Sentences with phrase «on atmospheric temperature»

CRU houses the most world's most extensive data base on atmospheric temperatures and the e-mails exposed blatant exaggerations of the warming data, possible illegal destruction of evidence, and conspiracy to manipulate or suppress data not supporting of the man - made Global Warming theory.
Published online in the Nov. 29 early edition of the Proceedings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences («Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature»), the study compared 20 of the latest climate models against 33 years of satellite data.
«[The IPCC's] conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonic increase, should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis.»
Schneefan at German weather and climate analysis site here brings us the latest on atmospheric temperatures.
Unresolved issues that will be addressed in a series of forthcoming studies include the effects of ocean dynamics on the predictability of low - frequency atmosphere and land variability and the feedback of soil moisture variations on atmospheric temperatures and circulation (e.g., Rowntree and Bolton 1983; Atlas et al. 1993; Koster et al. 2000).
With the ever increasing divergence of surface temperatures (NASA GISS) from satellite ones (UAH / RSS), and the subsequent divergence of overheated climate models (IPCC CMIP5) to observed reality, it is worth some background on the atmospheric temperature measurement systems used to measure the temperature of the lower troposphere — the exact place where global warming theory is meant to occur and be measured:
Although my main interest in writing to SKS was the rising OHC issue, your comments on the atmospheric temperature «pause» were interesting but also highlight a problem I have found in gaining an understanding of climate science: There is now an absolute plethora of both models and data sets and these tend to create a «pick and mix» facility that can seemingly be used to support or rebut any argument.
The 6-fold increase in hydrocarbon use since 1940 has had no noticeable effect on atmospheric temperature...» -LRB-
Is there another non-greenhouse influence on atmospheric temperatures that hasn't been fully accounted for in your analysis?
The 6-fold increase in hydrocarbon use since 1940 has had no noticeable effect on atmospheric temperature...» (Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide)
tallbloke (12:38:29): RICH (05:57:14): If CO2 had the effect on atmospheric temperature that is claimed we would see it as an increase throughout the atmosphere.
Of course, we argue elsewhere that man - made global warming theory is invalid (see our Start here page for more details), and that carbon dioxide (CO2) increases have no effect on atmospheric temperatures, let alone ocean temperatures.
Nothing Australia does will have any appreciable effect on atmospheric temperatures that might cause net damage to Australians» welfare (or anyone else's) or on sea levels which might be bad for Australia; 3.
(Nanowerk News) New research shows some of the clearest evidence yet of a discernible human influence on atmospheric temperature.
The PDSI is a prominent index of drought and measures the cumulative deficit (relative to local mean conditions) in surface land moisture by incorporating previous precipitation and estimates of moisture drawn into the atmosphere (based on atmospheric temperatures) into a hydrological accounting system.
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