Sentences with phrase «on body weight»

The initial insulin dose is calculated based on the body weight of your dog.
However, keep in mind that this study went on for 3 months, so the true effects on body weight seem to be rather modest.
Today I will be focusing on body weight exercises for the back and biceps.
The amount of protein and carbs you require each day depends on your body weight and the intensity and duration of your runs.
I've never lifted weights consistently in the past and mainly focused on the body weight exercises, so it was a whole new experience for me.
Objective: To examine the effects of a low - carbohydrate diet compared with a low - fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors.
Here's a split I've been using (based on body weight training) but you can certainly feel free to come up with your own.
The amount of carbs you eat daily has a major impact on your body weight as well as on your physical performance.
The majority of the studies found no significant effects of low - calorie sweeteners on body weight.
A secondary objective was to determine whether there are differential effects between protein sources on body weight and composition in a longer term intervention.
I hope this gives you some ideas on body weight exercises that you can incorporate into your exercise program.
Over the years I have relied heavily on body weight exercises.
This is more accurate than calculating calorie needs based on body weight alone.
If this effect were to persist over the long term, it could have a dramatic influence on body weight over a period of several years.
When you get strong enough you can even use a dip belt to really stack on body weight once you own weight feels too light!
The effects of sleep deprivation on body weight appear to vary according to gender and ethnicity, too.
I am working on a body weight exercise resource page that will include many, many other body weight experts for you to check out and learn from.
Therefore, the only variables acting on body weight are muscle mass and body fat, and the many different factors associated with the two, such as illness, diet, and exercise.
A few human clinical trials have examined the effects of pulse «extracts» taken as a dietary supplement on body weight and related parameters.
These may have different effects on body weight and health.
The amount in your body depends on your body weight and mostly on your muscle mass.
The number of sprays is based on the body weight of your dog.
A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie - restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women.
Are you going to focus on body weight exercises, or other areas too?
I learned from this to focus on the body weight exercises.
Nutritional experiences in early life can have profound and long - lasting effects on body weight in later life.
«The changes induced by Lsd1 ablation have secondary effects on body weight gain and glucose tolerance with aging,» explains Prof. Schuele.
The authors of the study investigated the impact of reducing nicotine doses on body weight, and results revealed that reduction of nicotine dose from a large self - administered dose to very low doses resulted in substantial weight gain.
A 52 - week pilot study of the effects of exenatide on body weight in patients with hypothalamic obesity.
Reoccurring review (no abstract available): Letter to the Editor: Influence of Intestinal Microbiota on Body Weight Gain: a Narrative Review of the Literature — Andre Alonso Taco - Masias and Augusto Rafael Fernandez - Aristi — Obesity Surgery
The Journal of Nutrition 146, no. 2 (2016): 306 - 317; Thompson, S. V., et al. «Effects of isolated soluble fiber supplementation on body weight, glycemia, and insulinemia in adults with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta - analysis of randomized controlled trials.»
I usually jump on my body weight strength training days 3 times a week and do low mpact steady state cardio the other 4 days.
Green tea catechin plus caffeine supplementation to a high - protein diet has no additional effect on body weight maintenance after weight loss
«To date, quite a few researchers have investigated the effects of probiotics on body weight and BMI, without a consistent result,» lead author Qingqing Zhang notes.
Anyway, I would try to focus more on body weight training for BBG and increase your power walking:) xx
So in order to switch the body out of glucose burning mode into fat burning mode — you need to be on a diet high in veggies, moderate amounts of fat, low carbs, low sugar, with the proper amounts of protein based on body weight with not more than 15g per meal?
Unlike pharmaceutical medications, homeopathic medicines aren't dependent on body weight to be effective and avoid overdoses.
«In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern,» said Dr. Sievenpiper.
Fat soluble vitamins have distinct roles in fetal growth and development and this study's objective was to determine the effects of a high fat soluble vitamin diet during pregnancy on body weight gain, food intake and preference for palatable solutions in male Wistar rat offspring.
The first long - term study on the impact of calorie labeling on body weight shows that when used in universities, calorie labeling can reduce weight gain in students by nearly eight pounds (3.5 kg).
Experimental study of the efficiency of dietressa preparation on body weight reduction in mice feeding high - fat ration.
A 2014 randomized study compared the biological benefits of eating five to six small meals a day versus two larger meals (with the same caloric intake) to determine biological benefit on body weight, hepatic fat content, insulin resistance, and beta cell function.
Random dosing and dosing strengths devised by a generic mathematical equation based on body weight does not guarantee that the dosing is exactly what your body needs; it can also not guarantee that the dosing will not be too high for any individual.
The researchers collected information on body weight and height, physical activity, cigarette smoking, family history of diabetes and multivitamin use.
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