Sentences with phrase «on average the answer»

I've timed it and on average the answer to a prayer is somewhere between 2 and 3 minutes I would be curious to know how fast the speed of thought is

Not exact matches

More than one - quarter of a worker's day on average is spent answering and reading emails, according to research released in 2012 by the McKinsey Global Institute.
On average it takes two to three minutes to accept and verify a daily deal — and that's after training staff to input codes, answer questions, and deal with capacity problems, over-booking, and complaints.
To answer that question, SmartAsset gathered data on average rents and home prices, and compared buying to renting in every county in America.
On average, each question will take about 5 - 7 minutes to answer, so if you told the person the call will take 30 minutes, then plan to ask about 6 questions.
Please estimate the return of your stock portfolio from January 1997 to December 2000: [Answer] percent per year on average
On average, supporters and opponents of the TPP both answered two questions correctly.
On average, Americans got 42 percent of the answers right (5 of 12); college graduates did a little better (6.8 of 12 — still....
On average, Americans got 42 percent of the answers right (5 of 12); college graduates did a little better (6.8 of 12 — still a failing grade).
All of the proposed controls that would have such a significant impact on the world's economic future are based on computer models that are so complex and chaotic that many runs are needed before we can get an «average» answer.
Incorrect Answers Question: If taxes equal government spending, then: Your Answer: government debt is zero Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average Question: The Puritans: Your Answer: opposed all wars on moral grounds Correct Answer: stressed the sinfulness of all humanity
If you ask the average person on the street why God should let them into heaven, the normal answer is «Because I'm a pretty good person.»
Similarly, on average, a majority (55 %) of voters who answered «a great deal» voted for either Cruz or Rubio.
Moreover, Herr Odendahl wrote, this «romantic, poor Church» is growing «because the educational situation there is on average at a rather low level and the people accept simple answers to difficult questions.»
To answer your question more pointedly, my suffering on average for the two contests, it was about a half - hour before I was about to purge the balance of what was in my stomach.
Part of the answer has to do with basic issues of health: Poor children, on average, eat less nutritious food than well - off children, and they get worse medical care.
It depends on who you ask, but if you want to think in terms of the «average» person, the answer is probably yes.
The answer to why UKIP are doing well in Labour seats but are unlikely to win these seats is that there are still a lot of Conservative voters in Labour seats (25 % of the vote in 2010 on average) and many of these are 2010 Labour defectors.
De Blasio's answer was similar to what he said at the news conference and on WNYC, although once Louis pressed him he added that he spends on average a few hours a week raising campaign funds.
But the average poop time is not the real takeaway here (though it will make a fabulous answer to a question on Jeopardy one day).
This process continued until the participant had made errors on at least 20 high - confidence and 20 low - confidence answerson average, this required about 244 questions for the older adults and about 230 questions for the younger adults.
As expected, the results showed that older adults were better at answering the general knowledge questions — on average, they answered 41 % of the questions correctly, while the young adults got only 26 % right.
And while Ellner's work has not touched on variability in human success, «for birds and shrubs, and in the theoretical models we've looked at, the answer is, it's best to be above average and be lucky.»
In fact, Question No. 12 scored very low on the bureau's scale of the «burden» it imposes on the public: It takes the average respondent 9 seconds to answer, officials estimate.
After stimulation, her subjects were consistently more likely to rank the actions of the characters as being closer to permissible; their answers averaged one step higher on the scale.
One answer, I suggest, is in the psychology of loss aversion, in which, on average, losses hurt twice as much as gains feel good.
Participants filled in a questionnaire on how often, on average, they had engaged in sexual activity over the past 12 months — whether that was never, monthly or weekly — as well as answering questions about their general health and lifestyle.
The answer depends on your vitamin D levels, but on average, 5,000 IU a day is a typical dose.
For example, based on the answers that I provided, I am «more kind» than the average straight male okcupid member in my age bracket.
Answer: They receive 4.3 million unique visitors a day and 432 million visitors (not unique) in total on an average month.
Pew created a 12 - question quiz to test basic science knowledge and found that on average, respondents were only able to correctly answer 65 percent of the questions.
More often than not, the crowd, on average, will get pretty close to the right answer.
The researchers found that students can pass the math tests by correctly answering questions that on average...
«They spend 1 % of their time learning», «The average US worker now spends 25 % of their day reading or answering emails», and so on.
Excluding those respondents who gave answers of less than 25 percent (on the grounds that they may have misunderstood the question or not taken it seriously) increases the average estimate only slightly to 69 percent.
This resource includes - 16 digital task cards in 2 different versions — Version A ha solutions on the last slide that can be dragged and dropped — Version B has no solutions and is the most challenging - Teacher's guide for setting up - Answer keys for each set PreCalculus Unit 1 topics include: - Representing Functions (only available in bundles)- Domain and Range (only available in bundles)- Piecewise Functions - Average rate of change of functions for PreCalculus - Graphing functions maximum / minimum - Graphical Transformations (New!
Measure questions, Number Tarsia, Formula answer hunt, Graphs and charts questions and averages activity based on the world cup.
On dozens of questions, the answers provided by the average Californian do not deviate from the responses provided by the average American by any more than 6 percentage points.
Revision worksheets on the following topics: • Calculate ratio • Calculate differences to fill in a table • Calculate area, perimeter and volume • Convert between metric units • Calculate averages and range • Add, subtract, multiply and divide • Experiment with different answers until you find one that works Each one has a catch: it involves using another language, so the learners have to work out how access the information.
On average, students correctly answered 54.5 percent of the history questions...
The answer to that puzzle is actually quite simple and has little to do with the fact that Phillips compares average student performance while our study focuses on advanced students: many OECD countries, including those that had a high percentage of high - achieving students, participated in PISA 2006 (upon which our analysis is based) but did not participate in either TIMSS 2003 or TIMSS 2007, the two surveys included in the Phillips studies.
On average, a learner can answer 3 - 4 true / false questions per minute.
The school settled on the 70 percent average mastery floor after looking at the New York math and language tests, where proficiency generally is defined as a score of 70 percent correct answers.
Colour vision deficiency (CVD) on average affects more than one child in every UK classroom — one in 12 boys and one in 200 girls — but exam boards continue to use colours to explain details required to answer questions in subjects such as geography.
In all countries, students in the upper tercile of reading achievement answered more science questions correctly, on average, than students in the other two terciles.
On one of the walls in the school, Waddell displays for each grade level each month the average reading level attained and the number of articles the students read and correctly answered at least 75 percent of the comprehension questions.
The unlikely answer is that, on average, 4th and 8th grade ELA teachers across the state are more effective than the 6th and 7th grade ELA teachers and thus have earned higher value - added scores and the glory that comes with that.
On average, the answer is yes.
Mean average percentages of students in the experimental and control groups giving correct answers on the post-FKT were evaluated.
Studies published in the best economics and education journals have shown unequivocal evidence of excessive teaching to the test and drilling that produces inflated measures of students» growth in learning; cheating on tests that includes erasing incorrect answers or filling in missing responses; shifting of students out of classrooms or other efforts to exclude anticipated poor performers from testing, or alternatively, concentrating classroom teaching efforts on those students most likely to increase their test scores above a particular target, and other even more subtle strategies for increasing testing averages.
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