Sentences with phrase «on an upward trend going»

I'm certainly no expert in all specific markets, but looking at macro economic forces combined with vegas specific forces I remain convinced that Las Vegas is one of the best cities to live in going forward, and I believe it is on an upward trend going forward.

Not exact matches

Our model indicates that going forward, long - term yields will likely be subject to three upward pressures: (1) Our forecasted increase in inflation will boost nominal GDP growth; (2) As forward guidance is replaced by a data - dependent monetary tightening, volatility in short rates will increase; and (3) As the impact of QE on the Treasury market fades, long - term yields will trend back to their historical link with nominal GDP growth.
Second, generally, when people draw the progress of the spiritual life, they put a cross on the left side, and heaven on the right side, and a squiggly line between the two that goes up and down, hopefully trending upward.
Sales jumped around November 15 — when the Fire went on sale — and have been generally trending upward ever since.
With more flights available and two major advertising campaigns going on, we are confident that the upward trend can be maintained for 2010».
He claimed that wages are «finally» going up, when they've been on a generally upward trend since the 1990s.
YES — CO2 HAS BEEN ON AN UPWARD CLIMB, to levels above those seen for the last few ice ages (with the proviso that ice cores records have poorer resolution the further back in time one goes; there may have been short - lived CO2 spikes that we can not see); is all of that human - driven, or is there a natural warming trend driving the release of biotic CO2?
When you are trying to determine the answer to «Warming appears to have ceased it's upward trend recently, how long has this been going on
The upward going trend has to be added to Scafetta, see Literature on German ISBN 978 -3-86805-604-4, which starts at the bottom of the LIA (1650) and culminates by year 2000 into the temp plateau of the 21.
Blockstream Chief Strategy Officer Samson Mow went so far to say that even if China does ban bitcoin and its local exchanges, it will not work on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency will continue to sustain its upward trend.
The fact that economists and experts are revising their expectations upward for future home value growth is a sign that these trends will continue to exert upward pressure on prices going forward.»
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