Sentences with phrase «on athletic performance»

Later school start times are reported to have had a positive effect on athletic performance, even when practice times are shorter to accommodate the later end of the school day.
It's easy to overlook the importance of sleep cycles, but they have a major impact on athletic performance.
Another study done in 2017 examined the effects of calf compression sleeves on athletic performance and recovery during outdoor trail running.
Although there haven't been any scientific studies about the effects of compression shirts on athletic performance, many studies demonstrated the positive effects of compression socks on running performance.
The event kicked off with a presentation during lunch describing the products available to our athletes and their impact, benefit, and importance of hydration on athletic performance.
(the same concept applies to overall well - being, really, but for the sake of this post we are focusing on athletic performance).
The research on the connection between mindfulness and mental training on athletic performance is still an emerging field, and there is plenty we don't know about how the brain works.
Studies show that whether you drink your caffeine or take it as a pill makes little difference on athletic performance.
If it's good enough for pro athletes who make a living based on their athletic performance, it's probably good enough for you.
Through a collection of examples, Epstein provides a balanced and nuanced consideration of genetic influences on athletic performance.
Ghosh noted that his conclusions are based on observational and short - term interventional studies, but there needs to be a well - controlled long - term study to further assess the impact of a vegetarian diet on athletic performance.
«While Lisfranc injuries have a reputation for resulting in poor player performance in the NFL, our study is the first to fully assess their career impact, including effect on athletic performance following return to competition,» said lead author Kevin J. McHale, MD, a fifth - year orthopedic resident at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
In the hope of clearing up the confusion, a group of researchers from the University of Birmingham conducted a study comparing the effects of short and long rest periods on athletic performance.
The effect of fluid periodization on athletic performance outcomes in American football players.
While there are studies conducted on tribulus studying its effects on athletic performance using human subjects, there are none conducted on the sexual enhancing effects of Tribulus on human subjects - at least none that I was able to find.
17 Nutrition and Athletic Performance, joint position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada and the American College of Sports Medicine (March 2009) 17.5 Effects of protein and amino acid supplementation on athletic performance, Kreider RB, Sportscience 3 (1), 1999 18Vegan Weightlifting: What does the science say?
There's also emerging research on the benefits of probiotics, like cabbage kimchi, on athletic performance via enhanced recovery from fatigue, immune function, and GI function maintenance.13
The Effects of Heart Rhythm Variability Biofeedback with Emotional Regulation on the Athletic Performance of Women Collegiate Volleyball Players
Far fewer studies have actually compared the effects of machine and free weights training in young adults on athletic performance (Augustsson et al. 1998; Wirth et al. 2015; 2016; Rossi et al. 2016).
«Body comp not only has a huge impact on athletic performance, but also on health, McArdle says.
Ankle mobility also has an important influence on your athletic performance and the effects of tight ankles can be felt throughout the whole body during a strenuous physical activity.
Men's Fitness has an article praising ketogenic diets, with a focus on effects on athletic performance.
Secondly, in a section on the benefits of ketogenic diets on athletic performance, Jimmy writes an entire section on Ben Greenfield's experience with running the Ironman Canada and Ironman Hawaii races whilst being in ketosis.
The results demonstrate the impact negative stereotypes can have on athletic performance.
Since breathing has such an impact on athletic performance, the warm - up is the perfect time to refocus the priority on your breath.
Some leading researches suggest that higher taurine levels correlate with improved mental functioning, including mental performance and mood, while others focus on its positive effect on athletic performance.
Besides its influence on athletic performance, the above mentioned grip improvement has its useful effect on your daily routines as well, since a great number of day - to - day activities depend on the grip and stabilization supplied by the forearm.
But what about its effect on athletic performance?
Since breathing has such an impact on athletic performance, it's absolutely crucial to focus on your breath during the warm - up routine, the training session and the post-workout window.
A critical component of the body — the aerobic system — constitutes the key connection between CI and its effects on athletic performance.
Check out another Bridge blog post on sleep's impact on athletic performance and theimportance of good nutrition.
As such, sports dietitians advise that athletes seek to eat enough — but not too much — dietary protein each day, as body composition has a great impact on athletic performance.
As a former professional soccer player he came to discover the dramatic effect that changing his diet had on his athletic performance and energy levels.
DOMS can have a major impact on athletic performance.
Menstruation and its effect on athletic performance is not often discussed in athletics, even though most female athletes deal with it in their daily lives.
He and his colleagues could not easily verify their effects on athletic performance, but most are linked to traits including blood flow, heart rate, muscle strength, and even pain perception.
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