Sentences with phrase «on anything supernatural»

Not exact matches

Why is there zero proof of anything supernatural ever occurring on earth?
Chris Duffett was on a street evangelism team with 12 bored teenagers who mostly didn't believe that God could do anything supernatural — but one got a clear picture of a woman in a red jacket with a fur collar, wearing black boots, and with severe stomach pain.
I happen to think that you have to work harder to make a case that Jesus wasn't based on a real life person, but that isn't any endorsement whatsoever of the idea that he was a god, or could do anything supernatural.
There has never been any rational, logical, or scientific proof of any supernatural being that has ever done anything on this planet.
Winchester makes for a passable supernatural parable about the power of grief and emotional trauma, but fails to do anything interesting with its (somewhat contradictory) commentary on guns and violence.
If anything, it seems Ethan, Merit, Cadogan, and the rest of the supernaturals are attracting more trouble than ever, this time around from Adrien Reed, the savvy and cutthroat businessman that has his eyes set on owning the city.
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