Sentences with phrase «on cell structures»

The Royal 7's are reviewing for a quiz on cell structures, and refer to index cards on which they have listed the terms they must know.

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Based on a 3D image such as an MRI scan, Aspect's machine builds relatively complex organic structures out of a «hydrogel» embedded within cells taken from the body and grown in a cell culture.
Commenting on Whitehead's doctrine of structured societies at the cellular level, John Cobb remarks: «Whitehead at that point was forced to explain the order in the cell in terms of its molecular structure, to which spontaneity was denied, and to explain the life of the cell in terms of the events in its empty space, which he depicted as radically unordered.
In the clearest possible case, the ANT - OAR cell would differ from a zygote on all of the parameters noted above: The ANT - OAR cell would have a pattern of gene expression that is clearly distinct from a zygote; it would generate a homogeneous population of cells rather than multiple cell types; it would undergo simple cleavage divisions and not produce any multicellular structures.
Recombinant DNA research has been done primarily on bacteria, one - celled organisms smaller than animal or plant cells and simpler in structure, yet capable of very complex chemical activity.
In various experiments with various conditions, scientists have been able to create a wide range of cell - like structures of increasing complexity on the road toward a simple self - replicating organism.
The human body has about 1,000 kinds of such receptors, structures on the surface of cells, which let the body respond to a wide variety of chemical signals, like adrenaline.
New research on bacteria examines exactly how these primitive cells could have evolved without such crucial structures.
There is a bone structure on which the cells hang and interrelate.
Just as the structure of our cells doesn't change with our diet, the milk our bodies produce doesn't change depending on our nutrition.
She wrote her dissertation on pollen sterility in petunias, but she also studied cell structure, which led her back to animals and a postdoc at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California, where she studied a protein on the ends of actin filaments.
Then the researchers doused dengue - spreading mosquitoes with a chemical that shuts down the mosquitoes» ability to detect CO2 by blocking a receptor called neuron — cpA, a type of sensory cell found on a small pair of antennalike structures near the mouth called the maxillary palps.
Combing the genetic data from a transmission study in ferrets, a team led by Thomas Friedrich, a professor of pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, found that during transmission, when one animal is infected by another through sneezing or coughing, the process of natural selection acts strongly on hemagglutinin, the structure the virus uses to attach to and infect host cells.
AS A species made up of eukaryotic cells complete with mitochondria, nuclei and other complex structures, it's easy for us Homo sapiens to look down on the far simpler prokaryotes, the cells of which lack such structures.
Stuart Hameroff, an anesthesiologist who has spent many years studying brain functions, has collaborated with renowned Oxford University polymath Roger Penrose on a model that explains consciousness as the result of quantum processes occurring in tiny structures called microtubules in brain cells.
Schematic illustration of cells (blue mountain - like shapes) on top of nanoscale mushroom - like structures with silicone dioxide stems and gold caps, which have the potential to detect cell proliferation in real - time.
But it's only because it's on the microscopic level that this structure can overcome the problem of maintenance: the molecules that control the wheel and axle reach it by diffusing through the cell's cytoplasm.
However, there doesn't seem to be any such surface structure on the cells of vertebrates.
The fungal toxin binds to specific sugar structures which occur on the surface of intestinal cells of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
After gaining a degree in molecular sciences from Wageningen University in 1991, he left the Netherlands to do his PhD on the structure of membrane protein at the Cell and Molecular Biosciences division of the University of Newcastle's medical school.
The centre will be structured around six technical platforms focusing on zebrafish transgenesis and micromanipulation, bioimaging, mouse transgenesis, flow cytometry, stem cell culture, and gene - expression analysis.
In order to find out how and why ovarian cancer cells grow and take on such lethal characteristics, Dr. Shepherd and his team grow the cancer cells in 3D structures, called «spheroids» — the same way the cancer cells grow in patients.
«We now have a handle on the detailed structure of a complex web of interactions that causes global dysfunction in cells resulting in degeneration of the brain.»
The sugars that attach to cell - surface proteins and lipids often take on elaborate structures.
We now know, however, that how cells move depends on the structure of the environment in which they are moving.
Their analysis focused on the substantia nigra, a brain structure where Parkinson's disease kills neurons that use the chemical dopamine to communicate with other cells.
In order to function in the body, printed tissues need complex internal structures populated with living cells, or, in some cases, layers of cells on scaffolds.
«Synthesizing fatty acids is important for myeloma cells to build vital structures, including cell membranes, that enable them to keep on growing,» Medina said.
That allows the printer to build in tiny cell wall — like structures on each scale that prevent fractures and other common problems.
Building from two subunits, alpha and beta tubulin, this protein assembles into microtubules that play a vital role inside cells — giving structure, pushing or pulling other things around, or providing a track on which other molecules can pull themselves along.
Researchers studied the structure of proteins from one strain of the H7N9 virus that caused the outbreak and tested how strongly one of the proteins bound to molecules on the surfaces of bird and human cells.
Using the new methods of micromachining, which borrow technology for making computer chips to carve out and build up microscopic structures on silicon wafers, Peter Gammel and his colleagues at Bell Labs / Lucent Technologies reduced three of the critical devices of a cell phone to Lilliputian size that will allow all the components of a phone to be constructed on a single chip.
Matteo Boretto, the first author on this study, commented that «we were very excited to see that we could not only robustly grow and amplify endometrial tissue in a dish, but that the tiny structures were also able to reproduce normal responses of the endometrium to hormones: oestrogen makes the tissue thicken, progesterone then induces maturation including folding (see picture), and subsequent removal of both hormones mimics the cell shedding of the menstrual period.»
Other vital structures, the axons and dendrites — known collectively as neurites — that project from the nerve cells and send and receive messages are dependent on this neural transport network.
Bode believes these sugars, because they are indigestible, journey intact to the colon, where their structure mimics molecules on the surface of gut epithelial cells.
In 1963, the couple moved to NYU to work as immunology research fellows in the lab of Baruj Benacerraf (who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1980 for his work on the role of genetically determined, cell - surface structures in the regulation of immune reactions).
By monitoring stem cell differentiation on gels that mimic the stiffness and nanofibrous structure of biological tissue, researchers have identified the specific molecules that stem cells use when selecting bone and cartilage fates.
The teams are currently working on the fabrication of 3D structures from the blend suitable for implantation in patient joints with future studies focusing on understanding the peculiar interactions between the blend and stem cells towards refining the quality of regenerated cartilage.
A balancing act between forces forms similar structures inside cells and dense stellar corpses, suggesting links between astrophysics and life on Earth
Focusing on DNA from chloroplasts and mitochondria — energy - producing structures in cells that have their own genomes — the researchers produced 49,000 genetic sequences.
The egg's very structure, its scaffolding of proteins that guide the chromosomes during cell division, may also play a key role in turning on the necessary genes.
They found that TRIM25 appears to swiftly recognize the unique structure of vRNPs and clamps down on them to keep them from replicating inside the cell.
AFM didn't catch the details of microvilli and other structures on the cell surface.
In further tests, he and his colleagues designed a mutated version of the botulism compound, based on the novel crystal structure, in which HA would not bind with the epithelial cell protein E-cadherin.
The ability to automate morphology assays on 3D cell cultures is a powerful tool, but some scientists are now pushing the technology even further, with algorithms that can classify structures in living animals and clinical specimens.
The researchers chose to focus on the cell - division machinery, studying the meiotic spindle, the structure composed of microtubules that attaches to chromosomes, pulling them to opposite sides of a cell before it divides.
And I think we've got to lay out this basic structure of the system so that we know how many genes are turned on in each cell and how the components work.
Measuring changes in a voltage bias applied to the saline reveals how close the capillary tube is to the cell, allowing researchers to scan subtle structures on the cell surface without disrupting them.
I found that culturing cardiac valve cells on synthetic hydrogels preserves their normal properties better than the traditional plastic plates do, and I discovered a signaling pathway connecting the stiffness of the supporting scaffold to the cells» cytoskeletal structure.
Chemical analysis showed that its structure resembled that of a protein found on T cells.
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