Sentences with phrase «on blood vessels often»

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So it causes the blood vessels to constrict so there's no blood flow to the nipple often times the nipple would be bleached white and then all of a sudden the blood goes right back into the nipple and it turns like a purple kind of being (inaudible) parents say if you sit on your foot and your foot goes to sleep and then all of a sudden you get the pins and needles.
Because people take a lot of it - and often take it with other drugs such as ketamine - it can also cause blood vessels to narrow and bring on a cardiac arrest.»
The multiplication of cancer cells depends on an adequate supply of oxygen, and in order to obtain this supply of oxygen, cancer cell growth is often accompanied by the formation of new blood vessels (through a process called angiogenesis).
Diagnosis of blood vessel disease is difficult and often relies on finding tumors in other parts of the body.
Pimobendan also opens the blood vessels which return blood to the heart, reducing pressure on the heart Often used in conjunction with other drugs Reasons for prescribing:
With chronic or long - standing distichiasis, the dog will often develop corneal scarring (white areas on the cornea), hyperpigmentation (dark areas on the cornea), or corneal neovascularization (abnormal formation of blood vessels across the surface of the cornea).
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