Sentences with phrase «on any day of the month»

At minimum, you'll need to keep your money market balance above $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 on each day of the month in order to avoid the monthly charge.
There are also items such as interest for the current month, and property tax credit that depend on the day of the month and month of the year.
NOTE: All subscriptions automatically renew on the day of the month of the original purchase.
If the account falls below $ 10,000 any day of the month, there will be no dividends paid on that day of the month.
This week she posted a blog tour, so you can see which blogs are showcasing poets and poetry on every day of the month.
If the account falls below $ 5,000 any day of the month, no dividends are accrued on that day of the month.
The award calendar is useful for finding awards on a specific airline because it shows the cheapest price on every day of the month that has availability.
There is no financial advantage in closing on any day of the month, as compared to any other day.
At minimum, you'll need to keep your money market balance above $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 on each day of the month in order to avoid the monthly charge.
Note that, assuming rent is paid monthly, the rent period begins on the day of the month when the tenancy starts (in this case, the 27th), regardless of when you're expected to pay it.
If your due date falls on a day of the month right before you get paid, for example, you may be in a difficult position to pull together enough funds to cover the balance and avoid paying interest.
Withdrawal frequency: Weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually on any day of the month.
A: «A customer can begin their travel package on the day of month of their choosing.
So, for example, there's the Moon Phases Calendar, which pictures the moon on every day of the month (and year) of your choice.
The contribution made on monthly basis is recovered usually on day one of the calendar month and the concerned bank will also be permitted to regain the necessary contribution amount on any day of the month.
It shows the capital gains delivered by the S&P 500 Index since 1928, depending on the days of the month in which a position in it was held.
Restricting the date tenants pay rent to only a single date of the landlord's choosing has proven to be problematic, and we've seen far fewer issues now that tenants can pay on any day of the month.
A tenancy month begins on the day of the month that the tenant must pay the landlord the rent owed (such as the 1st, 15th, 30th day of the month).
Her dresses and skirts are made of bandage material, so they are super stretchy and will fit you on any day of the month, even in early January after all the indulging over the holidays!
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