather interesting on a visual level, but again, they don't really fit the feel of the game world and really did deserve to be replaced with the design we actually got.
DragonFlies sounds pretty crazy on a visual level and would've been cool to see.
This can move gameplay to a crawl, leading to Castellanos taking damage due to dropped inputs, all while being frustrating to deal with on a visual level.
Understanding this not only allows you to enjoy the paintings on a visual level, but it also lets you sink into them and reflect on how they relate to you and your personal reality.
He said: «It originally caught my eye as there was a certain symmetry to these people locked simultaneously yet separately in the same action and it appealed on a visual level, but as I continued, I noticed an inherent sadness to the proceedings.
The gallery works with an extended network of mostly British artists, seeking always to show work that engages on a visual level as much as an intellectual one and that celebrates and rewards the act of looking.
The two works are very similar on a visual level, with flat, colorful art composed of simple pixel sprites, and they both have multiple endings, which carries...
For instance, while New Donk City looks as great as a city level in a Mario game could ever be, the Sand and Cascade Kingdoms (which are also heavily advertised by Nintendo) may actually be some of the least impressive on a visual level.
Just goes to show you how powerful food can be on a visual level!
On a visual level, Bird mostly keeps things tight and relatively grounded and believable when showcasing advanced technology and inventions in our real world setting; however, things get stretched too far into CGI malaise when we are ported over to the fantastical world of Tomorrowland.
And on a visual level this is the best Batman we've yet received in live action.
On a visual level the film is very pretty, its colour scheme being rooted in pale pinks, dark blues and deep blacks with an underlying watercolour sensibility.
On a visual level, The Caligula Effect isn't all that impressive.
I think the best metaphor for it, on a visual level, is to point to the flag which is historically the only state flag that can be flown at the same level as the U.S. flag.
While infused with its moments of fantasy and whimsy, on a visual level, the show is typically quite simple.
It's a bland looking movie, not even using the Christmas element or lighting to make it stick out on a visual level.
On a visual level, the new C - Class represents a bold departure from its predecessor.
It's remarkable how polished this game is on a visual level.
So, on a visual level, Super Mario Odyssey is about as great as you can imagine.
The review stated «on a visual level, as a 3D breakthrough, this feels like a watershed moment in a revolution affecting all of gaming».
In books and lithographs, Dubuffet thoroughly sabotaged writing and typography (l'écriture) by fragmenting and distorting it, thus achieving, on a visual level, his plan to destroy language.»
On a visual level, Colour Charts series is pure abstraction but the paintings are also a representation of industrial color sample cards that inspired the artist and therefore and object in its own right.
I knew that there was something more to it than how it had been viewed — which was as third - rate abstract expressionism — but it still wasn't clear how it could fit in on a visual level.
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