Sentences with phrase «on aggressive behaviour»

«We didn't know that social norms can exert such an effect on aggressive behaviour

Not exact matches

What we do know is that one high - profile Haringey Blairite has a track record of harassing senior Labour staffers, to the point where she was asked to leave a conference hotel on account of aggressive behaviour.
It goes on to state «there are normal levels of aggressive behaviour particularly as children are exploring the cruel aspects of their nature.
To look for an answer, Stéphane Paquin, a PhD candidate in sociology at Université de Montréal working under the supervision of Éric Lacourse and Mara Brendgen, led a study on 555 sets of twins to compare incidence of proactive and reactive aggressive behaviour.
For instance, we know that familiar birds are more likely to cooperate in fending off predators, and it may also reduce the amount of energy expended on competitive interactions, if individuals display less aggressive behaviour towards familiar neighbours.»
Used to working on pleasant documentaries about the English countryside and writing letters to his mother, Gilderoy struggles to cope with the aggressive behaviour of his Italian co-workers and the gruesome content of the film.
Being «on track» in this domain equates to having good concentration, helping other children and «almost never showing aggressive, anxious or impulsive behaviour».
Comfort is the default, but there's also performance - stunting Eco, more aggressive Sport and Individual, which allows you to mix and match engine, transmission, suspension, steering behaviour and so on.
Each dog's behaviour, particularly any aggressive behaviour, can be explained by their efforts to move higher on the ladder, and push other dogs into a lower, subordinate position.
She specializes in the behaviour modification of fearful and aggressive dogs, but works with dogs with many different behaviour issues on a daily basis.
Anyways, while it seems adorable when Sparky rolls over on his back expecting a belly rub every time you enter the room, or just sits all teary - eyed staring straight at your plate of food when you're eating dinner, this behaviour has the possibility to gain momentum and become aggressive.
They classified the behaviours on a six - point scale that included friendly, indifferent and aggressive behaviours.
Questionable behaviours include stalking, possessiveness over a toy (such as aggressive tug - of - war) and wrestling, if more than two dogs are involved or if one dog is always on the bottom.
But ones that live on their own and then are introduced to another hamster ca be defensive and show aggressive behaviour.
For fearful or aggressive dogs, Kristi focusses on both techniques which will change your dogs underlying emotions (desensitization and counter-conditioning), and on the behaviours which may be distressing to you and others.
We see her taking on a variety of robotic creatures, with the concept of normal and corrupted (typified by their red glow and aggressive behaviour) thrown into the mix.
Unfortunately they are affected as the amygdala's response is to imprint behaviours on the brain such that anytime in the future that person undergoes any stress that releases adrenalin the response is the same: fight or flight, more often than not resulting in aggressive, violent (be it in word or action), abusive, loopy or otherwise inappropriate behaviour — this manifests in the personality as a type of narcissism, most commonly expressed as blaming others for one's own (negative) feelings, or of feeling superior.
Detailed and thorough cross-examination of the complainant by defence lawyer Joseph Neuberger focused on instances of past aggressive behaviour by the complainant including previously biting the client and implausible and exaggerated aspects of her evidence.
The dissenting justice pointed out that while three witnesses described Dr. R as «aggressive, confrontational and used thoroughly foul language,» [31] the Discipline Committee did not explain why this conduct, as opposed to other rude behaviour, «crosses the line,» [31] and did not explain why it reflected on Dr. R's professional integrity, how his actions were relevant to the practice of medicine, or how it impaired his ability to function as a doctor.
Courts and tribunals are becoming more aggressive in penalizing egregious behaviour on the part of employers
The primary outcome measure was change in peer ratings of aggressive behaviour (15 questions on the behaviour of classmates).
Children's peer relations can be studied at multiple levels.1 For example, at the level of peer interactions, the focus is on children's prosocial (e.g., sharing, empathy), antisocial (e.g., aggressive) and asocial (e.g., shy - withdrawn) behaviours with peers.
If children become aggressive or develop other challenging behaviours, parents should set limits as normal, but also help the child to talk about what is going on for them.
More information, specific examples and case - studies can be found in the KidsMatter webinar on managing aggressive behaviours in primary school children.
While acknowledging children's emotions, it is therefore very important to set limits on aggressive, unsafe or inappropriate behaviours.
This webinar focusses on managing aggressive behaviours in primary school children and is suitable for primary school educators and staff, as well as health and community professionals.
Watching violence on television and playing violent video games can lead to aggressive behaviour.
A consistent relationship has also been shown with delayed reading age, below average scores on intelligence and achievement tests, conduct disorder of childhood and parental aggressive behaviour
The publication also includes information on peer to peer support for violent and aggressive behaviours as well as an exclusive feature from the producer of the File on 4 investigations.
Well over half of future recidivist delinquents can be predicted at age 7 from the child's aggressive behaviour together with the family's ineffective child rearing practices.5 On the other hand, where protective factors exist, the outcome can be good: figure 1) shows the school report of the 9 year old Winston Churchill, whose conduct was «exceedingly bad.»
No significant effects were found on Externalising, Withdrawn, Somatic Symptoms, Intrusive, Thought Problems, Delinquent Behaviour and Aggressive Behaviour.50 Minkovitz et al found no statistically significant effects on SSRS Total score or the PEDS Total score 12 — 18 months postintervention.
In the current paper we particularly focus on adolescents with aggressive behaviour (AB), hereby summarizing neuroimaging research in youths with either conduct problems, CD or ODD.
The Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)(Achenbach, 1991a), and the corresponding self - report version titled the Youth Self Report (YSR)(Achenbach, 1991b) divide, for example, external symptoms into attention problems and broadband behaviour problems, which are on a scale made up of aggressive conduct problems and delinquent or non-aggressive conduct problems (Achenbach et al., 1989; Earls, 1994; Frick et al., 1993; Verhulst and AchenbacBehaviour Checklist (CBCL)(Achenbach, 1991a), and the corresponding self - report version titled the Youth Self Report (YSR)(Achenbach, 1991b) divide, for example, external symptoms into attention problems and broadband behaviour problems, which are on a scale made up of aggressive conduct problems and delinquent or non-aggressive conduct problems (Achenbach et al., 1989; Earls, 1994; Frick et al., 1993; Verhulst and Achenbacbehaviour problems, which are on a scale made up of aggressive conduct problems and delinquent or non-aggressive conduct problems (Achenbach et al., 1989; Earls, 1994; Frick et al., 1993; Verhulst and Achenbach, 1995).
Children of parents in the couple - focused groups were at an advantage in terms of higher scores on individually administered achievement tests, and lower levels of aggressive behaviour at school.
During the preschool years, psychosocial interventions with parents regarding their parenting practices have immediate effects both on parenting behaviours and on aggressive and noncompliant behaviours among children.
Children who have disorganized attachment with their primary attachment figure have been shown to be vulnerable to stress, have problems with regulation and control of negative emotions, and display oppositional, hostile - aggressive behaviours, and coercive styles of interaction.2, 3 They may exhibit low self - esteem, internalizing and externalizing problems in the early school years, poor peer interactions, unusual or bizarre behaviour in the classroom, high teacher ratings of dissociative behaviour and internalizing symptoms in middle childhood, high levels of teacher - rated social and behavioural difficulties in class, low mathematics attainment, and impaired formal operational skills.3 They may show high levels of overall psychopathology at 17 years.3 Disorganized attachment with a primary attachment figure is over-represented in groups of children with clinical problems and those who are victims of maltreatment.1, 2,3 A majority of children with early disorganized attachment with their primary attachment figure during infancy go on to develop significant social and emotional maladjustment and psychopathology.3, 4 Thus, an attachment - based intervention should focus on preventing and / or reducing disorganized attachment.
Similarly, children exposed to transient levels of secondhand smoke scored higher on aggressive and antisocial behaviour, B = 0.714 (95 % CI 0.456 to 0.972) and B = 0.566 (95 % CI 0.260 to 0.872), respectively.
These researchers used vignettes to address influences on maternal care [36], fertility aspirations [47], contraceptive use [48], sexual coercion [49], preference for long - versus short - term mating opportunities [50,51] and tendency toward aggressive or generative behaviour [52].
The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviours, and school performance
Task force on community preventive services: effectiveness of universal school - based programs to prevent violent and aggressive behaviour: a systematic review
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