Sentences with phrase «on brain chemistry»

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry under normal conditions.
For example, research earlier this year demonstrated that probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry under normal conditions — in such a way that can impact your feelings of anxiety or depression.
These findings have more serious implications related to other recent work on brain chemistry and cognitive disorders.
In recent years, an explosion of research on brain chemistry has given us entirely different dimensions to explore.
These drugs all have different and in some cases opposite effects on brain chemistry, and yet they all show exactly the same response rate.
While educators have a strong appreciation of the importance of forming relationships with students, helping them develop a deeper knowledge of ACEs and their potential impact on brain chemistry can help create a sense of urgency around implementing trauma - sensitive practices.
A subject in a study of the effects of hallucinogens on brain chemistry recounts her mystical, life - changing experiences under the influence of psilocybin
Despite the inherent difficulties, a number of recent studies have shed light on the brain chemistry of human love.
When our gut flora is unbalanced, it has a direct effect on our brain chemistry via the vagus nerve and can lead to anxiety and depression.
The researchers also showed that regular feeding with the Lactobacillus strain caused changes in the expression of receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA in the mouse brain, which is the first time that it has been demonstrated that potential probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry in normal situations.
However, other researchers — specifically, Dr. Rodney Ford, author of The Gluten Syndrome — have hypothesized that gluten exerts a direct depressive influence on your brain chemistry, independent of malabsorption resulting from intestinal damage.
Dr. Kelly Brogan's groundbreaking book on depression Dr Mark Hyman's book on brain health Kalish book on brain chemistry Our podcast on balancing brain chemistry Eat for brain health
The mood changes in PMS and PMDD are associated with fluctuations in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which can wreak havoc on our brain chemistry.
Then, add other influences like the broad use of technology and its impact on our brain chemistry, our culture's bias toward extroversion, and our propensity for multitasking, and it all makes a pretty compelling case for why meditation is not easy.
Co-author Julia C. Basso, PhD, post-doctoral research fellow, Center for Neural Science at New York University, commented, «The studies presented in this review clearly demonstrate that acute exercise has profound effects on brain chemistry and physiology, which has important implications for cognitive enhancements in healthy populations and symptom remediation in clinical populations.»
Beneficial bacteria have a direct effect on brain chemistry, transmitting mood - and behavior - regulating signals to your brain via your vagus nerve.
Pandey explained that early life exposure to alcohol can have not only long - lasting effects on brain chemistry but also induce a predisposition to psychiatric problems such as alcohol abuse and anxiety disorders.
Probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry, transmitting mood - and behavior - regulating signals to your brain via the vagus nerve, according to the latest research.
Probiotics have a significant effect on brain chemistry, modulating mood - and behavior - regulating signals to your brain via the vagus nerve, according to research
Ketogenic diets are popular in the fitness world, and as one interpretation of the paleo diet, because of their tendency to alter the metabolic state of the body, their impact on brain chemistry, and therefore, how they change the body's method (and specifically — the brain) of deriving its energy.
This is the first time that it has been demonstrated that potential probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry — it is something that defintely warrants more research.
You can at least be forgiven for this very human response; renowned neuroscientist Helen Fisher told us last year that falling in love and cocaine both have a similar effect on your brain chemistry.
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