Sentences with phrase «on artery walls»

-LSB-...] has been found through studies to help the body release fatty buildup that can be found on artery walls.
LDL collects on the artery walls which prevents oxygen - carrying blood from easily getting to the heart muscle.
Though the UPR usually promotes healthy endoplasmic reticulum function, sustained UPR activation sometimes results in diseases such as atherosclerosis, the deposition of fatty plaques on artery walls, among other conditions.
The old view of coronary heart disease was that over many years, cholesterol deposits on the artery walls in the same way that mineral deposits build up inside a water pipe and gradually come to clog the pipe completely.
They also have the ability to prevent plaque build - up on the artery walls, lowering bad cholesterol (low - density lipoprotein).
A new strategy — an injectable antibody — for lowering blood lipids and thereby potentially preventing coronary artery disease and other conditions caused by the build - up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances on the artery walls, is supported by findings from two new studies from researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
A normal abdominal aorta is approximately 2.0 cm in diameter — about the size of a quarter — but an aneurysm puts stress on the artery walls.
These cells engulf lipids but then end up stuck on the artery walls, eventually producing atherosclerosis (a narrowing and thickening of the walls).
A higher heart rate means the heart must pump harder, exerting more force on artery walls.
• EGCG reduces the risk atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) by decreasing arterial inflammation, thus reducing the chance of sticky build up occurring on the artery walls.
Oxidized LDL's, travel through your membrane wall and can lead to inflammation and platelet accumulation on your artery wall.
Furthermore, preliminary studies indicate that one of soy's protein fractions, 7S, may have a role in inhibiting the development of atherosclerosis by acting directly on the artery wall rather than on plasma lipids, or low - density lipoprotein cholesterol receptors.
They have even been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by minimizing the inflammatory cytokines on artery walls where plaque tends to form.
These hydrogenated oils cause inflammation inside of your body, which signals the deposition of cholesterol as a healing agent on artery walls.
Nitric oxide also helps prevent clot formation and plaque buildup on artery walls that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
When large quantities of LDL cholesterol circulate through the bloodstream, it can be deposited on artery walls, leading to a buildup of plaque and triggering inflammation.
Soon, dying muscle cells and dying macrophages join a growing plaque on the artery wall.
A new antibody drug may reverse the dangerous buildup of fatty plaque (shown in gray in the cross-section above) on artery walls (orange).
Saturated fats can cause the build - up of plaques on your artery walls, increasing your risk of suffering from high blood pressure and stroke.
This study also showed a reduction of small dense LDL (VLDL), which can damage the arteries by building up on artery walls.
This is important because if there is less cholesterol floating around the bloodstream, then there is less cholesterol available to become oxidized and start building plaque on the artery walls.
For example, an increase in oxidation can cause low - density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as «bad» cholesterol, to form plaque on the artery walls
Compounds in cacao can lower blood pressure, enhance circulation, reduce plaque on artery walls, and improve digestion.
It is clinically shown to lower LDL («bad») cholesterol, and raise HDL («good») cholesterol, by removing fatty cholesterol deposits that build up on artery walls that may cause blockages of blood flow to the heart, brain, and other organs.
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