Sentences with phrase «on athletes»

Every 6 weeks you can change the exercises depending on your athlete's needs.
The school only focuses on athletes rather than the needs of every child.
In addition, no fantasy contests can be based on athlete performances in college or high school sports.
The rules and the interpretation thereof place a very heavy burden on the athlete in this regard.
Every sport places its own unique demands on the athlete's body.
At the same time, it has an impact on an athlete's motivation.
Studies performed on athletes have found that those who consumed cherries (particularly tart cherries) before exercise experienced less pain, less inflammation, and smaller recovery periods.
I won't do negative stories on athletes I know.
The loneliness of the long distance runner could soon be a thing of the past as new technology allows crowds to cheer on athletes from anywhere in the world.
The psychological boost and the belief that the clothing can improve recovery, along with the sensation of compression, may have a greater effect on an athlete's perception of soreness.
These findings are similar to those of previous studies, done on athletes, that suggest that exhaustive, high - intensity exercise may actually lower immunity and increase the risk of viral infections.
Traveling to competitions during season can take a toll on athletes, it can easily disrupt sleep schedules, which is one of the most important aspects of recovery for all athletes during season.
The intense dietary and training pressures on athletes could put them at high risk of oral health problems for many reasons.
The therapist will usually judge this from the expression / reaction on the athletes face.
As we enter the new sports season, the pressure and stress on athletes become enormous, and parents hold the key to their child's stress levels and more importantly overall performance levels.
«There's no acceptance on the athlete's part, and we aren't specifically promoting any athletes,» he said.
People who truly love sports don't wish injury on an athlete.
This is not a time for the coach to start coming down on the athlete, simply because they could be dealing with a lot already.
It is well known that the first impression a sport psychologist makes on an athlete is important, and the psychologist's voice is certainly part of that.
Have you done any podcasts or articles on athletes that aren't allowed to cut back on training for this reason?
While this can be a useful strategy for a sedentary individual to lose weight, it can be especially stressful on an athlete's body.
I would be curious to see how it works on an athlete, especially with the high ratio of fat.
Researchers also have looked at the impact of the ketogenic diet on athletes to improve performance and its potential to help people lose weight.
We don't need to suddenly put our pets on an athlete's training schedule.
When swimming took it's toll mentally on the athlete he used photography as an escape, his way of dealing with the stress of training.
Agreements of this type are drafted at a high level of detail, and many obligations are being imposed on athletes.
Can also be used as a conditioning class depending on each athlete's workload and work rate.
Focused on athletes that train every day, this SUV has been transformed into, well, a mini, four - door truck of sorts.
If an impact of concern occurs, an alert is sent which includes treatment facilities based on an athlete's current location.
Today, there is more physical demand on athletes than ever before.
It's always exciting to keep up on our athletes in a sort of «where are they now» perspective.
Not only do cellular changes within the muscle contribute to fatigue, but there is increasing evidence that the brain has a major effect on an athlete's perception of fatigue.
There is pressure on the athlete, but it's important not to underestimate the pressure on you as their parents.
High intensity, high volume training can take a toll on an athlete's overall gains in performance.
Elite Academy: 13 - 18 years of age Level 1: Beginner to Intermediate Elite Academy level 1 focuses on athletes who are looking to make it to the next level in their sport.
A max power clean isn't as tough on an athlete as maxing out in a full squat - clean.
The researchers» tests on athletes show that this region, too, becomes less active following a concussion.
Furthermore, the impact of received and perceived support on athletes» psychological well - being was investigated.
Studies on athletes taking collagen hydrolysate showed improvements in the athletes» joint pain.
Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to rely on the athletes themselves, game officials, or even sideline observers to call for a concussion assessment; if there was, in essence, an «eye in the sky» that would set off an alarm whenever an athlete suffered a blow to the head - or a hit to another body part where the force is transmitted to the head - hard enough to cause possible concussion so that the player could be immediately removed from the game or practice to be evaluated?
Researchers studying the effects on concussions on athletes hope the new film Concussion will raise awareness about the effects of head trauma on the brain.
More than 6,000 papers have been published on these so - called beta glucans, but almost all the data about preventing infections had come from petri dish or lab animal studies, until a few years ago when a series of experiments on athletes showed beneficial effects — but that was in marathon runners.
He cheered on the athlete while ensuring that she had a safe, open route to run.
Or maybe they took a chance on an athlete who fits the Seahawks / Quinn standard (i.e. Sherman, Shaq) For 3rd rounders, they all showed up on the interest tracker.
At first glance this seems like it could be a decent proposal: the game happens so quickly that it's unrealistic to expect that the referees can look at every flailing limb on every athlete at every second.
Before an injury, obtaining baseline information on an athlete can make post-injury assessment more accurate because we have a snapshot of baseline brain function.
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