Sentences with phrase «on adjustments»

If the loan term may increase based on an adjustment of the interest rate, the creditor must disclose the maximum loan term possible under the legal obligation.
We will explore how to safely make hands on adjustments with our peers and how to effectively use classroom props prior to class adjustments.
Children with hyperactivity and conduct difficulties in particular, may find it difficult to adapt to the educational and social constraints of the classroom impacting on their adjustment, further behaviour and later attainment.
I am a licensed psychologist with a clinical focus on adjustment to medical illness and disability, couples therapy, depression and health psychology.
Such loans have an introductory period of low, fixed rates, after which they vary, depending on an adjustment index.
By including multiple dimensions of family functioning and placing emphasis on coping in a crisis, the model can also be useful in studies on the adjustment of parents of children with ASD.
A percentage added to the index for an ARM to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date.
A mediation model was tested combined with an assessment of the indirect effects to evaluate whether emotion knowledge may exert an influence on adjustment through the intervention of emotion regulation.
Research on adjustment to pediatric chronic illness has focused primarily on children, and if adolescents are included, they are often grouped in the same sample with younger children.
Trained as a social psychologist, she studies the impact of positive emotion on adjustment to health - related and other life stress.
A gradual observation on adjustments is necessary until helping the baby sleep on the bassinet is never a complicated a process.
*** For school - aged children you may want to make the switch a day or two earlier so they have the weekend to get a jump - start on the adjustment.
When they did that, one of the nuts on the adjustment point was left loose.
Working with the mortgage officer on adjustments and expedited processing could make the difference in getting approved for a loan at all.
Of course, the insurance company will set some boundaries on these adjustments.
Thus, further research is needed to examine the relative importance of different sources and types of support on the adjustment of children with chronic diseases.
Interactive effects of traits on adjustment to a life transition.
The results are as follows: There are no significant difference in nearly all background variables except sex on adjustment to university and social support.
I'm so happy for your family and love hearing all the updates on your adjustment as a family.
We take a holistic approach to health through the body, heart and mind, offering hands on adjustments and individual support for all levels of experience.
The maximum amount that you can contribute to your 401 (k) plan each year changes periodically, based on adjustments to the cost of living.
This apparent correlation depends on adjustments to the data, however, and it does not hold up (PDF) when more recent cloud measurements from 1996 onwards are included.
Using a sub-set of prospective cohorts included in the Turati (2011) meta - analysis, Dong (2011) found that coffee drinking was inversely associated with pancreatic cancer risk but did not separate studies based on their adjustment for smoking status.
Pubertal effects on adjustment in girls: Moving from demonstrating effects to identifying pathways
The weekly report from Bungie directly mentions Destiny 2 PvE reaction and offers some details on adjustments planned for the shooter.
Greater teacher social support was related to lower scores on all adjustment measures.
Greater daily hassles were associated with higher scores on all adjustment measures.
Hickman, G.P., Bartholomae, S. & McKenry, P.C. (2000) Influence of parenting styles on the adjustment and academic achievement of traditional college freshman.
With this in mind, you are better off not performing hands - on adjustments when working with students, unless you have a license to touch, the appropriate education, insurance, and your students» consent.
GHCN provide graphical reports on the adjustments made to each station record, but you need to know the station ID to find them.
The effects of self - beliefs and relationship beliefs on adjustment to a relationship stressor: Personal Relationships Vol 1 (3) Sep 1994, 241 - 258.
Reviewed accounts and made decisions on adjustments including refinances and extensions to profitably liquidate loans.
Below are specifics on the adjustments we make based on Robo - Analyst findings in Kimberly - Clark's 2017 10 - K:
Made this one last night and it worked really well, the only thing is that the flavours of the ginger / tamari don't really come out — any tips on adjustments?
Definitely agree on the adjustment of tastebuds or re-setting, as I like to call it.
(The coaches assign each freshman an upperclass «buddy» to keep an eye on his adjustment to practice.)
Last season's struggles were sometimes blamed on the adjustment period he had to endure when he came back to Manchester United from Juventus.
Tighten the shoulder straps by pulling down on the adjustment straps if needed, and dive into a day of freedom together.
«The first answer on adjustment is you call back the Legislature for a special session and say we have to cut «x» from Medicaid.
Asana & Alignment Teaching Poses Sequencing Yoga Anatomy Hands - on Adjustments Meditation Philosophy, Yoga Sutras Bhakti (Devotion) Pranayama Restorative Ayurveda Sanskrit Pre-Natal
The association with CMD was robust whereas for depression it was removed on adjustment for socio - demographic factors, health behaviours and diet - related factors (Table 2).
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