Sentences with phrase «on centennial timescales»

I think its safe to say (broadly speaking) that modelled climate change, on centennial timescales, can only occur witth a change of forcing.
The Earth's climate system includes chaotic elements that play an important role on some timescales, but are dominated by non-chaotic aspects of CO2 - mediated forcing on centennial timescales.
On the centennial timescale, there was a +70 cm high level in the 16th and 17th centuries, a -50 cm low in the 18th century and a stability (with some oscillations) in the 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries.

Not exact matches

My interpretation of this is that you are saying that if we want to get an understanding of temperature trends on centennial or millenial timescales, we should wilfully ignore the higher - precision instrumental record in favour of the lower - precision proxies.
[Response: Despite the evidence for rapid regional climate changes during certain past transitional periods (e.g. the Younger Dryas), there is no evidence that global mean temperature changes of the amplitude seen in the past century have occured on centennial or shorter timescales in the past.
Muir L., and A. V. Fedorov, 2014: How the AMOC affects ocean temperatures on decadal to centennial timescales: the North Atlantic versus an interhemispheric seesaw.
Of the ones you mention, CO2 is currently the biggest on multidecadal to centennial timescales.
Superimposed on this trend are apparent dry — wet oscillations at centennial to millennial timescales most likely in response to solar activity.»
-- Hewitt et al., 2016 «Many northern hemisphere climate records, particularly those from around the North Atlantic, show a series of rapid climate changes that recurred on centennial to millennial timescales throughout most of the last glacial period.
... this is a process on decadal and centennial timescale... < > temperatures increased for 300 years since the LIA (17.
After all, the sun's variability appears to track rather closely with climate on millennial, centennial, and decadal timescales.
this is a process on decadal and centennial timescale.....
Explore the mechanisms associated with AMOC variability on centennial - to - millennial timescales, and evaluate the realism of GCMs on these timescales relative to available paleo proxy data, perhaps using proxy - enabled coupled climate models.
Proxy - based indicators of past climate change show that current global climate models systematically underestimate Holocene - epoch climate variability on centennial to multi-millennial timescales, with the mismatch increasing for longer periods1, 2,3,4,5.
Panel c shows the difference on multi-decadal (dark grey) and centennial (light grey) timescales between the two reconstructions (expressed as an in - between fill of the curves), with the «multi-proxy» reconstruction showing on average 0.2 °C lower temperature estimates
The late - twentieth century, however, is not exceptionally warm in the new record: On decadal - to - centennial timescales, periods around ad 750, 1000, 1400, and 1750 were equally warm, or warmer.
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