Sentences with phrase «on blood vessels if»

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So it causes the blood vessels to constrict so there's no blood flow to the nipple often times the nipple would be bleached white and then all of a sudden the blood goes right back into the nipple and it turns like a purple kind of being (inaudible) parents say if you sit on your foot and your foot goes to sleep and then all of a sudden you get the pins and needles.
In the AlloSphere, it's as if Marth's researchers are standing inside blood vessels, visualizing data on a human scale that is normally too small to see.
If the blood vessel bursts and you have all this blood that's on top of the brain there's going to be pressure that builds up in the brain itself and that can lead to all kinds of problems because the brain is in a closed box — and there's a very limited number of openings.
If the flash is on the same axis as the visual axis of the camera, the reflection of the light off the blood vessels in the person's retina will give an eerie, satanic «red eye» look.
Bethesda, Md. (March 20, 2018)-- Minoxidil, a popular drug used on the scalp to treat hair loss, might improve blood flow to the brain, lower blood pressure and increase elasticity in the blood vessels if taken in an oral form, according to a new study in mice.
It is a single target that influences a great many aspects of aging: if we look at just the cross-link-induced loss of elasticity in blood vessels alone, that has a major influence on mortality through hypertension and consequent impact on cardiovascular health.
For example, if you're having a huge fight with your partner and he / she threatens to leave you, your body will react on the same way it would if you were in the middle of an earthquake — the heart starts racing, the blood vessels dilate and increase the amount of blood pumped to large muscles, the muscles tense up and your endocrine system increases the production of cortisol and epinephrine, which then influence the liver to produce more glucose and provide energy for an efficient «fight or flight» reaction to the dangerous situation.
If you smoke, quitting can help (smoking can worsen the effects of lupus on the heart and blood vessels, and may complicate treatment).
«If you have a big belly from pregnancy, lying on your back causes the blood vessels to compress,» explains Dr. Rabin.
So if we decrease the enzyme that opens up those blood vessels, it's like clamping down on that hole.
These protective nutrients neutralize free radicals, which if left unchecked go on to damage cells in the body, including the cells in your blood vessels (12, 13).
If left untreated, chronic rosacea can lead to telangiectasia (dilation of superficial blood vessels on the face) as well as rhinophyma, in which the nose gradually becomes bulbous and red from chronic inflammation.
One theory is that this dump of cortisol constricts the blood vessels in our stomachs, leading to a decreased appetite.4 An abundance of cortisol can also cause insomnia5 — so if that person's on your mind and you can't eat or sleep it may be time to embrace the vulnerability and admit that you're in love.
If you didn't plan in advance, and you accidentally hit the blood vessel and you don't have any QwikStop on hand, you can use cornstarch, flour, or even quick dry nail polish to try and get it to stop bleeding, but they don't work nearly as well.
surely, if the blood test today shows a raised red blood cell count, the burst blood vessels on the underside are obviously not just coincidental?
Heartworms are disgusting little foot - long worms (parasites) that live in your dog's heart, wreaking havoc on his heart, blood vessels, and lungs if he gets infected.
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