Sentences with phrase «on activity level»

Additionally, calorie consumption will change depending on the activity level of the person.
Dogs of the same size may need less or more food based on the activity level of their breed or personality.
Choosing the right amount of carbs essentially depends on the activity levels of your pooch.
He and his team tracked data on the activity levels of more than 11,000 adults.
How much food your dog needs depends entirely on his activity level.
Owners can keep up - to - date on activity level, set custom activity goals, track medication, and health trends.
Once they do experience a return or increase in symptoms they usually have to cut back again on their activity level.
This will vary depending on your activity level before and during pregnancy, and the birth experience you had.
The heart rate depends a lot on the activity level of the ferret, but a rate of 200 to 300 beats per minute is considered normal.
As we have already hinted in the preceding sections, the nutritional requirements of your pit bull terrier are largely dependent on its activity level as well as general body size.
The result is the number of calories you need to eat per day based on your activity level and how fast you want to lose weight.
Although the Fitbit was not on the market at the time of her accident, her lawyer will be comparing the data extracted from her Fitbit to statistics on the activity levels of others in her age group.
The stage of the macroeconomic cycle and outlook, and prevailing sentiment in each of our markets, have a direct and often significant impact on activity levels within our business.
These calculators tend to make broad, sweeping generalizations on activity level, and fail to take into account the nearly infinite variables introduced over the course of a full day (e.g. how far away one parks from the store, and how many cups of coffee consumed which controls how many hours an individual spent at her desk twitching her leg, these and more can all blow calorie calculations out the window).
You can determine your active metabolic rate (AMR) by multiplying your BMR by a number representing on your activity levels.
Once you know your BMR, you can calculate your Daily Calorie Needs based on your activity level using the Harris Benedict Equation.
Pet food labels usually tell you serving sizes based not only on the dog's weight, but also on their activity level.
Our doctors have a lot of knowledge on activity level, trainability, grooming issues and common medical problems for all breeds of dogs and cats.
Anthony Newman, a canine behavior consultant in New York City, echoes Kaviani on the activity level of house dogs versus that of apartment dogs.
A new study, «Pilot study evaluating the impact of feeding method on overall activity of neutered indoor pet cats,» published last week in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior, evaluated the effect of food puzzles on activity levels in cats, utilizing accelerometer - based «activity collars» to measure movement.
The benefits of dog walking on increased levels of physical activities is potentially so profound that some efforts have been made to promote dog ownership for the sake of large scale benefits on the activity level of the population more broadly speaking.
By combining biometric measurements with movement tracking to get a gauge on your activity level, Feel takes the collected data and produces a visualization on your phone.
In addition to the new Google Fit benefits, the Huawei Watch 2 utilizes its sensors to keep close tabs on activity levels by monitoring steps, exercise, and standing times through your day, as well as constantly monitoring your heart rate.
However, it is worth remembering that the caloric needs of dachshunds would depend largely on the activity levels, age and health of the dog.
I'd say that 15 grams more or less won't make a difference, as your protein requirements vary every day based on your activity level.
Also included is data on activity levels, like running, walking or travelling on public transport, inferred from participants» raw accelerometer data.
National emissions to air are mainly estimated from existing statistics on activity level and emission factors (emission per unit activity).
Global managing partner Andrew Ballheimer (pictured alongside senior partner Wim Dejonghe) said London was a particularly strong contributor in the first half of 2015 - 16, before uncertainty ahead of the then impending European Union (EU) referendum impacted on activity levels.
Protein requirements vary person to person depending on your activity levels and your other meals throughout the day so be sure to customize your meals accordingly.
The recommended daily intake (RDA) for protein is based on the activity level of sedentary individuals and is measured by looking at the amount of protein taken in and compared with the amount excreted.
According to MyPlate, we should all aim to eat at least 2 cups of fruit a day and at least 3 cups of vegetables a day — increasing based on activity level (source).
«The trend of personalized nutrition is huge right now, with consumers focused on getting the right amount of protein based on their activity level, fitness goals, and individual characteristics,» Siren Snacks co-founder and CEO Elizabeth Giannuzzi said.
He takes a nap at around 1 and sometimes naps for up to 3 hours depending on his activity level.
Our energy consumption is based on the activity level, metabolism and available energy.
Your muscles are growing weaker or stronger depending on your activity level.
According to a recommendation issued by the United States Department of Agriculture there is a certain amount of calories for every person based on their activity level, age and sex.
Some app combinations will work better than others depending on your activity level.
One day, «she logged 10 hours in the fat - burning zone, which I would think to be impossible based on her activity level
This varies significantly based on your activity level, age, and sex.
You will receive a specific protein requirement based on your lean body mass and a specific carbohydrate requirement based on your activity level.
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